JILA Science Publications

Displaying 801 - 900 of 10604


Incorporating an Optical Clock Into a Time Scale
Jian Yao, Thomas Parker, Neil Ashby, Judah Levine, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 65, 127-134 (2018).
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Multiple beam ptychography for large field-of-view, high throughput, quantitative phase contrast imaging
Charles Bevis, Robert Karl, Jonathan Reichanadter, Dennis Gardner, Christina Porter, Elisabeth Shanblatt, Michael Tanksalvala, Giulia Mancini, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Daniel Adams, Ultramicroscopy 184, 164-171 (2018).
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Quantum quench dynamics of the attractive one-dimensional Bose gas via the coordinate Bethe ansatz
Jan Zill, Tod Wright, Karen Kheruntsyan, Thomas Gasenzer, Matthew Davis, SciPost Physics 4, (2018).
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Radiative control of dark excitons at room temperature by nano-optical antenna-tip Purcell effect
Kyoung-Duck Park, Tao Jiang, Genevieve Clark, Xiaodong Xu, Markus Raschke, Nature Nanotechnology 13, 59-64 (2018).
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Recommendations for the use of notebooks in upper-division physics lab courses
Jacob Stanley, Heather Lewandowski, American Journal of Physics 86, 45-53 (2018).
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Relating Out-of-Time-Order Correlations to Entanglement via Multiple-Quantum Coherences
Martin Gärttner, Philipp Hauke, Ana Maria Rey, Physical Review Letters 120916, (2018).
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Spectrum Estimation of Density Operators with Alkaline-Earth Atoms
Michael Beverland, Jeongwan Haah, Gorjan Alagic, Gretchen Campbell, Ana Maria Rey, Alexey Gorshkov, Physical Review Letters 120, (2018).
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Spin mixing and protection of ferromagnetism in a spinor dipolar condensate
S. Lepoutre, K. Kechadi, B. Naylor, Bihui Zhu, Lucas Gabardos, L. Isaev, P. Pedri, Ana Maria Rey, Laurent Vernac, Bruno Laburthe-Tolra, Physical Review A 97, (2018).
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Sub-Doppler slit jet infrared spectroscopy of astrochemically relevant cations: Symmetric (ν1) and antisymmetric (ν6) NH stretching modes in ND2H2+
Chih-Hsuan Chang, David Nesbitt, The Journal of Chemical Physics 148, (2018).
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Improved free-energy landscape reconstruction of bacteriorhodopsin highlights local variations in unfolding energy
Patrick Heenan, Hao Yu, Matthew Siewny, Thomas Perkins, The Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 123313 (2018).
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Impact of an introductory lab course on students’ understanding of measurement uncertainty
Benjamin Pollard, Robert Hobbs, Jacob Stanley, Dimitri Dounas-Frazer, Heather Lewandowski, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings , (2018).
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Impact of perceived grading practices on students' beliefs about experimental physics
Bethany Wilcox, Heather Lewandowski, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings , (2018).
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Pathways to proposing causes for unexpected experimental results
Laura Ríos, Benjamin Pollard, Dimitri Dounas-Frazer, Heather Lewandowski, 2018 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings , (2018).
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Student reasoning about measurement uncertainty in an introductory lab course
Heather Lewandowski, Robert Hobbs, Jacob Stanley, Dimitri Dounas-Frazer, Benjamin Pollard, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings , (2018).
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The Modelling Framework for Experimental Physics: description, development, and applications
Dimitri Dounas-Frazer, Heather Lewandowski, European Journal of Physics 39, 064005 (2018).
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Microscopy of the interacting Harper-Hofstadter model in the two-body limit
Eric Tai, Alexander Lukin, Matthew Rispoli, Robert Schittko, Tim Menke, Dan Borgnia, Philipp Preiss, Fabian Grusdt, Adam Kaufman, Markus Greiner, Nature 546, 519-523 (2017).
