Past Events

Amelia Earhart Day


Come celebrate Amelia Earhart's birthday a few days early with birthday cake and a paper airplane flying contest! We'll meet in the h-bar for cake and to launch paper airplanes off the h-bar patio. Judges will select winners in different categories, and paper will be provided!

Exploring New Quantum Horizons


Abstract: Quantum computers, machines that harness the power of quantum physics and have the potential to outperform their classical counterparts, have recently captured the public's imagination. Amidst the waves of hype and skepticism in the media, what is at the origin of the excitement and what is the real progress of this quest at the frontiers of quantum science and engineering?

Exploring New Quantum Horizons


Abstract: Quantum computers, machines that harness the power of quantum physics and have the potential to outperform their classical counterparts, have recently captured the public's imagination. Amidst the waves of hype and skepticism in the media, what is at the origin of the excitement and what is the real progress of this quest at the frontiers of quantum science and engineering?

Quantum many-body dynamics of atomic platforms for quantum simulation and metrology


A key goal in modern quantum science is to harness the complex behavior of quantum systems to develop new technologies. While precisely engineered platforms featuring ultracold atoms and trapped ions have emerged as powerful tools for this task, the limited ability to theoretically probe these systems poses challenges for improved control and characterization. In this thesis, I focus on the development of new computational tools, utilizing tensor networks and phase space methods, for studying the far-from-equilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems.

Emergence of fluctuating hydrodynamics in chaotic quantum systems


Out-of-equilibrium dynamics of isolated quantum many-body systems is generally intractable. In chaotic quantum systems, however, local observables rapidly relax to their equilibrium values. Hence, simple translationally-invariant initial states are expected to quickly reach thermal equilibrium for local expectation values. The equilibration of fluctuations on the other hand goes beyond standard thermalization and is expected to happen on much longer timescales, since their approach to equilibrium is limited by the hydrodynamic build-up of large-scale fluctuations.