Past Events

Stochastic Electronic Structure Beyond Energies: Temperature, Magnetism, and Dynamics in Auxiliary Field Quantum Monte Carlo


Most many body methods for solving the Schrodinger Equation - perturbation theory, coupled cluster theory, Green’s function theories, etc. - are deterministic in nature. While deterministic methods can be highly accurate, many scale steeply with system size. In this talk, I will discuss a suite of new quantum Monte Carlo methods, Auxiliary Field Quantum Monte Carlo methods, that my group has recently developed.

Electrical probes of non-Abelian spin liquids


Abstract: Recent thermal-conductivity measurements evidence a magnetic-field-induced non-Abelian spin liquid phase in the Kitaev material α-RuCl3. In this talk, I will explain how we leverage fermion condensation to propose a series of measurements for electrically detecting the hallmark chiral Majorana edge states and bulk anyons in the spin-liquid phase -- despite the fact that α-RuCl3 is a good Mott insulator.

Towards an Exoplanets Demographics Ladder Seminar Abstract:


The NASA Kepler mission has provided its final planet candidate catalogue, the K2 mission has contributed another four years’ worth of data, and the NASA TESS mission has been churning out new planet discoveries at a rapid pace. The demographics of the exoplanet systems probed by these transiting exoplanet missions are complemented by the demographics probed by other techniques, including radial velocity, microlensing, and direct imaging.

Dragonfly: In Situ Exploration of Titan's Prebiotic Chemistry and Habitability

	Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is an ocean world with a dense
atmosphere, abundant complex organic material on its icy surface, and a
liquid-water ocean in its interior.  The joint NASA-ESA Cassini- Huygens
mission revealed Titan to be surprisingly Earth-like, with active
geological processes and opportunities for organic material to have mixed
with liquid water on the surface in the past.

The Black Hole Information Paradox in the Age of Holographic Entanglement Entropy


Abstract: The black hole information paradox — whether information escapes an evaporating black hole or not — remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of theoretical physics. The apparent conflict between validity of semiclassical gravity at low energies and unitarity of quantum mechanics has long been expected to find its resolution in the deep quantum gravity regime.

In Search of Hidden Conformational States of RNA


Abstract: RNAs are notoriously flexible biomolecules, requiring an ensemble-representation of their structure. Constructing such dynamical ensembles, which comprise the set of conformations an RNA can adopt, along with their associated populations, is challenging because biophysical measurements only indirectly report on the properties of the underlying conformational (Boltzmann) distribution.