Scientific Publications

Displaying 1 - 100 of 141


Cold Ion–Molecule Reactions in the Extreme Environment of a Coulomb Crystal
Krohn O.A., and H.J. Lewandowski, The Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 128, 1737-1752 (2024).
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Journal Cover:
Assessing students’ views about experimental physics in a German laboratory course
Teichmann E., H.J. Lewandowski, and M. Alemani, Journal Of Physics: Conference Series 2750, 012013 (2024).
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Implementation of the photovoice methodology in a project-based upper-division physics course
Oliver K.A., V. Borish, B.R. Wilcox, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 20, 010142 (2024).
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To form or not to form a reaction complex: Exploring ion-molecule reactions between C_3 H_4 isomers and Xe^+ and O_2^+
Zagorec-Marks C., S. Kocheril, O. Krohn, T. Kieft, A. Karpinska, T.P. Softley, and H.J. Lewandowski, Faraday Discussions (2024).
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Implementation and goals of quantum optics experiments in undergraduate instructional labs
Borish V., and H.J. Lewandowski, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 19, 010117 (2023).
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Editor's Suggestion
Coronal Heating as Determined by the Solar Flare Frequency Obtained by Aggregating Case Studies
Mason J., A. Werth, C.G. West, A. Youngblood, D.L. Woodraska, C.L. Peck, 995 undergraduate and graduate students, and H.J. Lewandowski, The Astrophysical Journal 948, 71 (2023).
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Students' views about experimental physics in a large-enrollment introductory lab focused on experimental scientific practices
Sulaiman N., A. Werth, and H.J. Lewandowski, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 19, 010116 (2023).
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Student experiences with authentic research in a remote, introductory course-based undergraduate research experience in physics
Oliver K.A., A. Werth, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 19, 010124 (2023).
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Reactions of Acetonitrile with Trapped, Translationally Cold Acetylene Cations
Krohn O.A., K.J. Catani, S. Sundar, J. Greenberg, G. de Silva, and H.J. Lewandowski, The Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 127, 5120 (2023).
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Cold Chemistry
Bohn J.L., and H.J. Lewandowski, The Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 127, 7869-7871 (2023).
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Survey of physics reasoning on uncertainty concepts in experiments: An assessment of measurement uncertainty for introductory physics labs
Vignal M., G. Geschwind, B. Pollard, R. Henderson, M.D. Caballero, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 19, 020139 (2023).
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"The prettiest photos are the ones that have happy people in them": the use of photovoice in an upper-division physics capstone project course
Oliver K.A., V. Borish, B.R. Wilcox, and H.J. Lewandowski, 2023 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings (2023).
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Designated a "Notable Paper".
Representational differences in how students compare measurements
Geschwind G., M. Vignal, and H.J. Lewandowski, 2023 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings (2023).
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Seeing quantum effects in experiments
Borish V., and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 19, 020144 (2023).
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Investigating changes in student views of measurement uncertainty in an introductory physics lab course using clustering algorithms
Werth A., B. Pollard, R. Hobbs, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 19, 020146 (2023).
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Enhancing students’ views of experimental physics through a course-based undergraduate research experience
Werth A., C.G. West, N. Sulaiman, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 19, 020151 (2023).
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Student engagement with modeling in multiweek student-designed lab projects
Borish V., J. Hoehn, and H.J. Lewandowski, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 18, 020135 (2022).
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Skills-focused lab instruction improves critical thinking skills and experimentation views for all students
Walsh C., H.J. Lewandowski, and N.G. Holmes, Physical Review Physics Education Research 18, 010128 (2022).
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Editor's Suggestion
Impacts on student learning, confidence, and affect in a remote, large-enrollment, course-based undergraduate research experience in physics
Werth A., C. West, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 18, 010129 (2022).
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Investigating students’ views of experimental physics in German laboratory classes
Teichmann E., H.J. Lewandowski, and M. Alemani, Physical Review Physics Education Research 18, 010135 (2022).