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ALMA spectral survey of Supernova 1987A - molecular inventory, chemistry, dynamics and explosive nucleosynthesis
M. Matsuura, Remy Indebetouw, S. Woosley, V. Bujarrabal, F. Abellán, Richard McCray, J. Kamenetzky, Claes Fransson, M. Barlow, H. Gomez, P. Cigan, I De Looze, Jason Spyromilio, L. Staveley-Smith, G. Zanardo, P. Roche, Josefin Larsson, S. Viti, Th. van Loon, J. Wheeler, M. Baes, Roger Chevalier, P. Lundqvist, J. Marcaide, E. Dwek, M. Meixner, C.-Y. Ng, G. Sonneborn, J. Yates, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 469, 3347-3362 (2017).
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An ion trap time-of-flight mass spectrometer with high mass resolution for cold trapped ion experiments
P. Schmid, J. Greenberg, M. Miller, K. Loeffler, Heather Lewandowski, Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 123107 (2017).
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Controlling a Quantum Gas of Polar Molecules in an Optical Lattice
Jacob Covey, Steven Moses, Jun Ye, Deborah Jin, Cold Chemistry: Molecular Scattering and Reactivity near Absolute Zero , 537-578 (2017).
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Controlling spin flips of molecules in an electromagnetic trap
David Reens, Hao Wu, Tim Langen, Jun Ye, Physical Review A 96, 063420 (2017).
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Covariant Hamiltonian tetrad approach to numerical relativity
Andrew Hamilton, Physical Review D 96, (2017).
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Effect of attochirp on attosecond streaking time delay in photoionization of atoms
Cory Goldsmith, Agnieszka Jaron-Becker, Andreas Becker, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 51, 025601 (2017).
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Efimov States of Strongly Interacting Photons
J. Gullans, S. Diehl, T. Rittenhouse, P. Ruzic, Jose D'Incao, Paul Julienne, Alexey Gorshkov, M. Taylor, Physical Review Letters 119, (2017).
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Force spectroscopy with 9-μs resolution and sub-pN stability by tailoring AFM cantilever geometry
Devin Edwards, Jaevyn Faulk, Marc-Andre LeBlanc, Thomas Perkins, Biophysical Journal 113, 2595-2600 (2017).
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New frontiers for quantum gases of polar molecules
Steven Moses, Jacob Covey, Matthew Miecnikowski, Deborah Jin, Jun Ye, Nature Physics 13, 13-20 (2017).
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Nuclear spin/parity dependent spectroscopy and predissociation dynamics in vOH = 2 <- 0 overtone excited Ne-H2O clusters: Theory and experiment
Michael Ziemkiewicz, Christian Pluetzer, Jérôme Loreau, Ad van der Avoird, David Nesbitt, The Journal of Chemical Physics 147, (2017).
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Student ownership of projects in an upper-division optics laboratory course: A multiple case study of successful experiences
Dimitri Dounas-Frazer, Jacob Stanley, Heather Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 13, 020136-1 (2017).
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Ultrafast 25-fs relaxation in highly excited states of methyl azide mediated by strong nonadiabatic coupling
William Peters, David Couch, Benoit Mignolet, Xuetao Shi, Quynh Nguyen, Ryan Fortenberry, Bernhard Schlegel, Françoise Remacle, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Wen Li, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, E11072 - E11081 (2017).
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Ultrastable Silicon Cavity in a Continuously Operating Closed-Cycle Cryostat at 4 K
W. Zhang, J. Robinson, Lindsay Sonderhouse, Eric Oelker, Craig Benko, John Hall, Thomas Legero, Dan-Gheorghita Matei, Fritz Riehle, Uwe Sterr, Jun Ye, Physical Review Letters 119, 243601 (2017).
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Analytical estimates of attosecond streaking time delay in photoionization of atoms
Cory Goldsmith, Jing Su, Andreas Becker, Agnieszka Jaron-Becker, Physical Review A 96, 053410 (2017).
