Job Opportunities at JILA

Photo of collaborators.
Image Credit
Steven Burrows / JILA

Highlighted opportunities will be listed below.  If you would like to view all open JILA positions, whether faculty, research or staff positions, please click here for the University of Colorado jobs search page.

Graduate Students and PostDocs

Often JILA Faculty list ongoing research opportunities on their faculty websites.  Please visit the JILA Research Groups page to find links to these sites and to contact our research groups directly.

Undergraduate Students

JILA hires undergraduate students to conduct research within individual research labs as well as to provide support for technical shops and administration. Dependent on the position, duties may include: basic/fundamental research, assistance with inventory, shipping/receiving, clerical/administrative support, social media/communications or fabrication of scientific items.

Based upon the duties to be performed and skill, education and experience, starting salary can range from $16.00/hour to $31.00/hour and are classified below:

  1. Student Assistant I - Entry Level/Semi-Skilled
  2. Student Assistant II - Intermediate/Advanced
  3. Student Assistant III - Specialist/Lead
  4. Student Assistant IV - Paraprofessional


If you are interested in a research position at JILA, please contact the research group of interest directly to inquire about open positions.  You can find out more about each research group here:

If you are interested in working in a JILA technical shop, communications or administration please provide a letter indicating your work area of interest and resume here: