RG Quantum Circuits

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Ethan Lake / MIT
Seminar Type Other
CTQM Theory Colloquium
Location (Room)
Duane Physics Room G126
Event Details & Abstracts

Abstract: Suppose one is handed the ground state wavefunction of a local Hamiltonian. How does one determine the phase of matter this ground state belongs to? In this talk, I will describe a way of answering this question for 1d symmetry protected topological phases using `RG quantum circuits': unitary circuits that test whether or not their inputs belong to a particular phase. These circuits are constructed from only a small amount of universal data, and simulate renormalization group flow with the help of a simple error correction protocol. This talk is based on arXiv:2211.09803 with Shankar Balasubramanian and Soonwon Cho.



Lunch will be provided at 12:00pm, so please come early to eat mingle and eat lunch before the talk begins.