Tailoring Quantum Error Correction for Structured Noise

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Jahan Claes / Yale University
Seminar Type Other
Special Physics Colloquium
Location (Room)
JILA Auditorium
Event Details & Abstracts

Abstract: Large-scale quantum computers will require error correction in order to reliably perform computations. However, the hardware overhead for error correction remains dauntingly large, with each logical qubit potentially requiring thousands of physical qubits for reliable operation. One promising approach to reducing the overheads of error correction is to tailor quantum error correcting codes to the dominant noise in the qubit hardware.

In this talk, I’ll present recent work on tailoring measurement-based quantum computing to biased noise. In the first part of the talk, I’ll explain the basics of measurement-based error correction and cluster states, and show how a cluster state derived from the XZZX surface code, the so-called XZZX cluster state, can effectively correct biased noise. In the second part of my talk, I’ll present two applications of the XZZX cluster state for increasing thresholds in both linear optical qubits and Rydberg atoms. These works demonstrate that carefully considering the dominant hardware noise when designing error correction protocols can drastically increase their effectiveness.