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Assessing the Needs of the Quantum Industry
Hughes C., D. Finke, D.-A. German, C. Merzbacher, P.M. Vora, and H.J. Lewandowski, Ieee Transactions On Education 65, 592 (2022).
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Formation of astrochemically relevant molecular ions: Reaction of translationally cold CCl+ with benzene in a linear ion trap
Krohn O.A., K.J. Catani, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review A Letter 105, (2022).
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Building a Quantum Engineering Undergraduate Program
Asfaw A., A. Blais, K.R. Brown, J. Candelaria, C. Cantwell, L.D. Carr, J. Combes, D.M. Debroy, J.M. Donohue, S.E. Economou, and E. Edwards, Ieee Transactions On Education 65, 220 (2022).
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Classification of open-ended responses to a research-based assessment using natural language processing
Wilson J., B. Pollard, J. Aiken, M.D. Caballero, and H.J. Lewandowski, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 19, 010141 (2022).
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Undergraduate student experiences in remote lab courses during the COVID-19 pandemic
Borish V., A. Werth, N. Sulaiman, M.F.J. Fox, J.R. Hoehn, and H.J. Lewandowski, Phys. Rev. Phys. Ed. Res. 18, (2022).
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Seeing quantum mechanics: The role of quantum experiments
Borish V., A. Werth, and H.J. Lewandowski, Perc Proceedings 57 (2022).
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Affordances of Articulating Assessment Objectives in Research-based Assessment Development
Vignal M., K.D. Rainey, B.R. Wilcox, M.D. Caballero, and H.J. Lewandowski, Perc Proceedings 475 (2022).
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Engagement in collaboration and teamwork using Google Colaboratory
Werth A., K.A. Oliver, C.G. West, and H.J. Lewandowski, Perc Proceedings 481 (2022).
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Student use of a quantum simulation and visualization tool
Ahmed S.Z., C.A. Weidner, J.H.M. Jensen, J.F. Sherson, and H.J. Lewandowski, European Journal Of Physics 43, 065703 (2022).
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Assessing student engagement with teamwork in an online, large-enrollment course-based undergraduate research experience in physics
Werth A., K. Oliver, C.G. West, and H.J. Lewandowski, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 18, 020128 (2022).
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Instructor perspectives on the emergency transition to remote instruction of physics labs
Werth A., J.R. Hoehn, K. Oliver, M.F.J. Fox, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 18, (2022).
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Investigating undergraduate students’ views about the process of experimental physics
Hoehn J.R., and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 18, (2022).
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Lab instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic: Effects on student views about experimental physics in comparison with previous years
Fox M.F.J., J. Hoehn, A. Werth, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 17, 010148 (2021).
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Introductory physics lab instructors' perspectives on measurement uncertainty
Pollard B., R. Hobbs, R. Henderson, M. Caballero, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 17, 010133 (2021).
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Online administration of research-based assessments
Van Dusen B., M. Shultz, J.M. Nissen, B.R. Wilcox, N.G. Holmes, M. Jariwala, E.W. Close, H.J. Lewandowski, and S. Pollock, American Journal Of Physics 89, 7-8 (2021).
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Using isotopologues to probe the potential energy surface of reactions of C2H2++C3H4
Greenberg J., P.C. Schmid, J.H. Thorpe, T.L. Nguyen, K.J. Catani, O.A. Krohn, M.I. Miller, J.F. Stanton, and H.J. Lewandowski, The Journal Of Chemical Physics 154, 124310 (2021).
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Isotope-specific reactions of acetonitrile (CH3CN) with trapped, translationally cold CCl+
Krohn O.A., K.J. Catani, J. Greenberg, S.P. Sundar, G. da Silva, and H.J. Lewandowski, The Journal Of Chemical Physics 154, 074305 (2021).
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Characterization of a vacuum ultraviolet light source at 118 nm
Gray J.M., J. Bossert, Y. Shyur, B. Saarel, T.C. Briles, and H.J. Lewandowski, The Journal Of Chemical Physics 154, 024201 (2021).
