Scientific Publications

Displaying 1 - 100 of 200


Momentum-exchange interactions in a Bragg atom interferometer suppress Doppler dephasing
Luo C., H. Zhang, V.P.W. Koh, J.D. Wilson, A. Chu, M.J. Holland, A.M. Rey, and J.K. Thompson, Science 384, 551-556 (2024).
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Quantum sensing and metrology for fundamental physics with molecules
DeMille D., N.R. Hutzler, A.M. Rey, and T. Zelevinsky, Nature Physics 20, 741–749 (2024).
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Exploiting Nonclassical Motion of a Trapped Ion Crystal for Quantum-Enhanced Metrology of Global and Differential Spin Rotations
Lewis-Swan R.J., J.C.Z. Castro, D. Barberena, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 132, (2024).
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Spin squeezing with itinerant dipoles: A case for shallow lattices
Wellnitz D., M. Mamaev, T. Bilitewski, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Research 6, L012025 (2024).
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Fast generation of spin squeezing via resonant spin-boson coupling
Barberena D., S.R. Muleady, R.J. Lewis-Swan, J.J. Bollinger, and A.M. Rey, Quantum Science And Technology 9, 025013 (2024).
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Spin squeezing in mixed-dimensional anisotropic lattice models
Mamaev M., D. Barberena, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review A 109, (2024).
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Squeezing multilevel atoms in dark states via cavity superradiance
Sundar B., D. Barberena, A.M. Rey, and A. Piñeiro Orioli, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 033601 (2024).
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Critical steady states of all-to-all driven-dissipative models: An analytic approach
Barberena D., and A.M. Rey, Phys. Rev. A 109, 013709 (2024).
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Observing dynamical phases of BCS superconductors in a cavity QED simulator
Young D., A. Chu, E. Song, D. Barberena, D. Wellnitz, Z. Niu, V. Schäfer, R.J. Lewis-Swan, A.M. Rey, and J.K. Thompson, Nature 625, 679-684, (2024).
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Driven-dissipative four-mode squeezing of multilevel atoms in an optical cavity
Sundar B., D. Barberena, A. Rey, and A. Orioli, Phys. Rev. A 109, 013713 (2024).
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Magnetically tunable electric dipolar interactions of ultracold polar molecules in the quantum ergodic regime
Hermsmeier R., A.M. Rey, and T.V. Tscherbul, Submitted (2024).
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Engineering One Axis Twisting via a Dissipative Berry Phase Using Strong Symmetries
Young J., E. Chaparro, A. Piñeiro Orioli, J.K. Thompson, and A.M. Rey, Submitted (2024).
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Coherent evolution of superexchange interaction in seconds long optical clock spectroscopy
Milner W., S. Lannig, M. Mamaev, L. Yan, A. Chu, B. Lewis, M. Frankel, R.B. Hutson, A.M. Rey, and J. Ye, Submitted (2024).
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Hamiltonian Engineering of collective XYZ spin models in an optical cavity: From one-axis twisting to two-axis counter twisting models
Luo C., H. Zhang, A. Chu, C. Maruko, A.M. Rey, and J.K. Thompson, Submitted (2024).
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Directional superradiance in a driven ultracold atomic gas in free-space
Agarwal S., E. Chaparro, D. Barberena, A. Piñeiro Orioli, G. Ferioli, I. Ferrier-Barbut, A. Bronwaeys, and A.M. Rey, Submitted (2024).
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Measuring bipartite spin correlations of lattice-trapped dipolar atoms
Alaoui Y., S.R. Muleady, E. Chaparro, Y. Trifa, A.M. Rey, T. Roscilde, B. Laburthe-Tolra, and L. Vernac, Submitted (2024).
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Observation of Generalized t-J Spin Dynamics with Tunable Dipolar Interactions
Carroll A.N., H. Hirzler, C. Miller, D. Wellnitz, S.R. Muleady, J. Lin, K. Zamarski, R.R.W. Wang, J.L. Bohn, A.M. Rey, and J. Ye, Submitted (2024).
