JILA Science Publications

Displaying 9201 - 9300 of 10604


Observational Aspects of Multiperiodicity in the Beta Canis Majoris Stars
J. Lesh, M. Aizenman, , (1976).
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Photodetachment Threshold Processes
Carl Lineberger, H. Hotop, T. Pattersib, , 125 (1976).
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Polarized Electrons
J. Kessler, , (1976).
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Preliminary Analysis of NRL Rocket Spectra of the Lα Line Wings
G. Basri, J.-D. Bartoe, G. Brueckner, Jeffrey Linsky, M. van Hoosier, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 8, (1976).
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Preliminary Analysis of NRL Skylab Spectroheliograms in Lines of He I and He II
S. Mango, J. Bohlin, D. Glackin, Jeffrey Linsky, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 8, (1976).
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Pulsar geometries. II - Decomposition of the radiation pattern
Ludwig Oster, W. Sieber, Astrophysical Journal 203, 233-244 (1976).
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Radiation-Driven Stellar Winds
John Castor, D. Abbott, R. Klein, , (1976).
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Recent Advances in Polarized-Electron Experiments
J. Kessler, , (1976).
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Recent Studies of the Chromospheres and Coronae of K-Type Stars and the Local Interstellar Medium using the Copernicus Satellite
Jeffrey Linsky, W. McClintock, R. Henry, H. Moos, G. Basri, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 8, (1976).
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Secular stability. VII - an analytic model displaying a continuous spectrum
M. Aizenman, J. Perdang, Astronomy and Astrophysics 51, 263\textendash268 (1976).
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Simultaneous High-Dispersion Stellar Spectroscopy with Copernicus and the McMath Solar Telescope
S. Maran, H.-Y. Chiu, Jeffrey Linsky, R. Henry, H. Moos, W. McClintock, G. Basri, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 8, (1976).
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Stabilized Lasers and the Speed of Light
John Hall, , 322-329 (1976).
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Stellar Neutrino Pair Emission from De-Excitation of Nuclear State via Weak Neutral Currents
J. Crawford, Carl Hansen, K. Mahanthappa, Astrophysical Journal 206, 208-212 (1976).
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The R-Matrix Theory of Atomic Processes
P. Burke, W. Robb, 11, 143-214 (1976).
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The Relationship of the Oe to the Be Stars
S. Frost, Peter Conti, 70, 139-147 (1976).
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Theory of Low-Energy Electron-Atom Collisions and Related Processes
J. Bardsley, , (1976).
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Vacuum UV emission spectra from keV energy rare gas ion-atom collisions
W. Smith, D. Gilbert, C. Peterson, , (1976).
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Coulomb correction for strong-field multiphoton free-free absorption
Sydney Geltman, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 8, L374 - L376 (1975).
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The scattering of electrons by atomic nitrogen
K. Berrington, P. Burke, W. Robb, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 8, 2500-2511 (1975).
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Strainmeter technology
Judah Levine, Nature 257, 513-513 (1975).
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Differential geomagnetic field measurements at the edge of the Denver Basin
R. Brill, Journal of Geophysical Research 80, 1593-1599 (1975).
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Structure near autoionizing energies in the excitation of bound states of helium, neon and argon by electron impact
G. King, F. Read, R Bradford, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 8, 2210-2224 (1975).
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Close-coupling calculations for electron impact excitation of N+
W. Robb, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 8, L46 - L49 (1975).
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A new solar carbon abundance based on non-LTE CN molecular spectra
G. Mount, Jeffrey Linsky, The Astrophysical Journal 202, L51 (1975).
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Aberrations in electrostatic lenses
J. Brunt, F. Read, Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments 8, 1015-1020 (1975).
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Computation of speed distributions for ions in drift tubes
S. Lin, J. Bardsley, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 8, L461 - L464 (1975).
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Correlations between Doppler and pressure broadening for the resonance interaction
John Cooper, D. Stacey, Physical Review A 12, 2438-2443 (1975).