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JY1 time scale: a new Kalman-filter time scale designed at NIST
Jian Yao, Thomas Parker, Judah Levine, Measurement Science and Technology 28, 115004 (2017).
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Numerical investigation of kinetic turbulence in relativistic pair plasmas - I. Turbulence statistics
Vladimir Zhdankin, Dmitri Uzdensky, Gregory Werner, Mitchell Begelman, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474, 2514-2535 (2017).
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Qualitative investigation of students' views about experimental physics
Dehui Hu, Benjamin Zwickl, Bethany Wilcox, Heather Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 13, 020134 (2017).
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Realizing and adiabatically preparing bosonic integer and fractional quantum Hall states in optical lattices
Yin-Chen He, Fabian Grusdt, Adam Kaufman, Markus Greiner, Ashvin Vishwanath, Physical Review B 96, 201103 (2017).
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State-to-state chemistry for three-body recombination in an ultracold rubidium gas
Joschka Wolf, Markus Deiß, Artjom Krükow, Eberhard Tiemann, Brandon Ruzic, Yujun Wang, Jose D'Incao, Paul Julienne, Johannes Denschlag, Science 358, 921-924 (2017).
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Tidal disruption by extreme mass ratio binaries and application to ASASSN-15lh
Eric Coughlin, Phillip Armitage, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474, 3857-3865 (2017).
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Time-dependent susceptibility of a helium atom in intense laser pulses
Andrew Spott, Agnieszka Jaron-Becker, Andreas Becker, Physical Review A 96, 053404 (2017).
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Useful states and entanglement distillation
Felix Leditzky, Nilanjana Datta, Graeme Smith, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory , (2017).
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Using lab notebooks to examine students' engagement in modeling in an upper-division electronics lab course
Jacob Stanley, Weifeng Su, Heather Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 13, 020127 (2017).
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Widely Tunable On-Chip Microwave Circulator for Superconducting Quantum Circuits
Benjamin Chapman, Eric Rosenthal, Joseph Kerckhoff, Bradley Moores, Leila Vale, A. Mates, Gene Hilton, Kevin Lalumière, Alexandre Blais, Konrad Lehnert, Physical Review X 7, (2017).
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A characteristic scale for cold gas
Michael McCourt, Peng Oh, Ryan O'Leary, Ann-Marie Madigan, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 5407-5431 (2017).
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A Fermi-degenerate three-dimensional optical lattice clock
S. Campbell, Ross Hutson, Edward Marti, Akihisa Goban, Darkwah Oppong, R. McNally, Lindsay Sonderhouse, J. Robinson, W. Zhang, B. Bloom, Jun Ye, Science 358, 90-94 (2017).
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Breaking Lorentz Reciprocity with Frequency Conversion and Delay
Eric Rosenthal, Benjamin Chapman, Andrew Higginbotham, Joseph Kerckhoff, Konrad Lehnert, Physical Review Letters 119431, 147703 (2017).
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Encoding of vinylidene isomerization in its anion photoelectron spectrum
Jessalyn DeVine, Marissa Weichman, Benjamin Laws, Jing Chang, Mark Babin, Garikoitz Balerdi, Changjian Xie, Christopher Malbon, Carl Lineberger, David Yarkony, Robert Field, Stephen Gibson, Jianyi Ma, Hua Guo, Daniel Neumark, Science 35825, 336-339 (2017).
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Evidence for Universality in the Initial Planetesimal Mass Function
Jacob Simon, Phillip Armitage, Andrew Youdin, Rixin Li, The Astrophysical Journal 847, L12 (2017).
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Mass inflation followed by Belinskii-Khalatnikov-Lifshitz collapse inside accreting, rotating black holes
Andrew Hamilton, Physical Review D 96323510, 084041 (2017).
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No evaporative cooling of nitric oxide in its ground state
Lucie Augustovičová, John Bohn, Physical Review A 96, 042712 (2017).