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Exploring the interplay between mass-energy equivalence, interactions and entanglement in an optical lattice clock
Chu A., V. Martínez-Lahuerta, M. Miklos, K. Kim, P. Zoller, K. Hammerer, J. Ye, and A.M. Rey, Submitted (2024).
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Generating Einstein--Podolsky--Rosen correlations for teleporting collective spin states in a two dimensional trapped ion crystal
Khan M., E. Chaparro, B. Sundar, A. Carter, J. Bollinger, K. Molmer, and A.M. Rey, Submitted (2024).
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Entanglement generation in weakly-driven arrays of multilevel atoms via dipolar interactions
Agarwal S., P. Orioli, J.K. Thompson, and A.M. Rey, Submitted (2024).
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Sub-millisecond Entanglement and iSWAP Gate between Molecular Qubits
Picard L., A. Park, G. Patenotte, S. Gebretsadkan, D. Wellnitz, A. Rey, and K.-K. Ni, Submitted (2024).
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Validating phase-space methods with tensor networks in two-dimensional spin models with power-law interactions
Muleady S.R., M. Yang, S.R. White, and A.M. Rey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 150401 (2023).
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Control and amplification of Bloch oscillations via photon-mediated interactions
Zhang H., A. Chu, C. Luo, J.K. Thompson, and A. Rey, Physical Review Research 5, L032039 (2023).
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Manipulating Growth and Propagation of Correlations in Dipolar Multilayers: From Pair Production to Bosonic Kitaev Models
Bilitewski T., and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 131, (2023).
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Quantum-enhanced sensing on optical transitions through finite-range interactions
Franke J., S.R. Muleady, R. Kaubruegger, F. Kranzl, R. Blatt, A.M. Rey, M. Joshi, and C. Roos, Nature 621, 740 (2023).
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Tunable momentum pair creation of spin excitations in dipolar bilayers
Bilitewski T., G. Domínguez-Castro, D. Wellnitz, A. Rey, and L. Santos, Physical Review A 108, 013313 (2023).
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Ultra Narrow Linewidth Frequency Reference via Measurement and Feedback
Barberena D., R.J. Lewis-Swan, A.M. Rey, and J.K. Thompson, Comptes Rendus. Physique, Online First (2023), 1-14. doi : 10.5802/crphys.146. (2023).
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Photon-mediated correlated hopping in a synthetic ladder
Chu A., A. Piñeiro Orioli, D. Barberena, J.K. Thompson, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Research 5, L022034 (2023).
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Robust Nuclear Spin Entanglement via Dipolar Interactions in Polar Molecules
Tscherbul T.V., J. Ye, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 130, 143002 (2023).
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Comparison of spontaneous emission in trapped-ion multiqubit gates at high magnetic fields
Carter A., S.R. Muleady, A. Shankar, J. Lilieholm, B. Bullock, M. Affolter, A.M. Rey, and J.J. Bollinger, Physical Review A 107, 042618 (2023).
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Bosonic pair creation
Bosonic pair production and squeezing for optical phase measurements in long-lived dipoles coupled to a cavity
Sundar B., D. Barberena, A. Piñeiro Orioli, A. Chu, J.K. Thompson, A.M. Rey, and R.J. Lewis-Swan, Physical Review Letters 130, 113202 (2023).
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Enhancing spin squeezing using soft-core interactions
Young J., S.R. Muleady, M.A. Perlin, A.M. Kaufman, and A.M. Rey, Phys. Rev. Research 5, L012033 (2023).
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p-wave interactions
Unitary p-wave interactions between fermions in an optical lattice
Venu V., P. Xu, M. Mamaev, F. Corapi, T. Bilitewski, J.P. D'Incao, C. Fujiwara, A.M. Rey, and J.H. Thywissen, Nature 613, 262–267 (2023).
