Displaying 1 - 11 of 11
Development, Validation, and Initial Outcomes of a Research-Based Assessment Instrument Probing Students’ Proficiency with Measurement Uncertainty
1 G.C. Geschwind, Development, Validation, and Initial Outcomes of a Research-Based Assessment Instrument Probing Students’ Proficiency With Measurement Uncertainty, University of Colorado Boulder, 2024.
Cold, Ion-Neutral, Chemical Reactions in Coulomb Crystals With Thermal Neutral Sources and Progress Towards Stark-Decelerated Sources
1 O.A. Krohn, Cold, Ion-Neutral, Chemical Reactions in Coulomb Crystals With Thermal Neutral Sources and Progress Towards Stark-Decelerated Sources, University of Colorado, 2023.
Measurement of Cold Molecular Collisions between co-trapped OH and Rb
1 J.M. Gray, Measurement of Cold Molecular Collisions Between Co-Trapped OH and Rb, University of Colorado Boulder, 2022.
Cold, Controlled, Ion-Molecule Reactions
1 J.. Greenberg, Cold, Controlled, Ion-Molecule Reactions, University of Colorado Boulder, 2020.
Stark deceleration methods for cold molecule experiments
1 Y.. Shyur, Stark Deceleration Methods for Cold Molecule Experiments, University of Colorado Boulder, 2018.
Infrared Spectroscopy of Buffer-Gas Cooled Molecules and Dynamics of Bose Gases in Spherical Symmetry
1 C.J.E. Straatsma, Infrared Spectroscopy of Buffer-Gas Cooled Molecules and Dynamics of Bose Gases in Spherical Symmetry, University of Colorado Boulder, 2018.
Toward Cold Radical Chemistry with Cryogenic Buffer Gas Beams
1 M.I. Fabrikant, Toward Cold Radical Chemistry With Cryogenic Buffer Gas Beams, University of Colorado Boulder, 2017.
Observation of a Persistent Non-Equilibrium State in an Extremely Isotropic Harmonic Potential
1 D.S. Lobser, Observation of a Persistent Non-Equilibrium State in an Extremely Isotropic Harmonic Potential, University of Colorado Boulder, 2015.
Production, Deceleration, and Detection of OH Radicals
1 T.C. Briles, Production, Deceleration, and Detection of OH Radicals, University of Colorado Boulder, 2015.
Traveling-Wave Stark-Decelerated Molecular Beams For Cold-Collision Experiments
1 N.. Fitch, Traveling-Wave Stark-Decelerated Molecular Beams For Cold-Collision Experiments, University of Colorado, 2013.
Electric-Field Affected Low-Energy Collisions between Co-Trapped Ammonia and Rubidium
1 L.P. Parazzoli, Electric-Field Affected Low-Energy Collisions Between Co-Trapped Ammonia and Rubidium, University of Colorado Boulder, 2010.