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Observation of Efimov Molecules Created from a Resonantly Interacting Bose Gas
Catherine Klauss, Xin Xie, Carlos Lopez-Abadia, Jose D'Incao, Zoran Hadzibabic, Deborah Jin, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 119, 143401 (2017).
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Optical and UV Spectra of the Remnant of SN 1885 (S And) in M31
Robert Fesen, Kathryn Weil, Andrew Hamilton, Peter Hoflich, The Astrophysical Journal 848, 130 (2017).
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Precision Measurement of the Electron's Electric Dipole Moment Using Trapped Molecular Ions
William Cairncross, Daniel Gresh, Matt Grau, Kevin Cossel, Tanya Roussy, Yiqi Ni, Yan Zhou, Jun Ye, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 119, 153001 (2017).
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Role of atoms in atomic gravitational-wave detectors
Matthew Norcia, Julia Cline, James Thompson, Physical Review A 96, 042118 (2017).
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Ultrafast Gap Dynamics and Electronic Interactions in a Photoexcited Cuprate Superconductor
S. Parham, H. Li, J. Nummy, A. Waugh, Q. Zhou, J. Griffith, J. Schneeloch, D. Zhong, D. Gu, Daniel Dessau, Physical Review X 7, (2017).
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A dimensional theory of shielding in ultracold collisions of dipolar rotors
Maykel González-Martínez, John Bohn, Goulven Quéméner, Physical Review A 96, 032718 (2017).
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Cold molecules: Progress in quantum engineering of chemistry and quantum matter
John Bohn, Ana Maria Rey, Jun Ye, Science 357, 1002-1010 (2017).
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Critical Comparison of FRET-Sensor Functionality in the Cytosol and Endoplasmic Reticulum and Implications for Quantification of Ions
Kyle Carter, Margaret Carpenter, Brett Fiedler, Ralph Jimenez, Amy Palmer, Analytical Chemistry 89, 9601-9608 (2017).
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Exploring many-body localization and thermalization using semiclassical methods
O. Acevedo, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Johannas Schachenmayer, Michael Wall, Rahul Nandkishore, Ana Maria Rey, Physical Review A 96, (2017).
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Faithful conversion of propagating quantum information to mechanical motion
A. Reed, K. Mayer, J. Teufel, L. Burkhart, W. Pfaff, M. Reagor, Lucas Sletten, X. Ma, R. Schoelkopf, Emanuel Knill, Konrad Lehnert, Nature Physics 13, (2017).
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First Demonstration of Sub-Wavelength Imaging at Short Wavelengths
Dennis Gardner, Elisabeth Shanblatt, Michael Tanksalvala, Xiaoshi Zhang, Benjamin Galloway, Christina Porter, Robert Karl, Charles Bevis, Bosheng Zhang, Matthew Seaberg, Giulia Mancini, Daniel Adams, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, unknown , (2017).
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Improvement or selection? A longitudinal analysis of students' views about experimental physics in their lab courses
Bethany Wilcox, Heather Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 13, (2017).
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Instability in strongly magnetized accretion discs: a global perspective
Upasana Das, Mitchell Begelman, Geoffroy Lesur, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 2791-2812 (2017).
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Interaction of CO2 with Atomic Manganese in the Presence of an Excess Negative Charge Probed by Infrared Spectroscopy of [Mn(CO2)n]- Clusters
Michael Thompson, Jacob Ramsay, J. Mathias Weber, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121, 7534-7542 (2017).
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Investigating the role of socially mediated metacognition during collaborative troubleshooting of electric circuits
Kevin Van De Bogart, Dimitri Dounas-Frazer, Heather Lewandowski, MacKenzie Stetzer, Physical Review Physics Education Research 13, 020116 (2017).
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Non-thermal particle acceleration in collisionless relativistic electron-proton reconnection
Gregory Werner, Dmitri Uzdensky, Mitchell Begelman, B. Cerutti, Krzysztof Nalewajko, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 4840-4861 (2017).
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Nonequilibrium dynamics of spin-boson models from phase-space methods
Piñeiro Orioli, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Michael Wall, Ana Maria Rey, Physical Review A 96, (2017).