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videol trail
Time-of-flight quantum tomography of an atom in an optical tweezer
Brown M.O., S.R. Muleady, W. Dworschack, R.J. Lewis-Swan, A.M. Rey, O. Romero-Isart, and C.A. Regal, Nature Physics (2023).
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Cavity-Mediated Collective Momentum-Exchange Interactions
Luo C., H. Zhang, V. Koh, J. Wilson, A. Chu, M.J. Holland, A.M. Rey, and J.K. Thompson, Submitted (2023).
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Trade-offs between unitary and measurement induced spin squeezing in cavity QED
Barberena D., A. Chu, J.K. Thompson, and A.M. Rey, Submitted (2023).
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Relaxation in dipolar spin ladders: from pair production to false-vacuum decay
Domínguez-Castro G., T. Bilitewski, D. Wellnitz, A.M. Rey, and L. Santos, Submitted (2023).
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Exploiting nonclassical motion of a trapped ion crystal for quantum-enhanced metrology of global and differential spin rotations
Lewis-Swan R.J., J. Castro, D. Barberena, and A.M. Rey, Submitted (2023).
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Bilayer crystals of trapped ions for quantum information processing
Hawaldar S., P. Shahi, A. Carter, A.M. Rey, J.J. Bollinger, and A. Shankar, Submitted (2023).
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Tuning atomic interactions in a clock
Hamiltonian engineering of spin-orbit coupled fermions in a Wannier-Stark optical lattice clock
Aeppli A., A. Chu, T. Bothwell, C.J. Kennedy, D. Kedar, P. He, A.M. Rey, and J. Ye, Science Advances 8, eadc9242 (2022).
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Trapped ion quantum simulator
Simulating Dynamical Phases of Chiral $p+ip$ Superconductors with a Trapped ion Magnet
Shankar A., E. Yuzbashyan, V. Gurarie, P. Zoller, J.J. Bollinger, and A.M. Rey, P R X Quantum 3, 040324 (2022).
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Resonant light enhances phase coherence in a cavity QED simulator of fermionic superfluidity
Kelly S., J.K. Thompson, A.M. Rey, and J. Marino, Phys. Rev. Research 4, L042032 (2022).
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Dynamical phase transitions in the collisionless pre-thermal states of isolated quantum systems: theory and experiments
Marino J., M. Eckstein, M. Foster, and A.M. Rey, Reports On Progress In Physics 85, 116001 (2022).
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Synthetic flux ladder
Resonant Dynamics of Strongly Interacting SU(n) Fermionic Atoms in a Synthetic Flux Ladder
Mamaev M., T. Bilitewski, B. Sundar, and A.M. Rey, P R X Quantum 3, 030328 (2022).
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Measuring correlations from the collective spin fluctuations of a large ensemble of lattice-trapped dipolar spin-3 atoms
Alaoui Y., B. Zhu, S.R. Muleady, W. Dubosclard, T. Roscilde, A.M. Rey, B. Laburthe-Tolra, and L. Vernac, Physical Review Letters 129, 023401 (2022).
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Individual qubit addressing of rotating ion crystals in a Penning trap
Polloreno A., A.M. Rey, and J.J. Bollinger, Phys. Rev. Research 4, (2022).
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Dark states in multi-level atoms
Emergent dark states from superradiant dynamics in multilevel atoms in a cavity
Piñeiro Orioli A., J.K. Thompson, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review X 12, 011054 (2022).
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Tunable spin exchange interactions between selected layers of molecules
Reactions between layer-resolved molecules mediated by dipolar spin exchange
Tobias W., K. Matsuda, J.-R. Li, C. Miller, A. Carroll, T. Bilitewski, A.M. Rey, and J. Ye, Science 375, 1299-1303 (2022).
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Pauli blocking ina clock
Disentangling Pauli Blocking of Atomic Decay from Cooperative Radiation and Atomic Motion in a 2D Fermi Gas
Bilitewski T., A. Piñeiro Orioli, C. Sanner, L. Sonderhouse, R.B. Hutson, L. Yan, W. Milner, J. Ye, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 128, 093001 (2022).
