Scientific Publications

Displaying 1 - 100 of 422. Search by year, publication type, or topic. When you choose a topic, specific subtopics can also be searched.


Quantum system design and engineering for quantum sensing
Essay: Quantum Sensing with Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Platforms for Fundamental Physics
Ye J., and P. Zoller, Physical Review Letters 132, 190001 (2024).
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Nature Physics Cover on ultracold molecules
Quantum state manipulation and cooling of ultracold molecules
Langen T., G. Valtolina, D. Wang, and J. Ye, Nature Physics 20, 702 (2024).
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A moving lattice into an optical cavity for spin squeezed clock
Direct comparison of two spin-squeezed optical clock ensembles at the 10^{−17} level
Robinson J.M., M. Miklos, Y.M. Tso, C.J. Kennedy, T. Bothwell, D. Kedar, J.K. Thompson, and J. Ye, Nature Physics 20, 208–213 (2024).
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Collective interactions among radiative dipoles of the Sr clock transition
Observation of millihertz-level cooperative Lamb shifts in an optical atomic clock
Hutson R.B., W. Milner, L. Yan, J. Ye, and C. Sanner, Science 383, 384-387 (2024).
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Triplet spectrum generated by an AOM for PDH servo
Synthetic FM triplet for AM-free precision laser stabilization and spectroscopy
Kedar D., Z. Yao, I. Ryger, J.L. Hall, and J. Ye, Optica 11, 58 (2024).
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Coherent evolution of superexchange interaction in seconds long optical clock spectroscopy
Milner W., S. Lannig, M. Mamaev, L. Yan, A. Chu, B. Lewis, M. Frankel, R.B. Hutson, A.M. Rey, and J. Ye, Submitted (2024).
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Multi-qubit gates and Schrödinger cat states in an optical clock
Cao A., W. Eckner, T. Yelin, A. Young, S. Jandura, L. Yan, K. Kim, G. Pupillo, J. Ye, N.D. Oppong, and A.M. Kaufman, Submitted (2024).
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Ultrastable lasers: investigations of crystalline mirrors and closed cycle cooling at 124 K
Ma C. . Y., J. Yu, T. Legero, S. Herbers, D. Nicolodi, M. Kempkes, F. Riehle, D. Kedar, J.M. Robinson, J. Ye, and U. Sterr, Submitted (2024).
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Observation of Generalized t-J Spin Dynamics with Tunable Dipolar Interactions
Carroll A.N., H. Hirzler, C. Miller, D. Wellnitz, S.R. Muleady, J. Lin, K. Zamarski, R.R.W. Wang, J.L. Bohn, A.M. Rey, and J. Ye, Submitted (2024).
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Two-axis twisting using Floquet-engineered XYZ spin models with polar molecules
Miller C., A.N. Carroll, J. Lin, H. Hirzler, H. Gao, H. Zhou, M.D. Lukin, and J. Ye, Nature, In Press (2024).
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Exploring the interplay between mass-energy equivalence, interactions and entanglement in an optical lattice clock
Chu A., V. Martínez-Lahuerta, M. Miklos, K. Kim, P. Zoller, K. Hammerer, J. Ye, and A.M. Rey, Submitted (2024).
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Modulated Ringdown Comb Interferometry for next-generation high complexity trace gas sensing
Liang Q., A. Bisht, A. Scheck, P. Schunemann, and J. Ye, Submitted (2024).
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Dawn of a nuclear clock: frequency ratio of the 229m Th isomeric transition and the $^87$Sr atomic clock
Zhang C., T. Ooi, J.S. Higgins, J. Doyle, L. von der Wense, K. Beeks, A. Leitner, G. Kazakov, P. Li, P. Thirolf, and T. Schumm, Nature, In Press (2024).
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Coating noise
Excess Noise and Photoinduced Effects in Highly Reflective Crystalline Mirror Coatings
Yu J., S. Hafner, T. Legero, S. Herbers, D. Nicolodi, C.Y. Ma, F. Riehle, U. Sterr, D. Kedar, J. Robinson, and E. Oelker, Physical Review X 13, 041002 (2023).