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Achieving a quantum smart workforce
Aiello C.D., D.D. Awschalom, H. Bernien, T. Brower, K.R. Brown, T.A. Brun, J.R. Caram, E. Chitambar, R. Di Felice, K.M. Edmonds, and M.F.J. Fox, Quantum Science And Technology 6, 030501 (2021).
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Framework for evaluating statistical models in physics education research
Aiken J.M., R. De Bin, H.J. Lewandowski, and M.D. Caballero, Physical Review Physics Education Research 17, (2021).
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Editor's Suggestion
Remote advanced lab course: A case study analysis of open-ended projects
Hoehn J.R., M.F.J. Fox, A. Werth, V. Borish, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 17, (2021).
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Student ownership and understanding of multi-week final projects
Lassen I.C., A. Arielle-Evans, L. Ríos, H.J. Lewandowski, and D.R. Dounas-Frazer, 2021 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings (2021).
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Chemistry with Coulomb Crystals
Heazelwood B., and H.J. Lewandowski, in Emerging Trends In Chemical Applications Of Lasers (American Chemical Society, 2021), p. 389.
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Data sharing model for physics education research using the 70 000 response Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey for Experimental Physics dataset
Aiken J.M., and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 17, (2021).
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Velocity-tunable beam of continuously decelerated polar molecules for cold ion-molecule reaction studies
Greenberg J., O.A. Krohn, J.A. Bossert, Y. Shyur, D. Macaluso, N.J. Fitch, and H.J. Lewandowski, Review Of Scientific Instruments 92, 103202 (2021).
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Investigating the landscape of physics laboratory instruction across North America
Holmes N.G., and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 16, 020162 (2020).
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Incorporating writing in advanced lab projects: A multiple case-study analysis
Hoehn J., and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 16, 020161 (2020).
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Impact of a course transformation on students’ reasoning about measurement uncertainty
Pollard B., A. Werth, R.D. Hobbs, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 16, 020160 (2020).
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Isomer-selected ion–molecule reactions of acetylene cations with propyne and allene
Schmid P., J. Greenberg, T.L. Nguyen, J. Thorpe, K.J. Catani, O. Krohn, M.I. Miller, J. Stanton, and H.J. Lewandowski, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 20303-20310 (2020).
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2020 HOT PCCP article
Process of transforming of an introductory mechanics lab course at Fort Lewis College
Werth A., and H.J. Lewandowski, 2020 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings 569 (2020).
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Investigating students' views about the role of writing in physics lab classes
Hoehn J., and H.J. Lewandowski, 2020 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings 216-221 (2020).
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Investigating student use of a flexible tool for simulating and visualizing quantum mechanics
Weidner C.A., S.Z. Ahmed, J.H.M. Jensen, J.F. Sherson, and H.J. Lewandowski, 2020 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings 563-568 (2020).
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Impact on students' views of experimental physics from a large introductory physics lab course
Sulaiman N., B. Pollard, and H.J. Lewandowski, 2020 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings 533-538 (2020).
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Creating a coupled multiple response assessment for modeling in lab courses
Pollard B., M. Fox, L. Ríos, and H.J. Lewandowski, 2020 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings 400-405 (2020).
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Capturing modeling pathways using the Modeling Assessment for Physics Laboratory Experiments
Fox M., B. Pollard, L. Ríos, and H.J. Lewandowski, 2020 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings 155-160 (2020).
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Reactions of translationally cold trapped CCl+ with acetylene (C2H2)
Catani K.J., J. Greenberg, B.V. Saarel, and H.J. Lewandowski, The Journal Of Chemical Physics 152, 234310 (2020).
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Framework of goals for writing in physics lab classes
Hoehn J., and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 16, 010125 (2020).
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Cold and controlled chemical reaction dynamics
Toscano J., H.J. Lewandowski, and B.R. Heazlewood, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, 9180-9194 (2020).
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PCCP Editor's Choice
Collisions between ultracold atoms and cold molecules in a dual electrostatic-magnetic trap
Fitch N.J., L.P. Parazzoli, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review A 101, 032703 (2020).