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Engineering infinite-range SU ( n ) interactions with spin-orbit-coupled fermions in an optical lattice
Perlin M., D. Barberena, M. Mamaev, B. Sundar, R.J. Lewis-Swan, and A.M. Rey, Phys. Rev. A 105, 023326 (2022).
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Realistic simulations of spin squeezing and cooperative coupling effects in large ensembles of interacting two-level systems
Huber J.R., A.M. Rey, and P. Rabl, Physical Review A 105, 013716 (2022).
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Spin qudit tomography and state reconstruction error
Perlin M., D. Barberena, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review A 104, 062413 (2021).
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Lattice interferometry with delocalized atoms
Quantum enhanced cavity QED interferometer with partially delocalized atoms in lattices
Chu A., P. He, J.K. Thompson, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 127, 210401 (2021).
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Collective p-wave orbital dynamics of ultracold fermions
Mamaev M., P. He, T. Bilitewski, V. Venu, J. Thywissen, and A.M. Rey, Phys. Rev. Lett 127, 143401 (2021).
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Quantum-enhanced sensing of displacements and electric fields with two-dimensional trapped-ion crystals
Gilmore K., M. Affolter, R.J. Lewis-Swan, D. Barberena, E. Jordan, A.M. Rey, and J.J. Bollinger, Science 373, 673-678 (2021).
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Characterizing the dynamical phase diagram of the Dicke model via classical and quantum probes
Lewis-Swan R., S.R. Muleady, D. Barberena, J.J. Bollinger, and A.M. Rey, Phys. Rev. Res. 3, L022020 (2021).
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Imaging of dipolar frequency shift
Dipole-dipole frequency shifts in multilevel atoms
Cidrim A., A. Piñeiro Orioli, C. Sanner, R.B. Hutson, J. Ye, R. Bachelard, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 127, 013401 (2021).
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Ultra-cold bosonic atoms in optical lattices: An overview
Rey A.M., Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales (2021).
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CAvity QED simulator of BCS Superconductivity
Cavity-QED quantum simulator of dynamical phases of a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superconductor
Lewis-Swan R.J., D. Barberena, J.R.K. Cline, D. Young, J.K. Thompson, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 126, 173601 (2021).
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Effect of Active Photons on Dynamical Frustration in Cavity QED
Kelly S., J.K. Thompson, A.M. Rey, and J. Marino, Physical Review Letters 126, 133603 (2021).
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Interacting dipolar spins
Dynamical generation of spin squeezing in ultra-cold dipolar molecules
Bilitewski T., L. De Marco, J.-R. Li, K. Matsuda, W. Tobias, G. Valtolina, J. Ye, and A.M. Rey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 113401 (2021).
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Tunable-spin-model generation in spin-orbital coupled fermions in optical lattices
Mamaev M., I. Kimchi, R. Nandkishore, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Research 3, 013178 (2021).
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Disorder-controlled relaxation in a three-dimensional Hubbard model quantum simulator
Morong W., S.R. Muleady, I. Kimchi, W. Xu, R. Nandkishore, A.M. Rey, and B. DeMarco, Physical Review Research 3, L012009 (2021).
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Simulation of XXZ Spin Models using Sideband Transitions in Trapped Bosonic Gases
Chu A., J. Will, J. Arlt, C. Klempt, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 125, 240504 (2020).
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Detecting out-of-time-order correlations via quasiadiabatic echoes as a tool to reveal quantum coherence in equilibrium quantum phase transitions
Lewis-Swan R.J., S.R. Muleady, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 125, 240605 (2020).
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Exploring chemical reactions in a quantum degenerate gas of polar molecules via complex formation
He P., T. Bilitewski, C.H. Greene, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review A 102, 063322 (2020).