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Diffusion effects on the line intensities of He I and He II in the solar transition region
R. Shine, H. Gerola, Jeffrey Linsky, The Astrophysical Journal 202, L101 (1975).
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Measurement of the lifetimes of ionic excited states using the inelastic electron-photon delayed coincidence technique
A. Smith, F. Read, R. Imhof, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 8, 2869-2879 (1975).
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Solution of the comoving frame equation of transfer in spherically symmetric flows. I - Computational method for equivalent-two-level-atom source functions
D. Mihalas, P. Kunasz, David Hummer, The Astrophysical Journal 202, 465 (1975).
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The effect of intermediate-scale motions on line formation
R. Shine, The Astrophysical Journal 202, 543 (1975).
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Theory of extended stellar atmospheres. II - A grid of static spherical models for O stars and planetary nebula nuclei
P. Kunasz, David Hummer, D. Mihalas, The Astrophysical Journal 202, 92 (1975).
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Ultraviolet observations of cool stars. III - Chromospheric and coronal lines in alpha Tauri, beta Geminorum, and alpha Bootis
W. McClintock, H. Gerola, Jeffrey Linsky, R. Henry, H. Moos, The Astrophysical Journal 202, 165 (1975).
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Ultraviolet observations of cool stars. IV - Intensities of Lyman-alpha and MG II in epsilon Pegasi and epsilon Eridani, and line width-luminosity correlations
W. McClintock, Jeffrey Linsky, R. Henry, H. Moos, The Astrophysical Journal 202, 733 (1975).
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Vibrational stability of differentially rotating stars
M. Aizenman, John Cox, The Astrophysical Journal 202, 137 (1975).
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A unified theory of Stark broadening for hydrogenic ions-I. A general theory including time ordering.
R. Greene, John Cooper, E. Smith, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 15, 1025-1036 (1975).
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A unified theory of Stark broadening for hydrogenic ions-II. Line wings
R. Greene, John Cooper, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 15, 1037-1044 (1975).
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A unified theory of Stark broadening for hydrogenic ions-III. Results for He II Lyman-alpha
R. Greene, John Cooper, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 15, 1045-1053 (1975).
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Coherent excitation of the n=3 states in hydrogen
R. Krotkov, Physical Review A 12, 1793-1800 (1975).
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H- shape-resonance studies in an arc plasma
W. Ott, J. Slater, John Cooper, G. Gieres, Physical Review A 12, 2009-2016 (1975).
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On the effect of time-ordering for Lyman-α
R. Greene, John Cooper, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 15, 991-993 (1975).
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Transfer of line radiation in optically thick media allowing for transport of excitation energy: The resonant doublet
C. Kunasz, P. Kunasz, Computer Physics Communications 10, 304-340 (1975).
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Observations of the C 3 lambda 8500 (3S1S-3P1P) line in O and of stars.
D. Mihalas, S. Frost, G. Lockwood, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 87, 153 (1975).
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Pulsation Properties of Upper-Main-Sequence Stars
M. Aizenman, Carl Hansen, R. Ross, The Astrophysical Journal 201, 387 (1975).
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Semiempirical upper photosphere models - The sun /G2 V/ and Procyon /F5 IV-V/
T. Ayres, The Astrophysical Journal 201, 799 (1975).
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Stellar model chromospheres. IV - The formation of the H-epsilon feature in the sun /G2 V/ and Arcturus /K2 III/
T. Ayres, Jeffrey Linsky, The Astrophysical Journal 201, 212 (1975).
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The double-line spectroscopic binary HD 159176.
Peter Conti, A. Cowley, G. Johnson, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 87, 327 (1975).
