Past Events

Quantum Simulation for High-Energy Physics


Abstract: Simulating strongly interacting quantum systems is a difficult task: as a prominent example, solving the fundamental equations of the quantum chromodynamics theory of quarks and gluons requires non-perturbative approaches based on computationally-expensive Monte Carlo simulations. The need for alternative solutions that do not rely on Monte Carlo methods has recently motivated an increasing interest in the possible applications of quantum simulation and computation.

Improving prenatal care through cell-free RNA liquid biopsies


Abstract: Pregnancy complications like preeclampsia and preterm birth pose huge risks to fetal and maternal long-term health and a large financial burden. Here, I will describe the development 3 liquid biopsy tests that measure cell-free RNA (cfRNA) to monitor prenatal health and predict risk of pregnancy complications long before symptoms manifest. This work paves the way for affordable, simple, and reliable tests for preeclampsia and preterm delivery – risks that no other test can presently diagnose early enough to allow for meaningful clinical intervention.

From Quantum Information to the Black Hole Interior


Abstract: Black holes have not just become laboratories for astronomers, but also present some of the deepest unsolved problems in theoretical physics. During the past decade surprising connections have been made between ideas from quantum information and gravitational physics. In this talk I will explain several aspects of these connections. In particular, we will see that by treating a black hole as a quantum computer, we can understand various properties of the black hole interior.

Massive Star Clusters: the First 2 Million Years

A Pretty Image from the Talk


Young massive clusters of & 105.5Mo show the extreme mode of star formation. They are common in the Early Universe and in starburst galaxies today. They are tremendously bright and powerful and can dominate the luminosity and energetics of the host galaxy. These clusters are born embedded in the obscuring gas and dust of giant molecular clouds.

Leveraging Dynamic Properties to Understand Protein (Dys)function in Disease


Abstract: The dynamical properties of proteins are critical for their function and are often perturbed in disease. Despite this knowledge, developing chemical probes that explicitly target protein dynamics is challenging, and therapeutic molecules that alter protein dynamics are often discovered serendipitously. However, all living organisms contain a dedicated class of proteins, termed molecular chaperones, that specifically regulate protein folding and dynamics to prevent pathological outcomes.

Manipulating and Measuring States of an Optomechanical Resonator in the Quantum Regime



What is the largest and most tangible object to reveal purely quantum phenomena?
Macroscopic mechanical devices in the quantum regime can play a crucial role in
quantum communication, quantum sensing, and fundamental tests of quantum
mechanics. In this talk, I will describe my recent progress toward manipulating a
nanogram mechanical resonator in the quantum regime. The mechanical resonator
is the density wave of superfluid helium-4 confined in a fiber cavity. The light as a

Mental Health First Aid


Mental Health First Aid training helps a person with no clinical training assist someone experiencing a mental health crisis. Mental Health First Aiders learn a 5-step strategy to assess and support someone in crisis.

Participants are introduced to risk factors and warning signs, engage in experiential activities and learn about evidence-supported treatment and self-help strategies.