The ThF+ eEDM experiment: concept, design, and characterization

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Kia Boon Ng / JILA (Cornell Group) & Dept. of Physics
Seminar Type
Location (Room)
Event Details & Abstracts
Abstract: The Standard Model (SM) of Particle Physics is the best model
that we have to describe the universe at a fundamental level. However,
the SM is known to be incomplete. For example, the SM does not account
for dark matter, and the abundance of matter over anti-matter that we
see today. What has the electric dipole moment of the electron (eEDM)
got to do with this? Come join me as I take you on a journey to learn
about the significance of the eEDM, what goes into measuring this
physical quantity, and what is so special about the molecular ion ThF+.