Past Events

Can the tail wag the dog? The influence of micro-instabilities on collisionless plasma shocks.


Abstract: Collisionless shocks are ubiquitous and hugely important in space and astrophysical plasmas. In hot and rarified (weakly collisional) plasma, the energy dissipation necessary for such a shock to exist must be provided by kinetic processes, among which plasma instabilities have long been considered primary candidates.

Universal quantum correlations with reduced density matrices


Strong quantum correlations lie in the center of many fascinating physical phenomena, as for instance quantum phase transitions. A direct way to study quantum correlations in many body systems is to compute certain observables with the respective wave function. Yet, it is known that reduced density matrices are able to describe and predict directly the bulk of physical features of such quantum phenomena, overcoming the curse of dimensionality of wave-function-based theories.



Lab Website:
Synopsis: The Krishnan lab works on developing an imaging platform that uses short DNA duplexes of ~20-30KDa to chemically map lumens of organelles and build quantitative chemical maps. The lab has discovered the first example of a lysosomal Ca2+ importer in the animal kingdom.


JSCBB A115 Butcher Auditorium
Jennie Smoly Caruthers Biotechnology Building (JSCBB)
3415 Colorado Ave.
Boulder, CO 80303

Physical vs. Data-Driven Approaches in the Era of Multi-Wavelength Astronomical Surveys


Abstract: We are entering the golden age of multi-wavelength astronomical surveys. In the 2020s, a plethora of multi-band surveys (such as Rubin-LSST, DESI, Simons Observatory, CMB-S4, and eROSITA, to name a few) are underway or planned to provide unprecedented insights into the cosmic structure formation and the fundamental physics of the cosmos. One of the key challenges of this cosmic frontier lies in understanding the halo-galaxy-gas connection and the roles of still poorly understood galaxy formation physics and its impact on cosmology.

Read Between the Spectral Lines: Characterizing Substellar Atmospheres


Abstract: Brown dwarfs and directly imaged self-luminous exoplanets are interesting and complex worlds that form a critical stepping stone along the path to imaging Earth-like planets. By examining their atmospheres in detail we can better understand their thermal profiles, chemical composition, and cloud properties that are tightly coupled with their formation and evolution. In this talk, I will explain how I use atmospheric retrievals, a powerful inverse modeling technique, to examine the atmospheres of brown dwarfs.