Research Highlights

Atomic & Molecular Physics
Ultracold Polar Molecules to the Rescue!
Published: September 14, 2011

Physicists would very much like to understand the physics underlying high-temperature superconductors. Such an understanding may lead to the design of room temperature superconductors for use in highly efficient and much lower-cost transmission networks for electricity. A technological breakthrough like this would drastically reduce world energy costs. However, this breakthrough requires a detailed understanding of the physics of high-temperature superconductivity.

PI: Ana Maria Rey | PI: Jun Ye
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Atomic & Molecular Physics
The Cold Case
Published: September 02, 2011

The Ye group has built a cool new system for studying cold collisions between molecules. The system is far colder than a typical chemistry experiment that takes place at room temperature or hotter (300–500 K). But, it’s also much warmer than experiments that investigate ultracold-molecule collisions conducted at hundreds of billionths of a degree above absolute zero (0 K). The new system is known as “the cold molecule experiment” and operates at temperatures of approximately 5 K (-450 °F).

PI: Jun Ye
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Quantum Information Science & Technology
The Quantum Control Room
Published: March 21, 2011

In 2008, the Ye and Jin groups succeeded in making ultracold potassium-rubidium (KRb) molecules in their ground state (See “Redefining Chemistry at JILA” in the Spring 2010 issue of JILA Light & Matter). Their next goal was to figure out how to precisely control chemical reactions of these ultracold polar molecules by manipulating the quantum states of the reactants. But first the researchers had to discover how to calm those reactions down enough to study them. Under the conditions in which they were made (an optical trap allowing motion in all three dimensions), ultracold KRb molecules were so chemically reactive they disappeared almost as soon as they were formed.

PI: Deborah Jin | PI: John Bohn | PI: Jun Ye
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Precision Measurement
Strontium Clock Performance Skyrockets
Published: February 03, 2011

In 2008-2009, much to their amazement,researchers working on the Jun Ye group’s neutral Sr optical atomic clock discovered tiny frequency shifts caused by colliding fermions! They figured out that the clock laser was interacting slightly differently with the Sr atoms inside a one-dimensional (pancake-shaped) trap. The light-atom interactions resulted in the atoms no longer being identical. And, once they were distinguishable, formerly unneighborly atoms were able to run into each other, compromising clock performance.

PI: Ana Maria Rey | PI: Jun Ye
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Quantum Information Science & Technology
The Quantum Modeling Agency
Published: January 14, 2011

“Nature is built quantum mechanically,” says Fellow Jun Ye, who wants to understand the connections between atoms and molecules in complex systems such as liquids and solids (aka condensed matter). He says that the whole Universe is made of countless interacting particles, and it would be impossible to figure out the myriad connections between them one particle at a time, either theoretically or experimentally.

PI: Ana Maria Rey | PI: Jun Ye
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Atomic & Molecular Physics
Deciphering Nature's Fingerprints
Published: November 24, 2010

Fellow Jun Ye’s group has enhanced the molecular fingerprinting technique with the development of a mid-infrared (mid-IR) frequency comb.  The new rapid-detection technique can now identify traces of a wider variety of molecules found in mixtures of gases. It offers many advantages for chemical analysis of the atmosphere, climate science studies, and the detection of suspicious substances.

PI: Jun Ye
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Atomic & Molecular Physics
Redefining Chemistry at JILA
Published: May 06, 2010

Fellows Deborah Jin, Jun Ye, and John Bohn are exploring new scientific territory in cold-molecule chemistry. Experimentalists Jin and Ye and their colleagues can now manipulate, observe, and control ultralow-temperature potassium-rubidium (KRb) molecules in their lowest quantum-mechanical state. Theorist Bohn analyzes what the experimentalists see and predicts molecule behaviors under different conditions.

PI: Deborah Jin | PI: Jun Ye | PI: Konrad Lehnert
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Atomic & Molecular Physics
Freeze Frame
Published: April 17, 2010

The cold-molecule collaboration has developed a method for directly imaging ultracold ground-state KRb molecules. Their old method required the transfer of ultracold KRb molecules into a Feshbach state, which is sensitive to electric and magnetic fields. Thus researchers had to turn off the electric field and keep the magnetic field at a fixed value during the imaging process.

PI: Deborah Jin | PI: Jun Ye
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Precision Measurement
Fermions in Collision?
Published: September 07, 2009

According to the laws of quantum mechanics, identical fermions at very low temperatures can’t collide. These unfriendly subatomic particles, atoms, or molecules simply will not share the same piece of real estate with an identical twin. A few years back, researchers in the Ye lab considered this unneighborly behavior a big advantage in designing a new optical atomic clock based on an ensemble of identical 87Sr atoms. 

PI: Jun Ye
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Laser Physics | Nanoscience | Precision Measurement
The Right Stuff
Published: April 17, 2009

In the summer of 2008, Fellow Jun Ye spent a couple of months at CalTech, where he ran into another visiting professor, former JILA Fellow Peter Zoller. Zoller left JILA in 1994 to become Professor of Physics at the University of Innsbruck (Austria). Besides riding bikes together in the mountains, the two men engaged in happy and fruitful discussions about Ye’s work developing a strontium- (Sr-) based optical atomic clock and Zoller’s pioneering research on quantum computing. It took them a matter of a couple of weeks to come up with a basic theoretical framework for a quantum computer based on alkaline-earth metals such as Sr.