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Rapidly rotating C60 molecule
Ergodicity breaking in rapidly rotating C60 fullerenes
Liu L.R., D. Rosenberg, B. Changala, P.J.D. Crowley, D.J. Nesbitt, N.Y. Yao, T.V. Tscherbul, and J. Ye, Science 381, 778-783 (2023).
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Fermionic Hardware
Fermionic quantum processing with programmable neutral atom arrays
González-Cuadra D., D. Bluvstein, M. Kalinowski, R. Kaubruegger, N. Maskara, P. Naldesi, T. Zache, A.M. Kaufman, M. Lukin, H. Pichler, and B. Vermersch, Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences 120, e2304294120 (2023).
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Tweezer array
Realizing spin squeezing with Rydberg interactions in an optical clock
Eckner W., D. Oppong, A. Cao, A. Young, W. Milner, J. Robinson, J. Ye, and A.M. Kaufman, Nature 621, 734 (2023).
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Cover of Science July 7 2023
An improved bound on the electron s electric dipole moment
Roussy T.S., L. Caldwell, T. Wright, W. Cairncross, Y. Shagam, K.B. Ng, N. Schlossberger, S.Y. Park, A. Wang, J. Ye, and E.A. Cornell, Science 381, 46-50 (2023).
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Systematic and statistical uncertainty evaluation of the HfF+ electron electric dipole moment experiment
Caldwell L., T.S. Roussy, T. Wright, W.B. Cairncross, Y. Shagam, K.B. Ng, N. Schlossberger, S.Y. Park, A. Wang, J. Ye, and E.A. Cornell, Physical Review A 108, 012804 (2023).
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Atomic distribution
High-fidelity imaging of a band insulator in a three-dimensional optical lattice clock
Milner W., L. Yan, R.B. Hutson, C. Sanner, and J. Ye, Physical Review A 107, 063313 (2023).
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Sub-Doppler cooling and magneto-optical trapping of YO molecules
Blue-Detuned Magneto-optical Trap of Molecules
Burau J.J., P. Aggarwal, K. Mehling, and J. Ye, Physical Review Letters 130, 193401 (2023).
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Breath analysis via comb and machine learning
Breath analysis by ultra-sensitive broadband laser spectroscopy detects SARS-CoV-2 infection
Liang Q., Y.-C. Chan, J. Toscano, K.K. Bjorkman, L.A. Leinwand, R. Parker, E.S. Nozik, D.J. Nesbitt, and J. Ye, Journal Of Breath Research 17, 036001 (2023).
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6 cm cryogenic silicon cavity with GaAs crystalline coatings
Frequency stability of cryogenic silicon cavities with semiconductor crystalline coatings
Kedar D., J. Yu, E. Oelker, A. Staron, W. Milner, J.M. Robinson, T. Legero, F. Riehle, U. Sterr, and J. Ye, Optica 10, 464 (2023).
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Robust Nuclear Spin Entanglement via Dipolar Interactions in Polar Molecules
Tscherbul T.V., J. Ye, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 130, 143002 (2023).
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Wannier-Stark optical lattice clock
Evaluation of Lattice Light Shift at Low 10^{-19} Uncertainty for a Shallow Lattice Sr Optical Clock
Kim K., A. Aeppli, T. Bothwell, and J. Ye, Physical Review Letters 130, 113203 (2023).
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Spin -motion coupling by dipolar interactions
Tunable itinerant spin dynamics with polar molecules
Li J.-R., K. Matsuda, C. Miller, A.N. Carroll, W.G. Tobias, J.S. Higgins, and J. Ye, Nature 614, 70-74 (2023).
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Studying spin physics with moving molecules
Li J.-R., and J. Ye, Nature 614, (2023).
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Substrate-transferred GaAs/AlGaAs crystalline coatings for gravitational-wave detectors
Cole G.D., S.W. Ballmer, G. Billingsley, S.B. Cataño-Lopez, M. Fejer, P. Fritschel, A.M. Gretarsson, G.M. Harry, D. Kedar, T. Legero, and C. Makarem, Applied Physics Letters 122, 110502 (2023).
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Satellite link for optical clocks
Optical atomic clock aboard an Earth-orbiting space station (OACESS): enhancing searches for physics beyond the standard model in space
Schkolnik V., D. Budker, O. Fartmann, V. Flambaum, L. Hollberg, T. Kalaydzhyan, S. Kolkowitz, M. Krutzik, and C. Pyrlik, Quantum Science And Technology 8, 014003 (2023).
