JILA Science Publications

Displaying 1 - 84 of 84


Momentum-exchange interactions in a Bragg atom interferometer suppress Doppler dephasing
Chengyi Luo, Haoqing Zhang, Vanessa Koh, John Wilson, Anjun Chu, Murray Holland, Ana Maria Rey, James Thompson, Science 384, 551-556 (2024).
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A moving lattice into an optical cavity for spin squeezed clock Direct comparison of two spin-squeezed optical clock ensembles at the 10^{−17} level
John Robinson, Maya Miklos, Yee Tso, Colin Kennedy, Tobias Bothwell, Dhruv Kedar, James Thompson, Jun Ye, Nature Physics 20, 208–213 (2024).
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Observing dynamical phases of BCS superconductors in a cavity QED simulator
Dylan Young, Anjun Chu, Eric Song, Diego Barberena, David Wellnitz, Zhijing Niu, Vera Schäfer, Robert Lewis-Swan, Ana Maria Rey, James Thompson, Nature 625, 679-684, (2024).
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A dissipation-induced superradiant transition in a strontium cavity-QED system
Eric Song, Diego Barberena, Dylan Young, Edwin Chaparro, Anjun Chu, Sanaa Agarwal, Zhijing Niu, Jeremy Young, Ana Maria Rey, James Thompson, Submitted , (2024).
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Continuous momentum state lasing and cavity frequency-pinning with laser-cooled strontium atoms
V. Schäfer, Z. Niu, J. Cline, D. Young, E Song, H. Ritsch, James Thompson, Submitted , (2024).
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Engineering One Axis Twisting via a Dissipative Berry Phase Using Strong Symmetries
Jeremy Young, Edwin Chaparro, Asier Piñeiro Orioli, James Thompson, Ana Maria Rey, Submitted , (2024).
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Entanglement generation in weakly-driven arrays of multilevel atoms via dipolar interactions
Sanaa Agarwal, Piñeiro Orioli, James Thompson, Ana Maria Rey, Submitted , (2024).
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Hamiltonian Engineering of collective XYZ spin models in an optical cavity: From one-axis twisting to two-axis counter twisting models
Chengyi Luo, Haoqing Zhang, Anjun Chu, Chitose Maruko, Ana Maria Rey, James Thompson, Submitted , (2024).
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Time-resolved pairing gap spectroscopy in a quantum simulator of fermionic superfluidity inside an optical cavity
Dylan Young, Eric Song, Anjun Chu, Diego Barberena, Zhijing Niu, Vera Schäfer, Robert Lewis-Swan, Ana Maria Rey, James Thompson, Submitted , (2024).
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Control and amplification of Bloch oscillations via photon-mediated interactions
Haoqing Zhang, Anjun Chu, Chengyi Luo, James Thompson, Ana Rey, Physical Review Research 5, L032039 (2023).
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Ultra Narrow Linewidth Frequency Reference via Measurement and Feedback
Diego Barberena, Robert Lewis-Swan, Ana Maria Rey, James Thompson, Comptes Rendus. Physique, Online First (2023), 1-14. doi : 10.5802/crphys.146. (2023).
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Bosonic pair creation Bosonic pair production and squeezing for optical phase measurements in long-lived dipoles coupled to a cavity
Bhuvanesh Sundar, Diego Barberena, Asier Piñeiro Orioli, Anjun Chu, James Thompson, Ana Maria Rey, Robert Lewis-Swan, Physical Review Letters 130, 113202 (2023).
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Cavity-Mediated Collective Momentum-Exchange Interactions
Chengyi Luo, Haoqing Zhang, Vanessa Koh, John Wilson, Anjun Chu, Murray Holland, Ana Maria Rey, James Thompson, Submitted , (2023).
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Trade-offs between unitary and measurement induced spin squeezing in cavity QED
Diego Barberena, Anjun Chu, James Thompson, Ana Maria Rey, Submitted , (2023).
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Opportunities and Limitations in Broadband Sensing
Anthony Polloreno, Jacob Beckey, Joshua Levin, Ariel Shlosberg, James Thompson, Michael Foss-Feig, David Hayes, Graeme Smith, Physical Review Applied 19, 014029 (2022).
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Resonant light enhances phase coherence in a cavity QED simulator of fermionic superfluidity
Shane Kelly, James Thompson, Ana Maria Rey, Jamir Marino, Phys. Rev. Research 4, L042032 (2022).
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Entanglement-Enhanced Matter-Wave Interferometry in a High-Finesse Cavity
Graham Greve, Chengyi Luo, Baochen Wu, James Thompson, Nature 610, 472-477 (2022).