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A rapid, spatially dispersive frequency comb spectrograph aimed at gas phase chemical reaction kinetics
Roberts F.C., H.J. Lewandowski, B.F. Hobson, and J.H. Lehman, Molecular Physics 118, e1733116 (2020).
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Preliminary model for student ownership of projects
Dounas-Frazer D.R., L. Ríos, and H.J. Lewandowski, 2019 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings 141-146 (2020).
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Using custom interactive video prelab activities in a large introductory lab course
Lewandowski H.J., B. Pollard, and C.G. West, 2019 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings 312-317 (2020).
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Student perceptions of laboratory classroom activities and experimental physics practice
Dounas-Frazer D.R., K.S. Johnson, S.E. Park, J.T. Stanley, and H.J. Lewandowski, 2020 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings 131-136 (2020).
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Methodological development of a new coding scheme for an established assessment on measurement uncertainty in laboratory courses
Pollard B., R.D. Hobbs, D.R. Dounas-Frazer, and H.J. Lewandowski, 2019 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings 458-463 (2020).
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Teaching labs during a pandemic: Lessons from Spring 2020 and an outlook for the future
Fox M., A. Werth, J. Hoehn, and H.J. Lewandowski, (2020).
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Preparing for the quantum revolution: What is the role of higher education?
Fox M.F.J., B.M. Zwickl, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 16, 020131 (2020).
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Editor’s Suggestion
Featured in APS’s “Physics” magazine


Using the life grid interview technique in STEM education research
Rowland A.A., D.R. Dounas-Frazer, L. Ríos, H.J. Lewandowski, and L.A. Corwin, International Journal Of Stem Education 6, 32 (2019).
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Using think-aloud interviews to characterize model-based reasoning in electronics for a laboratory course assessment
Ríos L., B. Pollard, D.R. Dounas-Frazer, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 15, 010140 (2019).
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Quantum-state-specific reaction rate measurements for the photo-induced reaction Ca^+ + O2 -> CaO^+ + O
Schmid P.C., M. Miller, J. Greenberg, T.L. Nguyen, J.F. Stanton, and H.J. Lewandowski, Molecular Physics 1-7 (2019).
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Transforming a large introductory lab course: impacts on views about experimental physics
Pollard B., and H.J. Lewandowski, 2018 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings (2019).
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Characterizing lab instructors' self-reported learning goals to inform development of an experimental modeling skills assessment
Dounas-Frazer D.R., B. Pollard, J.T. Stanley, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 14, (2018).
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Quantum-state-controlled reactions between molecular radicals and ions
Greenberg J., P.C. Schmid, M. Miller, J.F. Stanton, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review A 98162, (2018).
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A high-voltage amplifier for traveling-wave Stark deceleration
Shyur Y., N.J. Fitch, J.A. Bossert, T. Brown, and H.J. Lewandowski, Review Of Scientific Instruments 89, (2018).
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AIP "Scilight"
Editor's "Featured" Article
Correlating students' views about experimental physics with their sense of project ownership
Dounas-Frazer D.R., and H.J. Lewandowski, 2018 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings (2018).
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Initial impacts of the transformation of a large introductory lab course focused on developing experimental skills and expert epistemology
Lewandowski H.J., D.R. Bolton, and B. Pollard, 2018 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings (2018).
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Pulsed operation of a ring Stark decelerator
Shyur Y., J.A. Bossert, and H.J. Lewandowski, Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 51, (2018).
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A summary of research-based assessment of students' beliefs about the nature of experimental physics
Wilcox B.R., and H.J. Lewandowski, American Journal Of Physics 86, (2018).
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Recommendations for the use of notebooks in upper-division physics lab courses
Stanley J.T., and H.J. Lewandowski, American Journal Of Physics 86, 45-53 (2018).
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Pathways to proposing causes for unexpected experimental results
Ríos L., B. Pollard, D.R. Dounas-Frazer, and H.J. Lewandowski, 2018 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings (2018).