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Tuning atomic interactions in a clock
Hamiltonian engineering of spin-orbit coupled fermions in a Wannier-Stark optical lattice clock
Aeppli A., A. Chu, T. Bothwell, C.J. Kennedy, D. Kedar, P. He, A.M. Rey, and J. Ye, Science Advances 8, eadc9242 (2022).
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Tunable VUV frequency comb for 229mTh nuclear spectroscopy
Zhang C., P. Li, J. Jiang, L. von der Wense, J. Doyle, M.E. Fermann, and J. Ye, Optics Letters 47, 5591 (2022).
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C60 molecules undergo optical pumping, collisions, and diffusion
Collision-Induced C60 Rovibrational Relaxation Probed by State-Resolved Nonlinear Spectroscopy
Liu L., B. Changala, M.L. Weichman, Q. Liang, J. Toscano, J. Kłos, S. Kotochigova, D.J. Nesbitt, and J. Ye, Prx Quantum 3, 030332 (2022).
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Tunable spin exchange interactions between selected layers of molecules
Reactions between layer-resolved molecules mediated by dipolar spin exchange
Tobias W., K. Matsuda, J.-R. Li, C. Miller, A. Carroll, T. Bilitewski, A.M. Rey, and J. Ye, Science 375, 1299-1303 (2022).
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Pauli blocking ina clock
Disentangling Pauli Blocking of Atomic Decay from Cooperative Radiation and Atomic Motion in a 2D Fermi Gas
Bilitewski T., A. Piñeiro Orioli, C. Sanner, L. Sonderhouse, R.B. Hutson, L. Yan, W. Milner, J. Ye, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 128, 093001 (2022).
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Spectroscopy on the electron-electric-dipole-moment–sensitive states of ThF +
Ng K.B., Y. Zhou, L. Cheng, N. Schlossberger, S.Y. Park, T.S. Roussy, L. Caldwell, Y. Shagam, A.J. Vigil, E.A. Cornell, and J. Ye, Physical Review A 105, 022823 (2022).
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Editor's Suggestion
Cover of Nature Feb 17 2022
Resolving the gravitational redshift across a millimetre-scale atomic sample
Bothwell T., C. Kennedy, A. Aeppli, D. Kedar, J. Robinson, E. Oelker, A. Staron, and J. Ye, Nature 602, 420 (2022).
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Cover of Nature Feb. 17 2022 -- SEEING RED
Einstein’s general theory of relativity predicts that Earth’s gravity will sufficiently distort space-time so that clocks at different distances from the planet will tick at different rates — an effect called gravitational redshift. In this week’s issue, Tobias Bothwell, Jun Ye and their colleagues demonstrate this effect at a sub-millimetre scale. The researchers use a cloud of ultracold strontium atoms, effectively creating a series of atomic clocks. As illustrated on the cover, the atoms are trapped in pancake-like optical traps and then interrogated by a laser. The team was able to observe a linear change in frequency — the redshift — from one side of the cloud to the other, showing that each atomic clock was ticking at a slightly different rate.
New Horizons: Scalar and Vector Ultralight Dark Matter
Antypas D., A. Banerjee, C. Bartram, J. Baryakhtar, J. Ye, and et. al, Arxiv 2203.14915 (2022).
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PRL Cover - Cooling of YO to record low temperatures
High Phase-Space Density of Laser-Cooled Molecules in an Optical Lattice
Wu Y., J.J. Burau, K. Mehling, J. Ye, and S. Ding, Physical Review Letters 127, 263201 (2021).
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Editor's Suggestion;
Featured in Physics;
Cover, Phys. Rev. Lett. (12/24/2021)
Comb-based breath analysis
Ultrasensitive multispecies spectroscopic breath analysis for real-time health monitoring and diagnostics
Liang Q., Y.-C. Chan, B. Changala, D.J. Nesbitt, J. Ye, and J. Toscano, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 118, e2105063118 (2021).
