Displaying 1 - 33 of 33
Non-contact measurements of nanoscale phonon and electron transport with ultrafast, coherent short-wavelength light
1 B.G. McBennett, Non-Contact Measurements of Nanoscale Phonon and Electron Transport With Ultrafast, Coherent Short-Wavelength Light, University of Colorado Boulder, 2024.
Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Ultrafast Excitations in Magnetic Alloys
1 S.A. Ryan, Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Ultrafast Excitations in Magnetic Alloys, University of Colorado Boulder, 2024.
Extreme Ultraviolet Lensless Microscopy: Development and Potential Applications to Semiconductor Metrology
1 B.. Wang, Extreme Ultraviolet Lensless Microscopy: Development and Potential Applications to Semiconductor Metrology, University of Colorado Boulder, 2022.
Ultrafast Optical Control over Hot Electron Dynamics in Nanoplasmonic Systems
1 J.. Pettine, Ultrafast Optical Control over Hot Electron Dynamics in Nanoplasmonic Systems, University of Colorado Boulder, 2020.
Ptychography Coherent Diffractive Imaging Systems for Extreme Ultraviolet and X-ray Sources
1 C.S. Bevis, Ptychography Coherent Diffractive Imaging Systems for Extreme Ultraviolet and X-Ray Sources, University of Colorado Boulder, 2020.
Uncovering new thermal and elastic properties of nanostructured materials using coherent EUV light
1 J.N.H. Charpak, Uncovering New Thermal and Elastic Properties of Nanostructured Materials Using Coherent EUV Light, University of Colorado Boulder, 2020.
Extreme Ultraviolet Measurements of Thermal and Elastic Dynamics in Nanostructured Media
1 T.D. Frazer, Extreme Ultraviolet Measurements of Thermal and Elastic Dynamics in Nanostructured Media , University of Colorado Boulder, 2019.
Direct optically driven spin-charge dynamics govern the femtosecond response of ferromagnets
1 P.M. Tengdin, Direct Optically Driven Spin-Charge Dynamics Govern the Femtosecond Response of Ferromagnets, University of Colorado Boulder, 2019.
Ultrafast Dynamics of Magnetic Multilayer Films: Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy and Resonant Scattering in the Extreme Ultraviolet and Soft X-ray Spectral Regions
1 D.. Zusin, Ultrafast Dynamics of Magnetic Multilayer Films: Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy and Resonant Scattering in the Extreme Ultraviolet and Soft X-Ray Spectral Regions, University of Colorado Boulder, 2018.
Development and application of extreme ultraviolet light sources - harnessing novel geometries of high-harmonic generation and using photoelectron spectroscopy to study nanoparticle dynamics
1 J.L. Ellis, Development and Application of Extreme Ultraviolet Light Sources - Harnessing Novel Geometries of High-Harmonic Generation and Using Photoelectron Spectroscopy to Study Nanoparticle Dynamics, University of Colorado Boulder, 2018.
High-Order Harmonic Generation Driven by Mid-Infrared Laser Light
1 B.R. Galloway, High-Order Harmonic Generation Driven by Mid-Infrared Laser Light, University of Colorado Boulder, 2017.
Uncovering new thermal and elastic properties of nanostructured materials using coherent EUV light
1 J.N.H. Charpak, Uncovering New Thermal and Elastic Properties of Nanostructured Materials Using Coherent EUV Light, University of Colorado Boulder, 2017.
Coherent Diffractive Imaging Near the Spatio-Temporal Limit with High-Harmonic Sources
1 D.. Gardner, Coherent Diffractive Imaging Near the Spatio-Temporal Limit With High-Harmonic Sources, University of Colorado Boulder, 2017.
EUV Microscopy with a Tabletop High Harmonic Generation Source: Generalizing Coherent Di ractive Imaging to Extended Samples in Transmission, Reflection, and Hyperspectral Modalities
1 B.. Zhang, EUV Microscopy With a Tabletop High Harmonic Generation Source: Generalizing Coherent Di Ractive Imaging to Extended Samples in Transmission, Reflection, and Hyperspectral Modalities, University of Colorado Boulder, 2015.
Uncovering new thermal and mechanical behavior at the nanoscale using coherent extreme ultraviolet light
1 K.M. Hoogeboom-Pot, Uncovering New Thermal and Mechanical Behavior at the Nanoscale Using Coherent Extreme Ultraviolet Light, University of Colorado Boulder, 2015.
Ultrafast Investigations of Materials using Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy with High Harmonic Generation
1 A.V. Carr, Ultrafast Investigations of Materials Using Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy With High Harmonic Generation, University of Colorado Boulder, 2015.
