Epidemics, Erdos numbers, and the Internet: The Physics of Networks

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Mark Newman / University of Michigan
Location (Room)
JILA Auditorium
Event Details & Abstracts

Abstract: There are networks in every part of our lives: the Internet, the road network, networks of friendship or acquaintance, biochemical networks, ecological networks, the power grid, and many others. As large-scale data on these networks has become available in the last few years, a new science of networks has grown up combining observations and theory to shed light on systems ranging from bacteria to the whole of human society.  This talk will give an introduction to this rapidly-growing field, and explain some its best known results and how physics and physical methods can contribute to their understanding.


Coffee, tea and cookies will be available in G1B31 (across from G1B20) from 3:30 - 3:50 p.m.

Physics Colloquia are held Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. in the JILA Auditorium.