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A non-LTE analysis of the CN 3883 A band head in the upper photosphere of Arcturus
G. Mount, T. Ayres, Jeffrey Linsky, The Astrophysical Journal 200, 383 (1975).
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Constraints on the molecular properties of interstellar X-ogen derived from radio observations
J. Hollis, L. Snyder, D. Buhl, P. Giguere, The Astrophysical Journal 200, 584 (1975).
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Determination of the isotope shift of115m Cd by a Zeeman scanning method
P. Moskowitz, H. Rummel, Zeitschrift f�r Physik A: Atoms and Nuclei 275, 203-208 (1975).
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Field induced perturbations in the ultraviolet spectrum of s-triazine
R. Scheps, John Lombardi, Chemical Physics 10, 445-452 (1975).
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Fluorol 7GA: An efficient yellow-green dye for flashlamp-pumped lasers
M. Lambropoulos, Optics Communications 15, 35-37 (1975).
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Illustrations of a dynamical theory of the ether
J. Whealton, Foundations of Physics 5, 543-553 (1975).
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Interstellar bubbles
John Castor, R. Weaver, Richard McCray, The Astrophysical Journal 200, L107 (1975).
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Spectroscopic observations of the X-ray binary HD 153919 = 3U 1700 - 37
Peter Conti, A. Cowley, The Astrophysical Journal 200, 133 (1975).
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Stellar model chromospheres. III - Arcturus /K2 III/
T. Ayres, Jeffrey Linsky, The Astrophysical Journal 200, 660 (1975).
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Waves in the solar atmosphere. IV - Magneto-gravity and acoustic-gravity modes
R. Schwartz, R. Stein, The Astrophysical Journal 200, 499 (1975).
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Mass transfer in binary X-ray systems
Richard McCray, S. Hatchett, The Astrophysical Journal 199, 196 (1975).
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Multipole polarizabilities and long range force constants for ground state magnesium atoms
W. Robb, Chemical Physics Letters 34, 479-481 (1975).
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On the evidence for circumstellar obscuration of OB stars
B. Bohannan, The Astronomical Journal 80, 625 (1975).
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Resonance line transfer with partial redistribution. IV - A generalized formulation for lines with common upper states. V - The solar CA II lines
R. Milkey, R. Shine, D. Mihalas, The Astrophysical Journal 199, 718 (1975).
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Resonance Line Transfer with Partial Redistribution. V. The Solar CA II Lines
R. Shine, R. Milkey, D. Mihalas, The Astrophysical Journal 199, 724 (1975).
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Rotational excitation of symmetric-top molecular ions by electron impact
S.-I. Chu, Physical Review A 12, 396-405 (1975).
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Ultraviolet photometry from the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory. XX - The ultraviolet extinction bump
B. Savage, The Astrophysical Journal 199, 92 (1975).
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Noble-gas broadening of the Li resonance line
Alan Gallagher, Physical Review A 12, 133-138 (1975).
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Observation of Electric Quadrupole Transitions in Multiphoton Ionization
M. Lambropoulos, S. Moody, S. Smith, Carl Lineberger, Physical Review Letters 35, 159-162 (1975).
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Radioactive products from boron CTR reactions
R. Peterson, C. Zaidins, M. Fritts, N. Roughton, Carl Hansen, Annals of Nuclear Energy 2, 503-506 (1975).
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Broadening of the Rb resonance lines by the noble gases
Ch. Ottinger, R. Scheps, G. York, Alan Gallagher, Physical Review A 11, 1815-1828 (1975).
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Calculations of ion-atom interactions relating to resonant charge-transfer collisions
J. Bardsley, T. Holstein, B. Junker, Swati Sinha, Physical Review A 11, 1911-1920 (1975).
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Dissociative recombination of electrons and D2+ to yield D(2p)
Martin Vogler, Gordon Dunn, Physical Review A 11, 1983-1987 (1975).
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Flare model chromospheres and photospheres
M. Machado, Jeffrey Linsky, Solar Physics 42, 395-420 (1975).
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Detection of new stellar sources of vibrationally excited silicon monoxide maser emission at 6.95 millimeters
L. Snyder, D. Buhl, The Astrophysical Journal 197, 329 (1975).
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Finite, two-component isothermal spheres. I - Equilibrium models
L. Taff, Carl Hansen, R. Ross, H. Van Horn, The Astrophysical Journal 197, 651 (1975).
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He I lambda 4922 profiles in B stars - Calculations with an improved line broadening theory