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Dark states in multi-level atoms Emergent dark states from superradiant dynamics in multilevel atoms in a cavity
Asier Piñeiro Orioli, James Thompson, Ana Maria Rey, Physical Review X 12, 011054 (2022).
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Entropy transfer from a quantum particle to a classical coherent light field
John Bartolotta, Simon Jäger, Jarrod Reilly, Matthew Norcia, James Thompson, Graeme Smith, Murray Holland, Physical Review Research 4, 013218 (2022).
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Lattice interferometry with delocalized atoms Quantum enhanced cavity QED interferometer with partially delocalized atoms in lattices
Anjun Chu, Peiru He, James Thompson, Ana Maria Rey, Physical Review Letters 127, 210401 (2021).
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Cavity-QED measurements of the 87Sr millihertz optical clock transition and determination of its natural linewidth
Juan Muniz, Dylan Young, Julia Cline, James Thompson, Physical Review Research 3, 023152 (2021).
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CAvity QED simulator of BCS Superconductivity Cavity-QED quantum simulator of dynamical phases of a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superconductor
Robert Lewis-Swan, Diego Barberena, Julia Cline, Dylan Young, James Thompson, Ana Maria Rey, Physical Review Letters 126, 173601 (2021).
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Effect of Active Photons on Dynamical Frustration in Cavity QED
Shane Kelly, James Thompson, Ana Maria Rey, Jamir Marino, Physical Review Letters 126, 133603 (2021).
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Cavity-enhanced non-destructive measurements for determination of the strontium clock transition linewidth with 30 microhertz resolution
James Thompson, SPIE OPTO 11700, (2021).
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Atom-light entanglement for precise field sensing in the optical domain
Diego Barberena, Robert Lewis-Swan, James Thompson, Ana Maria Rey, Physical Review A 102, 052615 (2020).
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Facilitating spin squeezing generated by collective dynamics with single-particle decoherence
Kristopher Tucker, Diego Barberena, Robert Lewis-Swan, James Thompson, Juan Restrepo, Ana Maria Rey, Physical Review A 102, 051701(R) (2020).
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Protocol for Precise Field Sensing in the Optical Domain with Cold Atoms in a Cavity
Robert Lewis-Swan, Diego Barberena, Juan Muniz, Julia Cline, Dylan Young, James Thompson, Ana Maria Rey, Physical Review Letters 124, 193602 (2020).
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Dynamical phases in an optical cavity Exploring dynamical phase transitions with cold atoms in an optical cavity
Juan Muniz, Diego Barberena, Robert Lewis-Swan, Dylan Young, Julia Cline, Ana Maria Rey, James Thompson, Nature 580, 602–607 (2020).
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Laser cooling with adiabatic transfer on a Raman transition
G. Greve, B. Wu, James Thompson, New Journal of Physics 21, 073045 (2019).
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Continuous Real-Time Tracking of a Quantum Phase Below the Standard Quantum Limit
Athreya Shankar, Graham Greve, Baochen Wu, James Thompson, Murray Holland, Physical Review Letters 122, 233602 (2019).
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Driven-dissipative quantum dynamics in ultra-long-lived dipoles in an optical cavity
Diego Barberena, Robert Lewis-Swan, James Thompson, Ana Maria Rey, Physical Review A 99, 053411 (2019).
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An active optical frequency reference using a pulsed superradiant laser
Juan Silva, Julia Cline, James Thompson, Matthew Norcia, Selim Shahriar, Jacob Scheuer, Optical, Opto-Atomic, and Entanglement-Enhanced Precision Metrology , (2019).
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Cavity-mediated collective spin-exchange interactions in a strontium superradiant laser
Matthew Norcia, Robert Lewis-Swan, Julia Cline, Bihui Zhu, Ana Maria Rey, James Thompson, Science 361, 259-262 (2018).
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Laser cooling by sawtooth-wave adiabatic passage
John Bartolotta, Matthew Norcia, Julia Cline, James Thompson, Murray Holland, Physical Review A 98, (2018).
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Robust Spin Squeezing via Photon-Mediated Interactions on an Optical Clock Transition
Robert Lewis-Swan, Matthew Norcia, K. Cline, James Thompson, Ana Maria Rey, Physical Review Letters 121, (2018).
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Frequency Measurements of Superradiance from the Strontium Clock Transition
Matthew Norcia, K. Cline, Juan Muniz, John Robinson, Ross Hutson, Akihisa Goban, Edward Marti, Jun Ye, James Thompson, Physical Review X 8, 021036 (2018).
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Narrow-line laser cooling by adiabatic transfer
Matthew Norcia, Julia Cline, John Bartolotta, Murray Holland, James Thompson, New J. Phys. 20, 023021 (2018).