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Spin squeezing with short-range spin-exchange interactions
Perlin M., C. Qu, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 125, 223401 (2020).
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Atom-light entanglement for precise field sensing in the optical domain
Barberena D., R.J. Lewis-Swan, J.K. Thompson, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review A 102, 052615 (2020).
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Facilitating spin squeezing generated by collective dynamics with single-particle decoherence
Tucker K.J., D. Barberena, R.J. Lewis-Swan, J.K. Thompson, J.G. Restrepo, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review A 102, 051701(R) (2020).
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Relaxation of the collective magnetization of a dense 3D array of interacting dipolar S=3 atoms
Gabardos L., B. Zhu, S. Lepoutre, A.M. Rey, B. Laburthe-Tolra, and L. Vernac, Physical Review Letters 125, 143401 (2020).
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SU(N) symmetric interactions
Thermodynamics of a deeply degenerate SU(N)-symmetric Fermi gas
Sonderhouse L., C. Sanner, R.B. Hutson, A. Goban, T. Bilitewski, L. Yan, W. Milner, A.M. Rey, and J. Ye, Nature Physics 16, 1216 (2020).
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Quantum Many-Body Physics with Ultracold Polar Molecules: Nanostructured Potential Barriers and Interactions
Kruckenhauser A., L.M. Sieberer, W. Tobias, K. Matsuda, L. De Marco, J.-R. Li, G. Valtolina, A.M. Rey, J. Ye, M.A. Baranov, and P. Zoller, Physical Review A 102, 023320 (2020).
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40 years of the quantum Hall effect
von Klitzing K., T. Chakraborty, P. Kim, V. Madhavan, X. Dai, J. McIver, Y. Tokura, L. Savary, D. Smirnova, A.M. Rey, and C. Felser, Nature Reviews Physics 2, 397–401 (2020).
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Generating Multipartite Spin States with Fermionic Atoms in a Driven Optical Lattice
Mamaev M., and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 124, 240401 (2020).
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Protocol for Precise Field Sensing in the Optical Domain with Cold Atoms in a Cavity
Lewis-Swan R.J., D. Barberena, J.A. Muniz, J.R.K. Cline, D. Young, J.K. Thompson, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 124, 193602 (2020).
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Controlling Dipolar Exchange Interactions in a Dense 3D Array of Large Spin Fermions
Patscheider A., B. Zhu, L. Chomaz, D. Petter, S. Baier, A.M. Rey, F. Ferlaino, and M. Mark, Physical Review Research 2, 023050 (2020).
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Quantum computation toolbox for decoherence-free qubits using multi-band alkali atoms
Mamaev M., J. Thywissen, and A.M. Rey, Advanced Quantum Technologies 3, 1900132 (2020).
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Subradiance of multilevel fermionic atoms in arrays with filling n≥2
Piñeiro Orioli A., and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters A 101, 043816 (2020).
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Dynamical phases in an optical cavity
Exploring dynamical phase transitions with cold atoms in an optical cavity
Muniz J.A., D. Barberena, R.J. Lewis-Swan, D. Young, J.R.K. Cline, A.M. Rey, and J.K. Thompson, Nature 580, 602–607 (2020).
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Short-time expansion of Heisenberg operators in open collective quantum spin systems
Perlin M., and A.M. Rey, Physical Review A 101, 023601 (2020).
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Variational Spin-Squeezing Algorithms on Programmable Quantum Sensors
Kaubruegger R., P. Silvi, C. Kokail, R. van Bijnen, A.M. Rey, J. Ye, A.M. Kaufman, and P. Zoller, Physical Review Letters 123, 260505 (2019).
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Engineering spin squeezing in a 3D optical lattice with interacting spin-orbit-coupled fermions
He P., M. Perlin, S.R. Muleady, R.J. Lewis-Swan, R.B. Hutson, J. Ye, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Research 1, 033075 (2019).
