Past Events

Climate and Sea Level Change: Are U.N. Trouble?


Abstract: There are many aspects of climate change that are now well-known: it's happening, human activities cause it, and some observed changes in many places can already be attributed to it (heat waves, sea level rise, fires, droughts & floods). I will talk about the science behind the best-understood global changes, and what's happened and what's to come in the US. In particular, I'll link what we scientists call "very, very small" phenomena like eddies, turbulence, and cloud microphysics to their impacts on global change.

Synthesis and Characterization of Polypyrrole-Coated Anthracene Microparticles: A New Synthetic Mimic for Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon-based Cosmic Dust


If you are interested in attending, please contact Jeremy Averyt (firstname.lastname at to be added to the mailing list or for Zoom information.

LASP seminars are generally held every Thursday at 4:00 PM on Zoom and in person:

Tunable dipolar interactions and collisional shielding in a quantum gas of polar molecules


Abstract: Ultracold molecules have rich internal structure and tunable dipolar interactions, making them an exciting platform for studying quantum many-body physics. However, controlling molecular interactions, especially chemical reaction losses, has remained an experimental challenge. We demonstrate two approaches for tuning molecular interactions: strong 2D confinement and electric-field-induced shielding resonances.

JILA Science Talk with Dr. Tobias Donner


Dissipative crystals of matter and light - from self-oscillating pumps to dissipation-stabilized phases The time evolution of a driven quantum many-body system can be strongly affected by dissipation. Although this mainly implies that the system relaxes to a steady state, in some cases it can lead to the appearance of new phases and trigger emergent dynamics. I will report on experiments where we dispersively couple a quantum gas to an optical cavity.

Growth and Differentiation of the Embryonic Universe


Abstract: Measurements of the “fossil” light known as the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) provide a spectacular snapshot of the very early Universe, reflecting small non-uniformities in the primordial “soup" of particles and radiation that went on to seed the galaxies.  I will review how Cosmic Inflation, a powerful combination of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity operating at the Big Bang, can account

Origins, Worlds and Life, Decadal Survey for Planetary Science & Astrobiology


Abstract: We summarize the recommendations of the latest Decadal Survey for priority science questions, missions, budgets and state of the profession. We can discuss lessons learned and opportunities with the attendees.


LASP seminars are generally held every Thursday at 4:00 PM on Zoom and in person:

R. N. Thomas Award Presentation


The Richard Nelson Thomas Award was established by the friends and family of R.N. "Dick" Thomas to provide an annual award to the year's most outstanding graduate student(s) in astrophysics. Each year, the JILA astrophysical faculty nominate outstanding students and vote to determine the recipient of the award.