- JILA BEC/ ultracold atoms: http://jilawww.colorado.edu/bec/
- JQI, Join Quantum Institute: http://www.jqi.umd.edu/
- CUA, Center of Ultracold Atoms : http://www.rle.mit.edu/cua/new/cua2.asp
- June 29, 2020.
Speaker:Raphael Kaubrügger, Variationally Optimized Stability of an Entangled Clock, Link - September 1, 2020.
Speaker:Athreya Shankar, A New Normal: Unconventional in-plane normal modes of 2D ion crystals in Penning traps and their impact on the out-of-plane mode spectrum, Link - October 6, 2020.
Speaker:Mikhail Mamaev, New Frontiers on Many-body Physics with Atomic Clocks: From quantum spin models to cat states, Link - November 17, 2020.
Speaker:Jeremy Young, Asymmetric blockade and multi-qubit gates via dipole-dipole interactions, Link - January 19, 2021.
Speaker:Nathan Schine,Tweezer arrays of alkaline-earth atoms, Link - March 2, 2021.
Speaker:Christian Marciniak,Tailored quantum states for optimal metrology, Link - April 12, 2021.
Speaker:Christian Sanner,Pauli blocking of atomic spontaneous decay, Link, Link2 - June 7, 2021.
Speaker:Joseph Thywissen, P-wave Interactions, Link, - November 12, 2021.
Speaker:Athreya Shankar,Simulating dynamical phases of chiral p+ip superconductors with a trapped ion magnet, Link, - January 25, 2022.
Speaker:Rick van Bijnen,Variational Quantum Optimization Algorithms, Link (Passcode: 40^iCDam) - March 10, 2022.
Speaker:Yaroslav Kharkov,Hydrodynamic equations of many-body quantum systems Link - May 2, 2022.
Speaker:Joseph Thywissen,Observation of unitary p-wave interactions between fermions in an optical lattice. Link - June 15, 2022.
Speaker:Aaron Young, Joanna Lis, Advances in Yb and Sr tweezer arrays. Link - November 3, 2022.
Speaker:Raphael Kaubrügger, Optimal Multi-parameter metrology with programmable quantum sensors. Link - December 6, 2022.
Speaker:Christian Roos, Quantum Simulation with One and Two dimensional Ion crystals. Link - January 17, 2023.
Speaker:Ross Hutson, Observation of mHz-level dipole-dipole interactions in an optical atomic clock. Link - March 21, 2023.
Speaker:Hannes Pichler, The quantum many-body physics of systems with coherent time-delayed feedback. Link - April 5, 2023.
Speaker:Sean Muleady, Quantum-enhanced sensing on an optical transition via emergent collective quantum correlations. Link - July 7, 2023.
Speaker: Christopher Fechisin, Non-Demolition photon counting in a Two Dimensional Rydberg Atom Array. Link