PI: Jun Ye
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Laser Physics
A Quantum Leap for Precision Lasers
Published: April 09, 2009

To be the best they can be, optical atomic clocks need better clock lasers — lasers that remain phase coherent a hundred times longer than the very best conventional lasers. For instance, light from the clock laser in Fellow Jun Ye’s lab can travel around the Earth 10 times before it loses coherence. However, realizing the potential of the lab’s optical clock requires that the laser light remain coherent for 1000 trips around the Earth. The brute force solution to this problem would be to operate the clock laser at 4 K. This approach would increase the cost, complexity, and size of the optical clock as well as rendering it impractical for space exploration and travel.

PI: Murray Holland | PI: Jun Ye
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Nanoscience | Precision Measurement
Beams In Collision
Published: February 20, 2009

Last year the Ye group conducted an actual laboratory astrophysics experiment. Graduate students Brian Sawyer, Ben Stuhl, and Mark Yeo, research associate Dajun Wang, and Fellow Jun Ye fired cold hydroxyl (OH) radicals into a linear decelerator equipped with an array of highly charged electrodes and slowed the OH molecules to a standstill. These molecules were then loaded into a permanent magnetic trap where they became the stationary target for collision studies. Next, Sawyer and his colleagues aimed supersonic beams of either helium (He) atoms or deuterium molecules (D2) at the OH molecules. They then studied the resulting low-energy collisions, which took place at temperatures of 80–300 K.

PI: Jun Ye
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Laser Physics | Nanoscience | Precision Measurement
Stalking the X-Ray Frequency Comb
Published: July 09, 2008

Fellow Jun Ye’s group is methodically working its way toward the creation of an X-Ray frequency comb. Recently, senior research associate Thomas Schibli, graduate student Dylan Yost, Fellow Jun Ye, and colleagues from IMRA America, Inc. developed a high-performance, ultrastable fiber laser optical frequency comb. At the same time, Yost developed a clever method for getting coherent short-wavelength light out of a femtosecond enhancement cavity used with the fiber laser. These achievements have opened the door to the generation of frequency combs in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

PI: Jun Ye
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Precision Measurement
The Gravity of the Situation
Published: April 10, 2008

What sort of experiment could detect the effects of quantum gravity, if it exists? Theories that go beyond the Standard Model of physics include a concept that links quantum interactions with gravity. Physicists would very much like to find evidence of this coupling as these two branches of physics are not yet unified in a single theory that explains everything about our world.

PI: Jun Ye
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Laser Physics | Nanoscience | Precision Measurement
Clock Talk
Published: April 10, 2008

By late 2006, Fellow Jun Ye’s clock team had raised the accuracy of its strontium (Sr)-lattice atomic clock to be just shy of that of the nation’s primary time and frequency standard, the NIST-F1 cesium (Cs) fountain clock. Graduate students Marty Boyd and Andrew Ludlow led the effort to improve the clock’s accuracy.

PI: Jun Ye
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Laser Physics | Nanoscience | Precision Measurement
Every Breath You Take
Published: April 02, 2008

With every breath you take, you breathe out carbon dioxide and roughly 1000 other different molecules. Some of these can signal the early onset of such diseases as asthma, cystic fibrosis, or cancer. Thanks to graduate student Mike Thorpe and his colleagues in Fellow Jun Ye’s group, medical practitioners may one day be able to identify these disease markers with a low-cost, noninvasive breath test. The new laser-based breath test is an offshoot of Thorpe’s research on cavity-enhanced direct optical frequency comb spectroscopy, a molecular fingerprinting technique reported in Science two years ago.

PI: Jun Ye
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Atomic & Molecular Physics
Lights, Magnets, Action!
Published: February 18, 2008

When the Jin and Ye group collaboration wanted to investigate the creation of stable ultracold polar molecules, the researchers initially decided to make ultracold KRb (potassium-rubidium) molecules and then study their collision behavior. Making the molecules required a cloud of incredibly cold K and Rb atoms, the ability to apply a magnetic field of just the right strength to induce a powerful attraction between the different kinds of atoms, and some low-frequency photons.

PI: Carl Wieman | PI: Deborah Jin | PI: Jun Ye
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Atomic & Molecular Physics
Exploring a Cold New World
Published: April 12, 2007

Researchers from the Ye, Bohn, and Greene groups are busy exploring a cold new world crawling with polar hydroxyl radical (OH) molecules. The JILA experimentalists have already discovered how to cool OH to “lukewarm” temperatures of 30 mK. They’ve precisely measured four OH transition frequencies that will help physicists determine whether the fine structure constant has changed in the past 10 billion years.

PI: Chris Greene | PI: John Bohn | PI: Jun Ye
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Laser Physics
The South Broadway Shootout
Published: September 29, 2006

In the race to develop the world's best optical atomic clock, accuracy and precision are what count. Accuracy is the degree to which a measurement of time conforms to time's true value. Precision is a gauge of the exactness, or reproducibility, of the measurements. By definition, a high-precision clock must be extremely stable.

PI: Jun Ye
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Laser Physics
Magic Light
Published: July 11, 2006

"In the right light, in the right time, everything is extraordinary," according to photographer Aaron Rose. He could have just as easily been describing precision optical spectroscopy experiments recently conducted by Research Associates Tanya Zelevinsky and Tetsuya Ido, Graduate Students Martin Boyd and Andrew Ludlow, Fellow Jun Ye and collaborators from Poland's Instytut Fizyki and NIST's Atomic Physics Division.

PI: Jun Ye
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