Past Events

Competing interactions in dipolar erbium atoms


Ultracold magnetic atoms exhibit short-range contact interactions together with longrange
dipole-dipole interactions. The competition between these two interactions
gives rise to various quantum phases [1], where the usually dominant mean-field
interactions are small and the system is governed by quantum fluctuations [2].
In this talk, I will first report on the study of a supersolid state and its excitation
spectrum [3]. In such a state, two symmetries are spontaneously broken: the gauge

Many-body phases in ultracold dipolar gases: novel quantum mixtures and supersolidity


In the past decades, ultracold atomic gases revealed to be an ideal platform for simulating quantum phenomena thanks to the ability to tune the inter-particle interactions, the geometry of the system, and the possibility of adding complexity in a controlled way. Recently, ultracold gases made of magnetic atoms brought the discovery of exotic states of matter arising from long-range and anisotropic dipole-dipole interactions, such as liquid-like self-bound droplets and supersolid states [1].

ARM Value-added Products: A Community Resource for Atmospheric and Climate Model Research


Abstract: The Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) user facility provides continuous field measurements of atmospheric conditions by deploying state-of-the-art remote sensing and in situ atmospheric observatories at climatically significant locations.

Nanomaterials Enable Delivery of Genetic Material Without Transgene Integration in Mature Plants


Lab Website:

Synopsis: The Landry lab works to develop tools for single-molecule applications to study and genetically manipulate molecular processes in whole organisms; the lab has applications in maging neuromodulation in the brain, and delivery of genetic materials into plants without transgenic DNA. 

Circuit QED Lattices


Abstract: The field of circuit QED has emerged as a rich platform for both quantum computation and quantum simulation. Lattices of coplanar waveguide (CPW) resonators realize artificial photonic materials in the tight-binding limit. Combined with strong qubit-photon interactions, these systems can be used to study dynamical phase transitions, many-body phenomena, and spin models in driven-dissipative systems.

EUV-based Semiconductor Metrology for Dimensional and Materials Scaling


Abstract: Dimensional and materials scaling are two key drivers for advancing computational capabilities beyond the conventional scaling trends of the last several decades. Future device metrology solutions must be developed now without clarity as to which combinations of proposed architecture(s) and novel materials will prove best suited for integration into high-volume manufacturing. This presentation briefly reviews these possible pairings and the near-term and long-term metrology challenges as identified in the IEEE International Roadmap for Devices and Systems.

Controlling Excitons in 2D Material Heterostructures

Two dimensional (2D) semiconductors, such as MoSe2 and WSe2, host tightly bound excitons (electron-hole pairs) that interact strongly with light. These monolayer semiconductors can be stacked together to realize heterostructures that exhibit new excitonic effects. In this presentation, I will discuss the optical response of two different 2D semiconductor heterostructures.