JILA is a unique research and training partnership between the University of Colorado and the National Institute of Standards & Technology. At JILA, scientists develop new research and measurement technologies that broadly advance science and the NIST measurement mission. To date, JILA scientists have been awarded three Physics Nobel Prizes. JILA also trains young innovators who become leaders in industry, academia, and government labs. And after traveling to the many laboratories housed at JILA, APS TV discovers that collaboration amongst its researchers is one of its greatest strengths.
JILA actively seeks and supports diversity as an integral element of a collaborative and world-leading research institute. JILA Excellence in Diversity and Inclusivity (JEDI) is a self-nominated group of JILAns focused on advancing effective diversity and inclusivity through education and activities within JILA and collaboratively with the CU community. JEDI includes JILA Fellows, Staff, Students and Postdocs. Please visit the JEDI website for more information: https://jilajedi.colorado.edu/
Please follow this link to find information on the numerous STEM student
organizations at CU. https://www.colorado.edu/initiative/cdi/cu-stem-student-organizations
Community Events
Since our founding, collaboration has been at the heart of JILA’s ground-breaking science.
Many researchers must spend hours toiling away in laboratories and offices, however, it is the little moments in the hallways with fellow scientists where ideas are traded, problems are debugged, and inspiration strikes.
To encourage both faculty and student researchers to communicate their science with other JILAns, JILA hosts a variety of community events. Some of these events are structured, such JILA Public Seminars, and others are more informal, such as our annual PosterFest and awards ceremonies.
JILA’s community-wide seminars and workshops cover a variety of topics. Research seminars are hosted by JILA-affiliated groups, such as Center for Theory of Quantum Matter (link), or by individual groups and feature JILA and visiting speakers. The JILA-affiliated STROBE (link) hosts professional development seminars that are within JILA and also available through online streaming. And JILA students host their own seminars, such as Life After JILA, a seminar which returns successful JILA alumni to speak about their experiences venturing into unconventional jobs. All seminars and workshops are listed on our public calendar of events.
JILA also hosts informal community events in which crowd discussion (community engagement) is encouraged. Several times a month JILA gathers to celebrate outstanding researchers, notable visitors, or whimsical holidays. And each fall JILA hosts an annual PosterFest, in which all JILAns are encouraged to display and discuss their most current research.
Lastly, JILA maintains a variety of communal spaces within our buildings to facilitate idea shares between research groups. Our hallways are packed with whiteboards and research posters, and our communal spaces have chairs and tables for impromptu meetings. Every walk through a JILA hallway exposes you to the new ideas, new frustrations, and new solutions of your fellow building-mates.