Displaying 1 - 52 of 52
Advancing optical lattice clocks: From cryogenic silicon cavities to superexchange interactions
1 W.. Milner, Advancing Optical Lattice Clocks: From Cryogenic Silicon Cavities to Superexchange Interactions, University of Colorado, 2024.
Stray Fields and The Electron’s Electric Dipole Moment
1 T.H. Wright, Stray Fields and The Electron’s Electric Dipole Moment, University of Colorado Boulder, 2024.
The ThF+ eEDM experiment: concept, design, and characterization
1 K.B. Ng, The ThF+ EEDM Experiment: Concept, Design, and Characterization, University of Colorado Boulder, 2023.
An Apparatus for Measuring the Electron’s Electric Dipole Moment in Trapped ThF+
1 N.. Schlossberger, An Apparatus for Measuring the Electron’s Electric Dipole Moment in Trapped ThF+, University of Colorado Boulder, 2023.
Enhancing optical clocks with ultrastable lasers and spin-squeezing
1 J.M. Robinson, Enhancing Optical Clocks With Ultrastable Lasers and Spin-Squeezing, University of Colorado, 2023.
A fully crystalline cryogenic reference cavity
1 D.. Kedar, A Fully Crystalline Cryogenic Reference Cavity, University of Colorado Boulder, 2023.
Tunable dipolar interactions and collisional shielding in a quantum gas of polar molecules
1 K.. Matsuda, Tunable Dipolar Interactions and Collisional Shielding in a Quantum Gas of Polar Molecules, University of Colorado Boulder, 2022.
Degenerate Polar Molecules with Controlled Interactions and Reactivity
1 W.G. Tobias, Degenerate Polar Molecules With Controlled Interactions and Reactivity, University of Colorado Boulder, 2022.
A Wannier-Stark Optical Lattice Clock With Extended Coherence Times
1 T.. Bothwell, A Wannier-Stark Optical Lattice Clock With Extended Coherence Times, University of Colorado Boulder, 2022.
Quantum gas engineering for atomic clocks
1 L.. Sonderhouse, Quantum Gas Engineering for Atomic Clocks, University of Colorado Boulder, 2021.
Creating a Dense Sample of Ultracold YO Molecules in an Optical Lattice
1 Y.. Wu, Creating a Dense Sample of Ultracold YO Molecules in an Optical Lattice, University of Colorado Boulder, 2021.
Precise Calibrations of Few-Body Physics in Potassium-39: Experiment and Theory
1 X.. Xie, Precise Calibrations of Few-Body Physics in Potassium-39: Experiment and Theory, University of Colorado Boulder, 2020.
High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of Complex Polyatomic Molecules
1 B.. Changala, High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of Complex Polyatomic Molecules, University of Colorado Boulder, 2019.
Pushing the Limits for Directly Cooled Molecules
1 D.L. Reens, Pushing the Limits for Directly Cooled Molecules, University of Colorado Boulder, 2019.
Searching for time-reversal symmetry violation with molecular ions: Quantum state control and photofragment imaging
1 W.. Cairncross, Searching for Time-Reversal Symmetry Violation With Molecular Ions: Quantum State Control and Photofragment Imaging, University of Colorado Boulder, 2019.
Precise Measurements of Few-Body Physics in Ultracold 39K Bose Gas
1 R.. Chapurin, Precise Measurements of Few-Body Physics in Ultracold 39K Bose Gas, University of Colorado Boulder, 2019.
Achieving a large density of hydroxyl radicals for cold collisions
1 H.. Wu, Achieving a Large Density of Hydroxyl Radicals for Cold Collisions, University of Colorado Boulder, 2019.
A Three-Dimensional MOT of YO Towards Narrow-Line Cooling
1 A.. Collopy, A Three-Dimensional MOT of YO Towards Narrow-Line Cooling, University of Colorado Boulder, 2018.
Many-Body Physics in an Optical Lattice Clock
1 S.. Bromley, Many-Body Physics in an Optical Lattice Clock, University of Colorado Boulder, 2018.
Enhanced optical and electric manipulation of a quantum gas of KRb molecules
1 J.P. Covey, Enhanced Optical and Electric Manipulation of a Quantum Gas of KRb Molecules, University of Colorado Boulder, 2017.
Elucidating Reaction Kinetics with Time-Resolved Frequency Comb Spectroscopy
1 B.J. Bjork, Elucidating Reaction Kinetics With Time-Resolved Frequency Comb Spectroscopy, University of Colorado Boulder, 2017.
A Fermi-degenerate three-dimensional optical lattice clock
1 S.L. Campbell, A Fermi-Degenerate Three-Dimensional Optical Lattice Clock, University of Colorado Boulder, 2017.
Measuring the Electron Electric Dipole Moment with Trapped Molecular Ions
1 M.. Grau, Measuring the Electron Electric Dipole Moment With Trapped Molecular Ions, University of Colorado Boulder, 2016.
Extreme ultraviolet frequency combs for precision measurement and strong-field physics
1 C.. Benko, Extreme Ultraviolet Frequency Combs for Precision Measurement and Strong-Field Physics, University of Colorado Boulder, 2016.
A quantum gas of polar molecules in an optical lattice
1 S.A. Moses, A Quantum Gas of Polar Molecules in an Optical Lattice, University of Colorado Boulder, 2016.
Towards a Degenerate Fermi Gas of Strontium-87 in a 3D Optical Lattice
1 N.D. Oppong, Towards a Degenerate Fermi Gas of Strontium-87 in a 3D Optical Lattice, University of Colorado Boulder, 2015.
