Past Events

Planetary dynamos and the dynamics of rotating, electrically conducting fluids


Abstract: Planetary magnetic fields are ubiquitous in the Solar System. These fields are generated by the motion of an electrically conducting fluid within the interiors of the planets. For the Earth, turbulence in the liquid iron outer core has sustained the geomagnetic field for at least 4 billion years. Similar turbulent fluid systems are present in most planets, as well as stars. These flows are thought to be strongly influenced by system rotation (i.e.

No Title Announced


Lab Website:

Synopsis: The Cameron lab works to understand the processes of bacterial metabolism, photosynthesis, and CO2 fixation with emphasis on cyanobacteria. The lab uses long-term time-lapse microscopy, quantitative image analysis, etc. to investigate the function and assembly of carboxysomes and other related microcompartments in single-cells and bacterial populations.

Time-of-flight quantum tomography of single atom motion in an optical tweezer


Abstract: Quantum control of mechanical motion has been achieved in a surprising range of platforms in the past decades. These mechanical quantum systems have both piqued the curiosity of physicists, and enabled new approaches to difficult tasks in manipulating quantum information. Trapped particles offer one opportunity to study isolated quantum motion. Laser-cooled ions routinely demonstrate intriguing phonon control, and recent experiments have now brought trapped dielectric nanoparticles to their quantum ground state.

Fracton Dynamics


Abstract: I will introduce a new class of quantum states of matter, known as ‘fracton phases.’ I will explain how these phases provide a new frontier for non-equilibrium quantum dynamics, offering novel routes to ergodicity breaking, and new classes of hydrodynamic phenomena. I will also comment on how insights gleaned from the study of fractons can be applied to quantum dynamics in broader contexts.


Refreshments @ 3:30 p.m.

Mid-circuit measurements as a tool for many-body physics


Abstract: The ability to selectively measure and reset qubits in real time during a quantum circuit is a crucial ingredient in most approaches to quantum error correction.  I’ll review the quantum computer architecture being pursued at Quantinuum and its technical capabilities, and then will discuss how mid-circuit measurement may enable other more near-term algorithms.

Immobile topological quantum matter: fractons


Abstract: I will discuss a bourgeoning field of "fractons" — a class of models where quasi-particles are strictly immobile or display restricted mobility. Focussing on just a corner of this fast-growing subject, a will explain how one class of such theories — symmetric tensor gauge theories surprisingly emerge from seemingly mundane elasticity of a two-dimensional quantum crystal. The disclination and dislocation crystal defects respectively map onto charges and dipoles of the fracton gauge theory.

APS Round Robin Colloquium


A Pretty Image from the Talk


For the first APS Colloquium of the year (Monday, Aug 22 from 12:10- 1:00pm), APS is planning to do round robin. All members of APS (faculty, postdocs, and students) are invited and encouraged to participate! Since there will not be any faculty research talks this fall, those interested in taking on students can view this as an opportunity to briefly introduce your research to new grad students and undergrads.

The Dispersal of Gas in Circumstellar Disks Based on Observations of H_2 in the FUV


Abstract: Planets form in circumstellar disks. However, the main component of these disks, H_2, is extremely hard to detect. We have developed a new technique that increases our sensitivity to warm H_2 emission in medium resolution FUV spectra taken with HST using COS or STIS by better than a factor of 10.

Ultrafast and ultracold quantum simulator/computer with attosecond precision


Abstract: Many-body correlations govern a variety of important quantum phenomena including the emergence of superconductivity and magnetism in condensed matter as well as chemical reactions in liquids. Understanding quantum many-body systems is thus one of the central goals of modern sciences and technologies. Here we demonstrate a new pathway towards this goal by generating a strongly correlated ultracold Rydberg gas with a broadband ultrashort laser pulse.