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OD + CO -> D + CO 2 branching kinetics probed with time-resolved frequency comb spectroscopy
Thinh Bui, Bryce Bjork, Bryan Changala, Oliver Heckl, Ben Spaun, Jun Ye, Chemical Physics Letters 683, 91-95 (2017).
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Production of carbon clusters C3 to C12 with a cryogenic buffer-gas beam source
Cameron Straatsma, M. Fabrikant, G. Douberly, Heather Lewandowski, The Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 124201 (2017).
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Radio Frequency Magneto-Optical Trapping of CaF with High Density
Loïc Anderegg, Benjamin Augenbraun, Eunmi Chae, Boerge Hemmerling, Nicholas Hutzler, Aakash Ravi, Alejandra Collopy, Jun Ye, Wolfgang Ketterle, John Doyle, Physical Review Letters 119, 103201 (2017).
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Reconfigurable re-entrant cavity for wireless coupling to an electro-optomechanical device
Tim Menke, Peter Burns, Andrew Higginbotham, N. Kampel, R. Peterson, K. Cicak, R. Simmonds, Cindy Regal, Konrad Lehnert, Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 094701 (2017).
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Angle-resolved molecular beam scattering of NO at the gas-liquid interface
Amelia Zutz, David Nesbitt, The Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 054704 (2017).
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Force-activated DNA substrates for probing individual proteins interacting with single-stranded DNA
Stephen Okoniewski, Lyle Uyetake, Thomas Perkins, Nucleic Acids Research 45, 10775-10782 (2017).
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Helicity-Selective Enhancement and Polarization Control of Attosecond High Harmonic Waveforms Driven by Bichromatic Circularly Polarized Laser Fields
Kevin Dorney, Jennifer Ellis, Carlos Hernández-García, Daniel Hickstein, Christopher Mancuso, Nathan Brooks, Tingting Fan, Guangyu Fan, Dmitriy Zusin, Christian Gentry, Patrik Grychtol, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Physical Review Letters 11945, 063201 (2017).
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Measurements of trap dynamics of cold OH molecules using resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization
John Gray, Jason Bossert, Yomay Shyur, Heather Lewandowski, Physical Review A 9666, 023416 (2017).
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Nondestructive determination of protein structural stability
Mengyang Xu, D. George, Ralph Jimenez, A. Markelz, unknown , (2017).
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Observation of ionization enhancement in two-color circularly polarized laser fields
Christopher Mancuso, Kevin Dorney, Daniel Hickstein, Jan Chaloupka, Xiao-Min Tong, Jennifer Ellis, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Physical Review Letters 96, 023402 (2017).
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Stellar Model Chromospheres and Spectroscopic Diagnostics
Jeffrey Linsky, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 55, 159-211 (2017).
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Students' views about the nature of experimental physics
Bethany Wilcox, Heather Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 136, (2017).
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A model for intergalactic filaments and galaxy formation during the first gigayear
Gayler Harford, Andrew Hamilton, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 471, 4760-4775 (2017).
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A Three-dimensional View of Turbulence: Constraints on Turbulent Motions in the HD 163296 Protoplanetary Disk Using DCO+
Kevin Flaherty, Meredith Hughes, Sanaea Rose, Jacob Simon, Chunhua Qi, S. Andrews, Ágnes Kóspál, David Wilner, Eugene Chiang, Phillip Armitage, Xue-Ning Bai, The Astrophysical Journal 843, 150 (2017).
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Circumbinary discs from tidal disruption events
Eric Coughlin, Phillip Armitage, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 471, L115 - L119 (2017).
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Photoelectron spectroscopy of the thiazate (NSO-) and thionitrite (SNO-) isomer anions
Julia Lehman, Carl Lineberger, The Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 013943 (2017).