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Resonant shielding of reactions in 3D
Tuning of dipolar interactions and evaporative cooling in a three-dimensional molecular quantum gas
Li J.-R., W. Tobias, K. Matsuda, C. Miller, G. Valtolina, L. De Marco, R. Wang, L. Lassablière, G. Quéméner, J.L. Bohn, and J. Ye, Nature Physics 17, 1144 (2021).
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Detection and manipulation of the transverse motion of neutral molecules in a Stark decelerator
Wcisło P., H. Wu, D. Reens, A. Aeppli, and J. Ye, Measurement 183, 109888 (2021).
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Imaging of dipolar frequency shift
Dipole-dipole frequency shifts in multilevel atoms
Cidrim A., A. Piñeiro Orioli, C. Sanner, R.B. Hutson, J. Ye, R. Bachelard, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 127, 013401 (2021).
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Floquet Engineering Ultracold Polar Molecules to Simulate Topological Insulators
Schuster T., F. Flicker, M. Li, S. Kotochigova, J.E. Moore, J. Ye, and N.Y. Yao, Physical Review A 103, 063322 (2021).
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Realizing Hopf Insulators in Dipolar Spin Systems
Schuster T., F. Flicker, M. Li, S. Kotochigova, J.E. Moore, J. Ye, and N.Y. Yao, Physical Review Letters 127, 015301 (2021).
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eEDM search for Dark Matter
Experimental Constraint on Axion-like Particle Coupling over Seven Orders of Magnitude in Mass
Roussy T.S., D.A. Palken, W. Cairncross, B.M. Brubaker, D.N. Gresh, M. Grau, K.C. Cossel, K. Ng, Y. Shagam, Y. Zhou, and V.V. Flambaum, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 171301 (2021).
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Interacting dipolar spins
Dynamical generation of spin squeezing in ultra-cold dipolar molecules
Bilitewski T., L. De Marco, J.-R. Li, K. Matsuda, W. Tobias, G. Valtolina, J. Ye, and A.M. Rey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 113401 (2021).
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Frequency comparisons of three optical atomic clocks
Frequency ratio measurements at 18-digit accuracy using an optical clock network
Beloy K., M.I. Bodine, T. Bothwell, S.M. Brewer, S.L. Bromley, J.-S. Chen, J.-D. Deschênes, S.A. Diddams, R.J. Fasano, T.M. Fortier, and Y.S. Hassan, Nature 591, 564-569 (2021).
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Quantum Simulators: Architectures and Opportunities
Altman E., K.R. Brown, G. Carleo, L.D. Carr, E. Demler, C. Chin, B. DeMarco, S.E. Economou, M.A. Eriksson, K.-M.C. Fu, and M. Greiner, Prx Quantum 2, 017003 (2021).
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Measurement of the 27Al+ and 87Sr absolute optical frequencies
Leopardi H., K. Beloy, T. Bothwell, S. Brewer, S. Bromley, J.-S. Chen, S.A. Diddams, R. Fasano, Y. Hassan, D. Hume, and D. Kedar, Metrologia 58, 015017 (2021).
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XUV comb generation
Extreme-ultraviolet frequency combs for precision metrology and attosecond science
Pupeza I., C. Zhang, M. Högner, and J. Ye, Nature Photonics 15, 175-186 (2021).
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Thermal noise and mechanical loss of SiO2/Ta2O5 optical coatings at cryogenic temperatures
Robinson J.M., E. Oelker, W. Milner, D. Kedar, W. Zhang, T. Legero, D.G. Matei, S. Hafner, F. Riehle, U. Sterr, and J. Ye, Optics Letters 46, 592 (2021).
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Polarized molecules in 2D
Dipolar evaporation of reactive molecules to below the Fermi temperature
Valtolina G., K. Matsuda, W. Tobias, J.-R. Li, L. De Marco, and J. Ye, Nature 588, 239 (2020).
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Molecules collide in 2D "pancakes"
Resonant collisional shielding of reactive molecules using electric fields
Matsuda K., L. De Marco, J.-R. Li, W. Tobias, G. Valtolina, G. Quéméner, and J. Ye, Science 370, 1324 (2020).
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Sr atoms in optical tweezers
Half-minute-scale atomic coherence and high relative stability in a tweezer clock
Young A., W. Eckner, W. Milner, D. Kedar, M.A. Norcia, E. Oelker, N. Schine, J. Ye, and A.M. Kaufman, Nature 588, 408-413 (2020).