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Role of atoms in atomic gravitational-wave detectors
Matthew Norcia, Julia Cline, James Thompson, Physical Review A 96, 042118 (2017).
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Magnetically Induced Optical Transparency on a Forbidden Transition in Strontium for Cavity-Enhanced Spectroscopy
Matthew Winchester, Matthew Norcia, Julia Cline, James Thompson, Physical Review Letters 118, 263601 (2017).
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Phase synchronization inside a superradiant laser
J. Weiner, Kevin Cox, Justin Bohnet, James Thompson, Physical Review A 95, 033808 (2017).
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Spatially homogeneous entanglement for matter-wave interferometry created with time-averaged measurements
Kevin Cox, Graham Greve, Baochen Wu, James Thompson, Physical Review A 94, 061601 (2016).
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Superradiance on the millihertz linewidth strontium clock transition
Matthew Norcia, Matthew Winchester, Julia Cline, James Thompson, ScienceAdvances 2, e1601231 (2016).
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Cold-Strontium Laser in the Superradiant Crossover Regime
Matthew Norcia, James Thompson, Physical Review X 6, 011025 (2016).
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Deterministic Squeezed States with Collective Measurements and Feedback
Kevin Cox, Graham Greve, J. Weiner, James Thompson, Physical Review Letters 116, 093602 (2016).
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Publisher's Note: Strong coupling on a forbidden transition in strontium and nondestructive atom counting [Phys. Rev. A 93 , 023804 (2016)]
Matthew Norcia, James Thompson, Physical Review A 93, 029902 (2016).
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Simple laser stabilization to the strontium 88Sr transition at 707 nm
Matthew Norcia, James Thompson, Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 023110 (2016).
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Strong coupling on a forbidden transition in strontium and nondestructive atom counting
Matthew Norcia, James Thompson, Physical Review A 93, (2016).
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Quantum physics: Atomic doughnuts from single photons
James Thompson, Nature 519, 420-422 (2015).
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Generating Entanglement between Atomic Spins with Low-Noise Probing of an Optical Cavity
K. Cox, J. Weiner, Graham Greve, James Thompson, unknown , (2015).
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Reducing collective quantum state rotation errors with reversible dephasing
Kevin Cox, Matthew Norcia, J. Weiner, Justin Bohnet, James Thompson, Applied Physics Letters 105, 261102 (2014).
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Phase diagram for injection locking a superradiant laser
Kevin Cox, J. Weiner, James Thompson, Physical Review A 90, (2014).
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Synchronization of Two Ensembles of Atoms
Minghui Xu, D. Tieri, C. Fine, James Thompson, Murray Holland, Physical Review Letters 113, 154101 (2014).
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Reduced spin measurement back-action for a phase sensitivity ten times beyond the standard quantum limit
Justin Bohnet, Kevin Cox, Matthew Norcia, J. Weiner, Z. Chen, James Thompson, Nature Photonics , (2014).
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Cavity-aided nondemolition measurements for atom counting and spin squeezing
Zilong Chen, Justin Bohnet, J. Weiner, Kevin Cox, James Thompson, Physical Review A 89, 043837 (2014).
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Linear-response theory for superradiant lasers
Justin Bohnet, Z. Chen, J. Weiner, Kevin Cox, James Thompson, Physical Review A 89, 013806 (2014).
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Active and passive sensing of collective atomic coherence in a superradiant laser
Justin Bohnet, Zilong Chen, J. Weiner, Kevin Cox, James Thompson, Physical Review A 88, 013826 (2013).
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A quasi-continuous superradiant Raman laser with < 1 intracavity photon
Justin Bohnet, Zilong Chen, J. Weiner, Kevin Cox, D. Meiser, Murray Holland, James Thompson, ICAP 2012 \textendash 23rd International Conference on Atomic Physics 57, 03003 (2013).
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Relaxation Oscillations, Stability, and Cavity Feedback in a Superradiant Raman Laser
Justin Bohnet, Zilong Chen, J. Weiner, Kevin Cox, James Thompson, Physical Review Letters 109, 253602 (2012).
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Steady-State Many-Body Entanglement of Hot Reactive Fermions
Michael Foss-Feig, Andrew Daley, James Thompson, Ana Maria Rey, Physical Review Letters 109, 230501 (2012).
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Superradiant Raman laser magnetometer
J. Weiner, Kevin Cox, Justin Bohnet, Zilong Chen, James Thompson, Applied Physics Letters 101, 261107 (2012).
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General formalism for evaluating the impact of phase noise on Bloch vector rotations
Zilong Chen, Justin Bohnet, J. Weiner, James Thompson, Physical Review A 86, 032313 (2012).