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Rapid characterization of a mechanically labile α-helical protein enabled by efficient site-specific bioconjugation
Robert Walder, Marc-Andre LeBlanc, William Van Patten, Devin Edwards, Jacob Greenberg, Ayush Adhikari, Stephen Okoniewski, Ruby Sullan, David Rabuka, Marcelo Sousa, Thomas Perkins, Journal of the American Chemical Society 139, 9867-9875 (2017).
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Tabletop Femtosecond VUV Photoionization and PEPICO Detection of Microreactor Pyrolysis Products
David Couch, Grant Buckingham, J. Baraban, Jessica Porterfield, Laura Wooldridge, Barney Ellison, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, William Peters, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121, 5280-5289 (2017).
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The MUSCLES Treasury Survey. IV. Scaling Relations for Ultraviolet, Ca ii K, and Energetic Particle Fluxes from M Dwarfs
Allison Youngblood, Kevin France, R. Loyd, Alexander Brown, James Mason, Christian Schneider, Matt Tilley, Zachory Berta-Thompson, Andrea Buccino, Cynthia Froning, Suzanne Hawley, Jeffrey Linsky, Pablo Mauas, S. Redfield, Adam Kowalski, Yamila Miguel, Elisabeth Newton, Sarah Rugheimer, Antígona Segura, Aki Roberge, Mariela Vieytes, The Astrophysical Journal 843, 31 (2017).
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1.5 μm Lasers with Sub-10 mHz Linewidth
Dan-Gheorghita Matei, Thomas Legero, S. Häfner, Christian Grebing, Robin Weyrich, W. Zhang, Lindsay Sonderhouse, J. Robinson, Jun Ye, Fritz Riehle, Uwe Sterr, Physical Review Letters 118, 263202 (2017).
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Constraining the rp-process by measuring 23Al(d,n)24Si with GRETINA and LENDA at NSCL
Clemens Wolf, Christoph Langer, Fernando Montes, Jorge Pereira, Sunghoon Ahn, Sara Ayoub, Daniel Bazin, Peter Bender, Alex Brown, Justin Browne, Heather Crawford, Eric Deleeuw, Brandon Elman, Stefan Fiebiger, Alexandra Gade, Panagiotis Gastis, Samuel Lipschutz, Brenden Longfellow, Filomena Nunes, Wei-Jia Ong, Terri Poxon-Pearson, Georgios Perdikakis, René Reifarth, Hendrik Schatz, Konrad Schmidt, Jaclyn Schmitt, Chris Sullivan, Rachel Titus, Dirk Weisshaar, Philip Woods, Juan Zamora, Remco Zegers, M. La Cognata, M. Lattuada, S. Palmerini, R.G. Pizzone, C. Spitaleri, EPJ Web of Conferences 165, 01055 (2017).
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Distinguishing attosecond electron-electron scattering and screening in transition metals
Cong Chen, Zhensheng Tao, Adra Carr, Piotr Matyba, Tibor Szilvasi, Sebastian Emmerich, Martin Piecuch, Mark Keller, Dmitriy Zusin, Steffen Eich, Markus Rollinger, Wenjing You, Stefan Mathias, Uwe Thumm, Manos Mavrikakis, Martin Aeschlimann, Peter Oppeneer, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. , (2017).
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Electronic Spectra of Tris(2,2 -bipyridine)-M(II) Complex Ions in Vacuo (M = Fe and Os)
Shuang Xu, James Smith, Samer Gozem, Anna Krylov, J. Mathias Weber, Inorganic Chemistry 56, 7029-7037 (2017).
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Magnetically Induced Optical Transparency on a Forbidden Transition in Strontium for Cavity-Enhanced Spectroscopy
Matthew Winchester, Matthew Norcia, Julia Cline, James Thompson, Physical Review Letters 118, 263601 (2017).