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Search for ultralight dark matter with atomic clock
Precision Metrology Meets Cosmology: Improved Constraints on Ultralight Dark Matter from Atom-Cavity Frequency Comparisons
Kennedy C., E. Oelker, J.M. Robinson, T. Bothwell, D. Kedar, W. Milner, E. Marti, A. Derevianko, and J. Ye, Physical Review Letters 125, 201302 (2020).
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Editors' Suggestion; Featured in Physics
Observation of Efimov Universality across a Nonuniversal Feshbach Resonance in K39
Xie X., M.J. Van de Graaff, R. Chapurin, M.D. Frye, J.M. Hutson, J.P. D’Incao, P.S. Julienne, J. Ye, and E.A. Cornell, Physical Review Letters 125, 243401 (2020).
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NAS Decadal Survey Cover
Manipulating Quantum Systems: An Assessment of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics in the United States (2020)
Ye J., N. Mavalvala, R. Beausoleil, P. Dehmer, L. Dimauro, M. Gaarde, S. Girvin, C. Greene, T. Ha, M. Kasevich, and M. Lipson, Manipulating Quantum Systems: An Assessment Of Atomic, Molecular, And Optical Physics In The United States (2020) (National Academy of Sciences, Washington Dc, 2020), p. 314.
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Optical Atomic Clock Comparison through Turbulent Air
Bodine M., J.-D. Deschênes, I. Khader, W. Swann, H. Leopardi, K. Beloy, T. Bothwell, S. Brewer, S. Bromley, J.-S. Chen, and S.A. Diddams, Physical Review Research 2, 033395 (2020).
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SU(N) symmetric interactions
Thermodynamics of a deeply degenerate SU(N)-symmetric Fermi gas
Sonderhouse L., C. Sanner, R.B. Hutson, A. Goban, T. Bilitewski, L. Yan, W. Milner, A.M. Rey, and J. Ye, Nature Physics 16, 1216 (2020).
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Quantum Many-Body Physics with Ultracold Polar Molecules: Nanostructured Potential Barriers and Interactions
Kruckenhauser A., L.M. Sieberer, W. Tobias, K. Matsuda, L. De Marco, J.-R. Li, G. Valtolina, A.M. Rey, J. Ye, M.A. Baranov, and P. Zoller, Physical Review A 102, 023320 (2020).
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XUV harmonics from the noncolinear cavity.
Noncollinear Enhancement Cavity for Record-High Out-Coupling Efficiency of an Extreme-UV Frequency Comb
Zhang C., S.B. Schoun, C.M. Heyl, G. Porat, M. Gaarde, and J. Ye, Physical Review Letters 125, 093902 (2020).
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The development of a novel femtosecond enhancement cavity geometry: the XUV light is generated by two colliding pulses in a crossed beam configuration in a noncollinear enhancement cavity. This dramatically improves out-coupling efficiency of the high repetition rate XUV light from the cavity.
Phase space fillings.
Beyond the Limits of Conventional Stark Deceleration
Reens D., H. Wu, A. Aeppli, A. McAuliffe, P. Wcisło, T. Langen, and J. Ye, Physical Review Research 2, 033095 (2020).
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YO in Gray molasses.
Sub-Doppler Cooling and Compressed Trapping of YO Molecules at uK Temperatures
Ding S., Y. Wu, I.A. Finneran, J. Burau, and J. Ye, Physical Review X 10, 021049 (2020).
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Fast Apparent Oscillations of Fundamental Constants
Antypas D., D. Budker, V.V. Flambaum, M. Kozlov, G. Perez, and J. Ye, Annalen Der Physik 532, 1900566 (2020).
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State-dependent imaging.
Second-Scale Coherence Measured at the Quantum Projection Noise Limit with Hundreds of Molecular Ions
Zhou Y., Y. Shagam, W. Cairncross, K. Ng, T.S. Roussy, T. Grogan, K. Boyce, A. Vigil, M. Pettine, T. Zelevinsky, and J. Ye, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 053201 (2020).