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The Modelling Framework for Experimental Physics: description, development, and applications
Dounas-Frazer D.R., and H.J. Lewandowski, European Journal Of Physics 39, 064005 (2018).
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Impact of perceived grading practices on students' beliefs about experimental physics
Wilcox B.R., and H.J. Lewandowski, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings (2018).
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Student reasoning about measurement uncertainty in an introductory lab course
Lewandowski H.J., R. Hobbs, J.T. Stanley, D.R. Dounas-Frazer, and B. Pollard, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings (2018).
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Impact of an introductory lab course on students’ understanding of measurement uncertainty
Pollard B., R. Hobbs, J.T. Stanley, D.R. Dounas-Frazer, and H.J. Lewandowski, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings (2018).
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An ion trap time-of-flight mass spectrometer with high mass resolution for cold trapped ion experiments
Schmid P.C., J.A. Greenberg, M.I. Miller, K. Loeffler, and H.J. Lewandowski, Review Of Scientific Instruments 88, 123107 (2017).
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Student ownership of projects in an upper-division optics laboratory course: A multiple case study of successful experiences
Dounas-Frazer D.R., J.T. Stanley, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 13, 020136-1 (2017).
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Editor's Suggestion
Qualitative investigation of students' views about experimental physics
Hu D., B.M. Zwickl, B.R. Wilcox, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 13, 020134 (2017).
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Using lab notebooks to examine students' engagement in modeling in an upper-division electronics lab course
Stanley J.T., W. Su, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 13, 020127 (2017).
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Improvement or selection? A longitudinal analysis of students' views about experimental physics in their lab courses
Wilcox B.R., and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 13, (2017).
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Investigating the role of socially mediated metacognition during collaborative troubleshooting of electric circuits
Van De Bogart K.L., D.R. Dounas-Frazer, H.J. Lewandowski, and M.K.R. Stetzer, Physical Review Physics Education Research 13, 020116 (2017).
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Notable Paper Award
Production of carbon clusters C3 to C12 with a cryogenic buffer-gas beam source
Straatsma C.J.E., M.I. Fabrikant, G.E. Douberly, and H.J. Lewandowski, The Journal Of Chemical Physics 147, 124201 (2017).
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Measurements of trap dynamics of cold OH molecules using resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization
Gray J.M., J.A. Bossert, Y. Shyur, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review A 9666, 023416 (2017).
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Students' views about the nature of experimental physics
Wilcox B.R., and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 136, (2017).
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Developing skills versus reinforcing concepts in physics labs: Insight from a survey of students' beliefs about experimental physics
Wilcox B.R., and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 13, 010108 (2017).
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Electronics lab instructors' approaches to troubleshooting instruction
Dounas-Frazer D.R., and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 13, 010102 (2017).
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Editor’s Suggestion
Instructor perspectives on iteration during upper-division optics lab activities
Dounas-Frazer D.R., J.T. Stanley, and H.J. Lewandowski, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings (2017).
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Collapse and revival of the monopole mode of a degenerate Bose gas in an isotropic harmonic trap
Straatsma C.J.E., V.E. Colussi, M.J. Davis, D.S. Lobser, M.J. Holland, D.Z. Anderson, H.J. Lewandowski, and E.A. Cornell, Physical Review A 94, 043640 (2016).
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Editor’s Suggestion
Open-ended versus guided laboratory activities: Impact on students' beliefs about experimental physics
Wilcox B.R., and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 12, 020132 (2016).
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Lab notebooks as scientific communication: Investigating development from undergraduate courses to graduate research
Stanley J.T., and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 12, 020129 (2016).
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Research-based assessment of students' beliefs about experimental physics: When is gender a factor?
Wilcox B.R., and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 12, 020130 (2016).
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Alternative model for administration and analysis of research-based assessments
Wilcox B.R., B.M. Zwickl, R.D. Hobbs, J.M. Aiken, N.M. Welch, and H.J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 12, 010139 (2016).
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