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A low phase noise microwave source for atomic spin squeezing experiments in 87Rb
Zilong Chen, Justin Bohnet, J. Weiner, James Thompson, Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 044701 (2012).
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A steady-state superradiant laser with less than one intracavity photon
Justin Bohnet, Zilong Chen, J. Weiner, D. Meiser, Murray Holland, James Thompson, Nature 484, 78-81 (2012).
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Conditional Spin Squeezing of a Large Ensemble via the Vacuum Rabi Splitting
Zilong Chen, Justin Bohnet, S. Sankar, Jiayan Dai, James Thompson, Physical Review Letters 106, 133601 (2011).
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External-feedback laser cooling of molecular gases
Vladan Vuletic, James Thompson, A. Black, Jonathan Simon, Physical Review A 75, (2007).
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Interfacing Collective Atomic Excitations and Single Photons
Jonathan Simon, Haruka Tanji, James Thompson, Vladan Vuletic, Physical Review Letters 98, (2007).
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A High-Brightness Source of Narrowband, Identical-Photon Pairs
James Thompson, J. Simon, H. Loh, Vladan Vuletic, Science 313, 74-77 (2006).
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Influence of grating parameters on the linewidths of external-cavity diode lasers
Huanqian Loh, Yu-Ju Lin, Igor Teper, Marko Cetina, Jonathan Simon, James Thompson, Vladan Vuletic, Applied Optics 45, 9191 (2006).
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Collective light forces on atoms in resonators
A. Black, James Thompson, Vladan Vuletic, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 38, S605 - S615 (2005).
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Atomic Samples in Resonators: Forces, Photons, Feedback
James Thompson, A. Black, Vladan Vuletic, unknown , (2005).
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An Ion Balance for Ultra-High-Precision Atomic Mass Measurements
S. Rainville, James Thompson, D. Pritchard, Science 303, 334-338 (2004).
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Cyclotron frequency shifts arising from polarization forces
James Thompson, S. Rainville, D. Pritchard, Nature 430, 58-61 (2004).
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Single Ion Mass Spectrometry at 100 ppt and Beyond
S. Rainville, James Thompson, D. Pritchard, unknown , (2003).
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Two ions in one trap: ultra-high precision mass spectrometry?
S. Rainville, James Thompson, D. Pritchard, unknown , (2003).
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Mass Spectrometry at 100 Parts Per Trillion
D. Pritchard, James Thompson, , 245-258 (2002).
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Precise measurements of the masses of Cs, Rb, and Na - A new route to the fine structure constant
S. Rainville, M. Bradley, J. Porto, James Thompson, D. Pritchard, Hyperfine Interactions 132, 177-187 (2001).
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Single ion mass spectrometry and the fine structure constant
D. Pritchard, M. Bradley, J. Porto, S. Rainville, James Thompson, unknown , (2001).
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Lamb shift, fine structure constant and hyperfine structure in helium-like ions by fast-beam laser spectroscopy
E. Myers, James Thompson, H. Margolis, J. Silver, M. Tarbutt, Hyperfine Interactions 127, 323-328 (2000).
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Penning Trap Measurements of the Masses of C133s, R87,85b, and N23a with Uncertainties <=0.2 ppb
M. Bradley, J. Porto, S. Rainville, James Thompson, D. Pritchard, Physical Review Letters 83, 4510-4513 (1999).
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Precision Measurement of the 1s2p P32-P13 Fine Structure Interval in Heliumlike Fluorine
E. Myers, H. Margolis, James Thompson, M. Farmer, J. Silver, M. Tarbutt, Physical Review Letters 82, 4200-4203 (1999).
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Measurements of the 1s2s1S0 - 1s2p3P1,0 transitions in helium-like nitrogen
James Thompson, D. Howe, E. Myers, Physical Review A 57, 180-188 (1998).
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Hyperfine-Induced 1s2s 1S0-1s2p 3P0 Transition and Fine-Structure Measurement in Heliumlike Nitrogen
E. Myers, D. Howe, James Thompson, J. Silver, Physical Review Letters 76, 4899-4902 (1996).
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Operation of a radio-frequency ion source in a tandem electrostatic accelerator
E. Myers, James Thompson, P.A. Allen, P. Barber, G. Brown, V. Griffin, B. Schmidt, S.W. Trimble, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 372, 280-282 (1996).
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Measurement of the 1s2s S1-1s2p P13 Interval in Heliumlike Nitrogen
E. Myers, James Thompson, E. Gavathas, N. Claussen, J. Silver, D. Howe, Physical Review Letters 75, 3637-3640 (1995).
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