Research Associate
Vera M. Schäfer
Affiliation After Leaving Group: Junior Research Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg
Graduate Student
Justin G. Bohnet
Affiliation After Leaving Group: John Bollinger, NIST Ion Storage Group, Boulder
Current Affiliation:
Zilong Chen
Affiliation After Leaving Group: NV Centers, Leonid Krivitskey, Data Storage Institute, Singapore
Current Affiliation:
Nanyang Technological University
Julia R. K. Cline
Affiliation After Leaving Group: PASQAL (tweezer-based quantum computing), Paris
Kevin C. Cox
Affiliation After Leaving Group: Army Research Labs
Current Affiliation:
Army Research Labs and Quantum Technology Center at the University of Maryland
Matt Norcia
Affiliation After Leaving Group: NRC postdoc, Adam Kaufman at JILA & Francesca Ferelaino, IQOQI, Innsbruck, Austria
Current Affiliation:
Atom Computing