Nanoscale EUV Microscopy on a Tabletop: A General Transmission and Reflection Mode Microscope Based on Coherent Diffractive Imaging with High Harmonic Illumination
1 M.. Seaberg, Nanoscale EUV Microscopy on a Tabletop: A General Transmission and Reflection Mode Microscope Based on Coherent Diffractive Imaging With High Harmonic Illumination, University of Colorado Boulder, 2014.
Bright Coherent Ultrafast Tabletop Light Sources Development and the Application on EUV to Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
1 C.. Ding, Bright Coherent Ultrafast Tabletop Light Sources Development and the Application on EUV to Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy, University of Colorado Boulder, 2014.
Studying Laser-Induced Spin Currents Using Ultrafast Extreme Ultraviolet Light
1 E.. Turgut, Studying Laser-Induced Spin Currents Using Ultrafast Extreme Ultraviolet Light, University of Colorado Boulder, 2014.
High harmonic driven attosecond and femtosecond molecular dynamics
1 C.. Hogle, High Harmonic Driven Attosecond and Femtosecond Molecular Dynamics, University of Colorado Boulder, 2014.
Photoelectron and photoion spectroscopy of atoms, nanoparticles, and nanoplasmas irradiated with strong femtosecond laser fields
1 D.D. Hickstein, Photoelectron and Photoion Spectroscopy of Atoms, Nanoparticles, and Nanoplasmas Irradiated With Strong Femtosecond Laser Fields, University of Colorado Boulder, 2014.
Element-Selective Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics with a Tabletop Light Source
1 C.. La-O-Vorakiat, Element-Selective Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics With a Tabletop Light Source, University of Colorado Boulder, 2011.
Closing the Gap to the Diffraction Limit: Near Wavelength Limited Tabletop Soft X-Ray Coherent Diffractive Imaging
1 R.L. Sandberg, Closing the Gap to the Diffraction Limit: Near Wavelength Limited Tabletop Soft X-Ray Coherent Diffractive Imaging, University of Colorado Boulder, 2009.
Generation, Temporal Characterization and Applications of Femtosecond-/ Attosecond Extreme Ultraviolet Pulses
1 I.. Thomann, Generation, Temporal Characterization and Applications of Femtosecond- Attosecond Extreme Ultraviolet Pulses, University of Colorado Boulder, 2009.
High-Order Harmonic Spectroscopy of Molecular Structure and Dynamics
1 X.. Zhou, High-Order Harmonic Spectroscopy of Molecular Structure and Dynamics, University of Colorado Boulder, 2009.
Laser-Assisted Dynamics on Metallic Surfaces using Ultrafast X-Rays
1 L.. Miaja-Avila, Laser-Assisted Dynamics on Metallic Surfaces Using Ultrafast X-Rays, University of Colorado Boulder, 2009.
Nanoscale thermal, acoustic, and magnetic dynamics probed with soft x-ray light
1 M.E. Siemens, Nanoscale Thermal, Acoustic, and Magnetic Dynamics Probed With Soft X-Ray Light, University of Colorado Boulder, 2009.
Femtosecond molecular dynamics driven by extreme ultra violet radiation
1 E.. Gagnon, Femtosecond Molecular Dynamics Driven by Extreme Ultra Violet Radiation, University of Colorado Boulder, 2008.
High-Order Harmonic Generation from Molecules
1 N.L. Wagner, High-Order Harmonic Generation from Molecules, University of Colorado Boulder, 2008.
Phase Matching and Coherence of High-Order Harmonic Generation in Hollow Waveguides
1 A.L. Lytle, Phase Matching and Coherence of High-Order Harmonic Generation in Hollow Waveguides, University of Colorado Boulder, 2008.
Coherent EUV Light from High-Order Harmonic Generation: Enhancement and Applications to Lensless Diffractive Imaging
1 A.J. Paul, Coherent EUV Light from High-Order Harmonic Generation: Enhancement and Applications to Lensless Diffractive Imaging, University of Colorado Boulder, 2007.
High power ultrafast laser design and high-order harmonic generation in capillary discharge plasmas
1 D.M. Gaudiosi, High Power Ultrafast Laser Design and High-Order Harmonic Generation in Capillary Discharge Plasmas, University of Colorado Boulder, 2007.
Quasi-Phase Matching of Soft X-ray Light from High-Order Harmonic Generation using Waveguide Structures
1 E.. Gibson, Quasi-Phase Matching of Soft X-Ray Light from High-Order Harmonic Generation Using Waveguide Structures, University of Colorado Boulder, 2004.