Multi-Modal Tabletop Extreme Ultraviolet Reflectometer for Imaging and Metrology of Nanostructures

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Yuka Esashi / KM Group JILA & Department of Physics
Seminar Type
Location (Room)
Event Details & Abstracts

Meeting ID: 941 8240 9828

Passcode: nano

Abstract: EUV light possesses unique advantages for characterizing the composition and geometry of nanostructures, due to its high elemental specificity and spatial resolution. I will present on the development of a multi-modal, extreme ultraviolet, tabletop reflectometer for imaging and characterization of nanostructures. The system is capable of measurements in three distinct modes of reflectometry: namely, intensity reflectometry, scatterometry, and imaging reflectometry, with each mode catering to different length scales and periodicity of the nanostructures under investigation. The results highlight the applicability of EUV metrology to a wide range of semiconductor and material science systems.