The Laser Cooling and Magneto-Optical Trapping of the YO Molecule
1 M.. Yeo, The Laser Cooling and Magneto-Optical Trapping of the YO Molecule, University of Colorado Boulder, 2015.
A new record in atomic clock performance
1 T.L. Nicholson, A New Record in Atomic Clock Performance, University of Colorado Boulder, 2015.
Understanding atomic interactions in an optical lattice clock and using them to study many-body physics
1 M.N. Bishof, Understanding Atomic Interactions in an Optical Lattice Clock and Using Them to Study Many-Body Physics, University of Colorado Boulder, 2014.
Techniques in molecular spectroscopy: from broad bandwidth to high resolution
1 K.C. Cossel, Techniques in Molecular Spectroscopy: From Broad Bandwidth to High Resolution, University of Colorado Boulder, 2014.
Building a Better Atomic Clock
1 B.J. Bloom, Building a Better Atomic Clock, University of Colorado Boulder, 2014.
A Superradiant Laser and Spin Squeezed States: Collective Phenomena in a Rubidium Cavity QED System for Enhancing Precision Measurements
1 J.G. Bohnet, A Superradiant Laser and Spin Squeezed States: Collective Phenomena in a Rubidium Cavity QED System for Enhancing Precision Measurements, University of Colorado Boulder, 2014.
Search for an electron electric dipole moment with trapped molecular ions
1 H.. Loh, Search for an Electron Electric Dipole Moment With Trapped Molecular Ions, University of Colorado Boulder, 2013.
Quantum Metrology and Many-Body Physics: Pushing the Frontier of the Optical Lattice Clock
1 M.J. Martin, Quantum Metrology and Many-Body Physics: Pushing the Frontier of the Optical Lattice Clock, University of Colorado Boulder, 2013.
Ultracold molecules for the masses: evaporative cooling and magneto-optical trapping
1 B.K. Stuhl, Ultracold Molecules for the Masses: Evaporative Cooling and Magneto-Optical Trapping, University of Colorado Boulder, 2012.
Development of Frequency Comb Velocity-Modulation Spectroscopy, Spectroscopy of HfF+ and the JILA eEDM Experiment
1 L.C. Sinclair, Development of Frequency Comb Velocity-Modulation Spectroscopy, Spectroscopy of HfF+ and the JILA EEDM Experiment, University of Colorado Boulder, 2012.
Ultracold Polar KRb Molecules in Optical Lattices
1 B.. Neyenhuis, Ultracold Polar KRb Molecules in Optical Lattices, University of Colorado Boulder, 2012.
Development of an Extreme Ultraviolet Frequency Comb for Precision Spectroscopy
1 D.. Yost, Development of an Extreme Ultraviolet Frequency Comb for Precision Spectroscopy, University of Colorado Boulder, 2011.
Ultracold Collisions and Fundamental Physics with Strontium
1 S.. Blatt, Ultracold Collisions and Fundamental Physics With Strontium, University of Colorado Boulder, 2011.
Control of dipolar collisions in the quantum regime
1 M.H.G. de Miranda, Control of Dipolar Collisions in the Quantum Regime, University of Colorado Boulder, 2010.
Cold Polar Molecules for Novel Collision Experiments at Low Energies
1 B.C. Sawyer, Cold Polar Molecules for Novel Collision Experiments at Low Energies, University of Colorado Boulder, 2010.
A Quantum Gas of Polar Molecules
1 K.-K.. Ni, A Quantum Gas of Polar Molecules, University of Colorado Boulder, 2009.
Cavity-enhanced direct frequency comb spectroscopy
1 M.J. Thorpe, Cavity-Enhanced Direct Frequency Comb Spectroscopy, University of Colorado Boulder, 2009.
The Strontium Optical Lattice Clock: Optical Spectroscopy with Sub-Hertz Accuracy
1 A.D. Ludlow, The Strontium Optical Lattice Clock: Optical Spectroscopy With Sub-Hertz Accuracy, University of Colorado Boulder, 2008.
Direct Frequency Comb Spectroscopy and High-Resolution Coherent Control
1 M.C. Stowe, Direct Frequency Comb Spectroscopy and High-Resolution Coherent Control, University of Colorado Boulder, 2008.
Femtosecond Frequency Combs for Optical Clocks and Timing Transfer
1 S.M. Foreman, Femtosecond Frequency Combs for Optical Clocks and Timing Transfer, University of Colorado Boulder, 2007.
High Precision Spectroscopy of Strontium in an Optical Lattice: Towards a New Standard for Frequency and Time
1 M.M. Boyd, High Precision Spectroscopy of Strontium in an Optical Lattice: Towards a New Standard for Frequency and Time, University of Colorado Boulder, 2007.
Experiments on Cold Molecules Produced via Stark Deceleration
1 E.R. Hudson, Experiments on Cold Molecules Produced via Stark Deceleration, University of Colorado Boulder, 2006.
Precision Spectroscopy in 1D Optical Lattices
1 S.. Blatt, Precision Spectroscopy in 1D Optical Lattices, University of Colorado Boulder, 2005.
Direct Frequency Comb Spectroscopy for Optical Frequency Metrology and Coherent Interactions
1 A.. Marian, Direct Frequency Comb Spectroscopy for Optical Frequency Metrology and Coherent Interactions, University of Colorado Boulder, 2005.
Distribution of an Ultrastable Frequency Reference Using Optical Frequency Combs
1 K.W. Holman, Distribution of an Ultrastable Frequency Reference Using Optical Frequency Combs, University of Colorado Boulder, 2005.
High-Precision Spectroscopy of Molecular Iodine: From Optical Frequency Standards to Global Descriptions of Interactions and Associated Electronic Structure
1 L.. Chen, High-Precision Spectroscopy of Molecular Iodine: From Optical Frequency Standards to Global Descriptions of Hyper...Ne Interactions and Associated Electronic Structure, University of Colorado Boulder, 2005.