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Continuous temporal ion detection combined with time-gated imaging: Normalization over a large dynamic range
Shagam Y., W. Cairncross, T.S. Roussy, Y. Zhou, K. Ng, D.N. Gresh, T. Grogan, J. Ye, and E.A. Cornell, Journal Of Molecular Spectroscopy 368, 111257 (2020).
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Thermalization between atoms and molecules.
Thermalization and Sub-Poissonian Density Fluctuations in a Degenerate Molecular Fermi Gas
Tobias W., K. Matsuda, G. Valtolina, L. De Marco, J.-R. Li, and J. Ye, Physical Review Letters 124, 033401 (2020).
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Featured in Physics


Limits to 3-body universality.
Precision Test of the Limits to Universality in Few-Body Physics
Chapurin R., X. Xie, M.J. Van de Graaff, J. Popowski, J.P. D'Incao, P.S. Julienne, J. Ye, and E.A. Cornell, Physical Review Letters 123, 233402 (2019).
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Variational Spin-Squeezing Algorithms on Programmable Quantum Sensors
Kaubruegger R., P. Silvi, C. Kokail, R. van Bijnen, A.M. Rey, J. Ye, A.M. Kaufman, and P. Zoller, Physical Review Letters 123, 260505 (2019).
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Engineering spin squeezing in a 3D optical lattice with interacting spin-orbit-coupled fermions
He P., M. Perlin, S.R. Muleady, R.J. Lewis-Swan, R.B. Hutson, J. Ye, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Research 1, 033075 (2019).
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SAGE: A proposal for a space atomic gravity explorer
Tino G., A. Bassi, G. Bianco, K. Bongs, P. Bouyer, L. Cacciapuoti, S. Capozziello, X. Chen, M. Chiofalo, A. Derevianko, and W. Ertmer, The European Physical Journal D 73, 228 (2019).
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A Sr tweezer array.
Seconds-scale coherence on an optical clock transition in a tweezer array
Norcia M., A. Young, W. Eckner, E. Oelker, J. Ye, and A.M. Kaufman, Science 366, eaay0644 (2019).
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Accurate Evaluation of Lattice Stark Shift.
JILA SrI optical lattice clock with uncertainty of 2.0 x 10^-18
Bothwell T., D. Kedar, E. Oelker, J. Robinson, S. Bromley, W. Tew, J. Ye, and C. Kennedy, Metrologia 56, 065004 (2019).
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Optical time scale
Demonstration of a Timescale Based on a Stable Optical Carrier
Milner W., J.M. Robinson, C.J. Kennedy, T. Bothwell, D. Kedar, D.G. Matei, T. Legero, U. Sterr, F. Riehle, H. Leopardi, and T.M. Fortier, Physical Review Letters 123, 173201 (2019).
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Physical Review Letters Editors' Suggestions
Featured in Physics Viewpoint
Accordian lattice.
Engineering Quantum States of Matter for Atomic Clocks in Shallow Optical Lattices
Hutson R.B., A. Goban, E. Marti, L. Sonderhouse, C. Sanner, and J. Ye, Physical Review Letters 123, 123401 (2019).
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Record stability for atomic clocks.
Demonstration of 4.8 x 10^(-17) stability at 1s for two independent optical clocks
Oelker E., R.B. Hutson, C. Kennedy, L. Sonderhouse, T. Bothwell, A. Goban, D. Kedar, C. Sanner, J.M. Robinson, E. Marti, and D.-G. Matei, Nature Photonics 13, 714–719 (2019).
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Atoms and molecules in the search for time-reversal symmetry violation
Cairncross W., and J. Ye, Nature Reviews Physics 1, 510-521 (2019).
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Visible and ultraviolet laser spectroscopy of ThF
Zhou Y., K. Ng, L. Cheng, D.N. Gresh, R.W. Field, J. Ye, and E.A. Cornell, Journal Of Molecular Spectroscopy 358, 1-16 (2019).
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Cluster State Generation with Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermionic Atoms in Optical Lattices
Mamaev M., R. Blatt, J. Ye, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 122, 160402 (2019).
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Comb-resolved spectroscopy with immersion grating in long-wave infrared
Iwakuni K., T. Bui, J. Niedermeyer, T. Sukegawa, and J. Ye, Opt. Express 27, 1911-1921 (2019).
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Science magazine cover image.