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Doublon dynamics of Bose-Fermi mixtures in optical lattices
Gärttner M., A. Safavi-Naini, J. Schachenmayer, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review A 100, 053607 (2019).
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Dark States of Multilevel Fermionic Atoms in Doubly Filled Optical Lattices
Piñeiro Orioli A., and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 123, 223601 (2019).
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Spin-Squeezing and Many-Body Dipolar Dynamics in Optical Lattice Clocks
Qu C., and A.M. Rey, Physical Review A 100, 041602(R) (2019).
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Dynamics of an itinerant spin-3 atomic dipolar gas in an optical lattice
Fersterer P., A. Safavi-Naini, B. Zhu, L. Gabardos, S. Lepoutre, L. Vernac, B. Laburthe-Tolra, B. Blakie, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review A 100, 033609 (2019).
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Quantum Entropic Self-Localization with Ultracold Fermions
Mamaev M., I. Kimchi, M. Perlin, R. Nandkishore, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 123, 130402 (2019).
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Observation of a transition between dynamical phases in a quantum degenerate Fermi gas
Smale S., P. He, B. Olsen, K. Jackson, H. Sharum, S. Trotzky, J. Marino, A.M. Rey, and J. Thywissen, Science Advances 5, eaax1568 (2019).
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Dynamics of quantum information
Lewis-Swan R.J., A. Safavi-Naini, A.M. Kaufman, and A.M. Rey, Nature Reviews Physics 1, 627–634 (2019).
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A generalized phase space approach for solving quantum spin dynamics
Zhu B., A.M. Rey, and J. Schachenmayer, New Journal Of Physics 21, 082001 (2019).
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Topological superfluidity with repulsive alkaline-earth atoms in optical lattices
Isaev L., A.M. Kaufman, G. Ortiz, and A.M. Rey, New Journal Of Physics 21, 073049 (2019).
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Driven-dissipative quantum dynamics in ultra-long-lived dipoles in an optical cavity
Barberena D., R.J. Lewis-Swan, J.K. Thompson, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review A 99, 053411 (2019).
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Cavity-QED simulator of slow and fast scrambling
Marino J., and A.M. Rey, Physical Review A 99, 051803(R) (2019).
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Unifying scrambling, thermalization and entanglement through measurement of fidelity out-of-time-order correlators in the Dicke model
Lewis-Swan R.J., A. Safavi-Naini, J.J. Bollinger, and A.M. Rey, Nature Communications 10, 1581 (2019).
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Exploring out-of-equilibrium quantum magnetism and thermalization in a spin-3 many-body dipolar lattice system
Lepoutre S., J. Schachenmayer, L. Gabardos, B. Zhu, B. Naylor, E. Maréchal, O. Gorceix, A.M. Rey, L. Vernac, and B. Laburthe-Tolra, Nature Communications 10, 1714 (2019).
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Cluster State Generation with Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermionic Atoms in Optical Lattices
Mamaev M., R. Blatt, J. Ye, and A.M. Rey, Physical Review Letters 122, 160402 (2019).
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Effective multi-body SU(N)-symmetric interactions of ultracold fermionic atoms on a 3-D lattice
Perlin M., and A.M. Rey, New Journal Of Physics 21, 043039 (2019).
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Quantum dynamics of disordered spin chains with power-law interactions
Safavi-Naini A., M.L. Wall, O.L. Acevedo, A.M. Rey, and R. Nandkishore, Physical Review A 99, 033610 (2019).
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Cavity-mediated collective spin-exchange interactions in a strontium superradiant laser
Norcia M.A., R.J. Lewis-Swan, J.R.K. Cline, B. Zhu, A.M. Rey, and J.K. Thompson, Science 361, 259-262 (2018).
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Shattered time: can a dissipative time crystal survive many-body correlations?
Tucker K.J., B. Zhu, R.J. Lewis-Swan, J. Marino, F. Jimenez, J.G. Restrepo, and A.M. Rey, New Journal Of Physics 20, 123003 (2018).
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