D. Mihalas, A. Barnard, John Cooper, E. Smith, The Astrophysical Journal 197, 139 (1975).
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Quantum cosmology: Exact solution for the Gowdy T3 model
B. Berger, Physical Review D 11, 2770-2780 (1975).
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Resonance line transfer with partial redistribution. III MG II resonance lines in solar-type stars
R. Milkey, T. Ayres, R. Shine, The Astrophysical Journal 197, 143 (1975).
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Stimulated stokes emission with a dye laser: Intense tuneable radiation in the infrared
J. Carlsten, P. Dunn, Optics Communications 14, 8-12 (1975).
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Electron impact excitation of Hg+
D. Crandall, R. Phaneuf, Gordon Dunn, Physical Review A 11, 1223-1232 (1975).
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Electron-impact ionization cross sections and bound-free generalized oscillator strengths for atomic systems
W. Robb, S. Rountree, T. Burnett, Physical Review A 11, 1193-1199 (1975).
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L2 discretizations of the continuum: Radial kinetic energy and Coulomb Hamiltonian
H. Yamani, William Reinhardt, Physical Review A 11, 1144-1156 (1975).
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Envelope ejection to form planetary nebulae
P. Stry, The Astrophysical Journal 196, 559 (1975).
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Pulsar geometries. I - Basic model
Ludwig Oster, The Astrophysical Journal 196, 571 (1975).
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The structure of the Orion A molecular cloud
H. Gerola, S. Sofia, The Astrophysical Journal 196, 473 (1975).
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Thermal instability in supernova shells
Richard McCray, M. Kafatos, R. Stein, The Astrophysical Journal 196, 565 (1975).
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Applications of linear pulsation theory to the Cepheid mass problem and the double-mode Cepheids
D. King, Carl Hansen, R. Ross, John Cox, The Astrophysical Journal 195, 467 (1975).
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Laser photoelectron spectrometry of CH-
A. Kasdan, E. Herbst, Carl Lineberger, Chemical Physics Letters 31, 78-82 (1975).
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Modal stability of RR Lyrae stars
R. Stellingwerf, The Astrophysical Journal 195, 441 (1975).
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Production of D*(n=4) from electron-D2+ dissociative recombination
R. Phaneuf, D. Crandall, Gordon Dunn, Physical Review A 11, 528-535 (1975).
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Pulsational stability of stars in thermal imbalance. VI - Physical mechanisms and extension to nonradial oscillations
M. Aizenman, John Cox, The Astrophysical Journal 195, 175 (1975).
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Radiation-driven winds in Of stars
John Castor, D. Abbott, R. Klein, The Astrophysical Journal 195, 157 (1975).
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Steady-state nuclear fusion in accreting neutron-star envelopes
Carl Hansen, H. Van Horn, The Astrophysical Journal 195, 735 (1975).
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The non-LTE transport equation for polarized radiation in the presence of magnetic fields. I - Formulation
L. House, R. Steinitz, The Astrophysical Journal 195, 235 (1975).
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Vibrationally excited SiO - A new type of maser source in the millimeter wavelength region
N. Kaifu, D. Buhl, L. Snyder, The Astrophysical Journal 195, 359 (1975).
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A possible width-luminosity correlation of the CA II K1 and MG II k1 features
T. Ayres, R. Shine, Jeffrey Linsky, The Astrophysical Journal 195, L121 (1975).
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A survey of electron swarm data
J. Dutton, Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 4, 577 (1975).
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Analytical evaluation of 1-matrices, a generalization of the Kato perturbation technique
J. Doll, William Reinhardt, The Journal of Chemical Physics 62, 2003 (1975).
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Angular distribution of N+ from dissociative ionization of N2 near threshold
R. Van Brunt, Lee Kieffer, The Journal of Chemical Physics 63, 3216 (1975).
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Approximations for the rotational excitation of molecules by atoms
S.-I. Chu, A. Dalgarno, The Journal of Chemical Physics 63, 2115 (1975).
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Binding energies in atomic negative ions
H. Hotop, Carl Lineberger, Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 4, 539 (1975).
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Continuum radiation and potentials of Na-noble gas molecules
G. York, R. Scheps, Alan Gallagher, The Journal of Chemical Physics 63, 1052 (1975).
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