A degenerate Fermi gas of polar molecules
De Marco L., G. Valtolina, K. Matsuda, W. Tobias, J.P. Covey, and J. Ye, Science 363, 853 (2019).
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Publication image.
Coherent light brightens the quantum science frontier
Murnane M., and J. Ye, Physics Today 72, 48-49 (2019).
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Publication image.
Rovibrational quantum state resolution of the C60 fullerene
Changala B., M.L. Weichman, K.F. Lee, M.E. Fermann, and J. Ye, Science 363, 49-54 (2019).
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Crystalline optical cavity at 4 K with thermal-noise-limited instability and ultralow drift
Robinson J.M., E. Oelker, W. Milner, W. Zhang, T. Legero, D.-G. Matei, F. Riehle, U. Sterr, and J. Ye, Optica 6, 240 (2019).
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Broadband molecular spectroscopy with optical frequency combs
Weichman M.L., B. Changala, J. Ye, Z. Chen, M. Yan, and N. Picqué, Journal Of Molecular Spectroscopy 355, 66-78 (2019).
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MOT scientific figure.
3D Magneto-Optical Trap of Yttrium Monoxide
Collopy A., S. Ding, Y. Wu, I.A. Finneran, L. Anderegg, B.L. Augenbraun, J. Doyle, and J. Ye, Physical Review Letters 121, 213201 (2018).
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Publication image.
Phase-matched extreme-ultraviolet frequency-comb generation
Porat G., C.M. Heyl, S.B. Schoun, C. Benko, N. Dörre, K.L. Corwin, and J. Ye, Nature Photonics 12, 387-391 (2018).
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Cover of Molecular Physics.
Spectral analyses of trans- and cis-DOCO transients via comb spectroscopy
Bui T., B. Changala, B.J. Bjork, Q. Yu, Y. Wang, J.F. Stanton, J. Bowman, and J. Ye, Molecular Physics 1-8 (2018).
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Frequency Measurements of Superradiance from the Strontium Clock Transition
Norcia M.A., K. Cline, J.A. Muniz, J.M. Robinson, R.B. Hutson, A. Goban, E. Marti, J. Ye, and J.K. Thompson, Physical Review X 8, 021036 (2018).
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Phase-stabilized 100 mW frequency comb near 10 μm
Iwakuni K., G. Porat, T.Q. Bui, B.J. Bjork, S.B. Schoun, O.H. Heckl, M.E. Fermann, and J. Ye, Applied Physics B 124, 1289 (2018).
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Two Clock Transitions in Neutral Yb for the Highest Sensitivity to Variations of the Fine-Structure Constant
Safronova M.S., S.G. Porsev, C. Sanner, and J. Ye, Physical Review Letters 120, 173001 (2018).
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An approach to spin-resolved molecular gas microscopy
Covey J.P., L. De Marco, O.L. Acevedo, A.M. Rey, and J. Ye, New Journal Of Physics 20, 043031 (2018).
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Sr clock Rmasey spectroscopy via imaging.
Imaging Optical Frequencies with 100 μHz Precision and 1.1 μm Resolution
Marti E., R.B. Hutson, A. Goban, S.L. Campbell, N. Poli, and J. Ye, Physical Review Letters 120, 103201 (2018).
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Dynamics of interacting fermions under spin-orbit coupling in an optical lattice clock
Bromley S., S. Kolkowitz, T. Bothwell, D. Kedar, A. Safavi-Naini, M.L. Wall, C. Salomon, A.M. Rey, and J. Ye, Nature Physics 14, 399–404 (2018).
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Direct measurements of DOCO isomers in the kinetics of OD + CO
Bui T., B.J. Bjork, B. Changala, T.L. Nguyen, J.F. Stanton, M. Okumura, and J. Ye, Science Advances 4, eaao4777 (2018).
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Enhancing radical molecular beams by skimmer cooling
Wu H., D. Reens, T. Langen, Y. Shagam, D. Fontecha, and J. Ye, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20, 11615-11621 (2018).
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A nozzle for high-density supersonic gas jets at elevated temperatures
Heyl C.M., S.B. Schoun, G. Porat, H. Green, and J. Ye, Review Of Scientific Instruments 89, 113114 (2018).
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