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Very Deep inside the SN 1987A Core Ejecta: Molecular Structures Seen in 3D
F. Abellán, Remy Indebetouw, J. Marcaide, M. Gabler, Claes Fransson, Jason Spyromilio, David Burrows, Roger Chevalier, P. Cigan, B. Gaensler, H. Gomez, H.-Th. Janka, R. Kirshner, Josefin Larsson, P. Lundqvist, M. Matsuura, Richard McCray, C.-Y. Ng, S. Park, P. Roche, L. Staveley-Smith, Th. van Loon, J. Wheeler, S. Woosley, The Astrophysical Journal 842, L24 (2017).
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A new electron-ion coincidence 3D momentum-imaging method and its application in probing strong field dynamics of 2-phenylethyl-N, N-dimethylamine
Lin Fan, Suk Lee, Yi-Jung Tu, Benoit Mignolet, David Couch, Kevin Dorney, Quynh Nguyen, Laura Wooldridge, Margaret Murnane, Françoise Remacle, Bernhard Schlegel, Wen Li, The Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 013920 (2017).
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Design and operational experience of a microwave cavity axion detector for the 20 - 100 μeV range
Al Kenany, M. Anil, K. Backes, Benjamin Brubaker, S.B. Cahn, G. Carosi, Y. Gurevich, W. Kindel, S. Lamoreaux, Konrad Lehnert, S. Lewis, M. Malnou, Daniel Palken, N. Rapidis, J. Root, M. Simanovskaia, T. Shokair, I. Urdinaran, Karl van Bibber, L. Zhong, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 854, 11-24 (2017).
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Measuring out-of-time-order correlations and multiple quantum spectra in a trapped-ion quantum magnet
Martin Gärttner, Justin Bohnet, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Michael Wall, John Bollinger, Ana Maria Rey, Nature Physics 13739, 781-786 (2017).
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Sub-Doppler infrared spectroscopy of CH2OH radical in a slit supersonic jet: Vibration-rotation-tunneling dynamics in the symmetric CH stretch manifold
Michael Schuder, Fang Wang, Chih-Hsuan Chang, David Nesbitt, The Journal of Chemical Physics 146, 194307 (2017).
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Sub-Doppler laser cooling using electromagnetically induced transparency
Peiru He, Phoebe Tengdin, Dana Anderson, Ana Maria Rey, Murray Holland, Physical Review A 95, 053403 (2017).
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Atom interferometry using a shaken optical lattice
Carrie Weidner, Hoon Yu, R. Kosloff, Dana Anderson, Physical Review A 95, 043624 (2017).
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Full Characterization of the Mechanical Properties of 11-50 nm Ultrathin Films: Influence of Network Connectivity on the Poisson's Ratio
Jorge Charpak, Kathleen Hoogeboom-Pot, Qing Li, Travis Frazer, Joshua Knobloch, Marie Tripp, Sean King, E. Anderson, Weilun Chao, Margaret Murnane, Henry Kapteyn, Damiano Nardi, Nano Letters 17, 2178-2183 (2017).
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Improving Broadband Displacement Detection with Quantum Correlations
N. Kampel, W. Peterson, Ran Fischer, P.-L. Yu, K. Cicak, W. Simmonds, Konrad Lehnert, Cindy Regal, Physical Review X 7, 021008 (2017).
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Single-sideband modulator for frequency domain multiplexing of superconducting qubit readout
Benjamin Chapman, Eric Rosenthal, Joseph Kerckhoff, Leila Vale, G. Hilton, Konrad Lehnert, Applied Physics Letters 110, 162601 (2017).
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Band structure evolution during the ultrafast ferromagnetic-paramagnetic phase transition in cobalt
Steffen Eich, Moritz Plötzing, Markus Rollinger, Sebastian Emmerich, R. Adam, Cong Chen, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Lukasz Plucinski, Daniel Steil, B. Stadtmüller, Mirko Cinchetti, Martin Aeschlimann, C. Schneider, Stefan Mathias, Science Advances 3, e1602094 (2017).
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Efimov-van der Waals universality for ultracold atoms with positive scattering lengths
Paul Mestrom, Jia Wang, Chris Greene, Jose D'Incao, Physical Review A 95, 032707 (2017).
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