JILA Science Publications

Displaying 8901 - 9000 of 10604


Pulsar radiation patterns. V - Synopsis of results and conclusions concerning the physical mechanism
Ludwig Oster, W. Sieber, Astronomy and Astrophysics 65, 179-185 (1978).
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Pulsar Radiation Patterns. V. Synopsis of Results and Conclusions Concerning the Physical Mechanism
Ludwig Oster, W. Sieber, Astronomy and Astrophysics 65, 179 (1978).
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Scattering Theory with Long Range Coulomb Potentials
M. Seaton, , (1978).
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Some U.S. Views on Scientific Opportunities in Ocean and Earth Dynamics
Peter Bender, , (1978).
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Strain Tide Spectroscopy and the Nearly Diurnal Resonance of the Earth
Judah Levine, , (1978).
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The center-to-limb behavior of Ca I lambda 6573 and Ca II lambda 7324
T. Ayres, L. Testerman, Solar Physics 60, 19-29 (1978).
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The destruction and growth of dust grains in interstellar space - II. Destruction by grain surface reactions, grain-grain collisions and photodesorption
M. Barlow, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 183, 397-416 (1978).
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The destruction and growth of dust grains in interstellar space - III. Surface recombination, heavy element depletion and mantle growth
M. Barlow, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 183, 417-434 (1978).
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The destruction and growth of dust grains in interstellar space. I - Destruction by sputtering
M. Barlow, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 183, 367-395 (1978).
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The Helium Triplet-to-Singlet Ratio in T Tauri Stars
T. Schneeberger, Jeffrey Linsky, S. Worden, Astronomy and Astrophysics 62, 447\textendash448 (1978).
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The Hyades Cluster - too Distant?
P. Flower, , (1978).
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Laser-induced ionising collisions in alkali vapours
Sydney Geltman, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 10, 3057-3074 (1977).
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Upper and lower bounds for the oscillator strength of the X1 Σg+-C1 Πu transition of the hydrogen molecule
J. Rumble, James Sims, D. Purdy, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 10, 2553-2559 (1977).
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Convergence studies of low-energy static e-N2 collisions
M. Morrison, L. Collins, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 10, L119 - L123 (1977).
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Triple-differential three-dimensional cross sections for low-energy electron impact ionization of helium
Earl Beaty, K. Hesselbacher, S. Hong, J. Moore, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 10, 611-620 (1977).
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A sensitive observation of the far-ultraviolet (1160-1700 A) spectrum of Arcturus and implications for its outer atmosphere
A. Weinstein, H. Moos, Jeffrey Linsky, The Astrophysical Journal 218, 195 (1977).
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Cepheid studies. II - A third period in the beat Cepheid TU Cassiopeiae
D. Faulkner, The Astrophysical Journal 218, 209 (1977).
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Collision-induced absorption in atomic electronic transitions
Alan Gallagher, T. Holstein, Physical Review A 16, 2413-2431 (1977).
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Cross sections for the photoionization of H2(Σg+, ν=0-14) with the formation of H2+(Χ2Σg+, νf=0\textendash18), and vibrational overlaps and Rn-centroids for the associated vibrational transitions
M. Flannery, H. Tai, D. Albritton, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 20, 563-585 (1977).
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Interstellar bubbles. II - Structure and evolution
R. Weaver, Richard McCray, John Castor, P. Shapiro, R. Moore, The Astrophysical Journal 218, 377 (1977).
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Moment-trace calculations of atomic and molecular photoabsorption cross sections
P. Johnson, P. Langhoff, S. Oneil, C. Corcoran, William Reinhardt, Chemical Physics Letters 52, 380-384 (1977).
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Observations of anomalous submillimeter atmospheric spectra
G. Gimmestad, R. Ware, R. Bohlander, H. Gebbie, The Astrophysical Journal 218, 311 (1977).
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Search for Periodicity in Optical Light Variations of CYG X-2
M. Basko, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 302, 403-407 (1977).
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Spectroscopic studies of O-type binaries. III - HDE 228766: an evolved Of system
P. Massey, Peter Conti, The Astrophysical Journal 218, 431 (1977).
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The collapse of unstable isothermal spheres
C. Hunter, The Astrophysical Journal 218, 834 (1977).
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Absolute Cross Sections for 2s-2p Excitation of C3+ by Electron Impact
P. Taylor, D. Gregory, Gordon Dunn, R. Phaneuf, D. Crandall, Physical Review Letters 39, 1256-1259 (1977).
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Intense Field Multiphoton Ionization via Complex Dressed States: Application to the H Atom
S.-I. Chu, William Reinhardt, Physical Review Letters 39, 1195-1198 (1977).
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Observation of coherent excitation processes in e-H collisions
A. Mahan, S. Smith, Physical Review A 16, 1789-1792 (1977).
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Simultaneous Observations of Stimulated Raman Scattering and Stimulated Collision-Induced Fluorescence
M. Raymer, J. Carlsten, Physical Review Letters 39, 1326-1329 (1977).
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A shock model for infrared line emission from H2 molecules
R. London, Richard McCray, S.-I. Chu, The Astrophysical Journal 217, 442 (1977).
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Centrifugal distortion in weakly bound linear triatomic molecules
S. Novick, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 68, 77-80 (1977).
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Photoabsorption in atomic lithium
P. Langhoff, C. Corcoran, James Sims, Physical Review A 16, 1513-1520 (1977).
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The effects of differential rotation on the splitting of nonradial modes of stellar oscillation
Carl Hansen, John Cox, H. Van Horn, The Astrophysical Journal 217, 151 (1977).
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Angular dependence of proton kinetic-energy distributions from dissociative ionization of H2
R. Brunt, Physical Review A 16, 1309-1311 (1977).
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Cepheid studies. I - Mode interaction in the beat Cepheid U Trianguli Australis
D. Faulkner, The Astrophysical Journal 216, 49 (1977).
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Electron impact excitation of Be+: a benchmark study
M. Hayes, David Norcross, J. Mann, W. Robb, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 10, L429 - L434 (1977).
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Evaporative winds in X-ray binaries
M. Basko, R. Suniaev, S. Hatchett, Richard McCray, The Astrophysical Journal 215, 276 (1977).
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Graphite grain surface reactions in interstellar and protostellar environments
M. Barlow, Joseph Silk, The Astrophysical Journal 215, 800 (1977).
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Radial velocities of three Of stars - HD 148937, HD 151804, and HD 152408
Peter Conti, Catharine Garmany, J. Hutchings, The Astrophysical Journal 215, 561 (1977).
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Structure of the iron fluorescence line in X-ray binaries
S. Hatchett, R. Weaver, The Astrophysical Journal 215, 285 (1977).
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AC stark effect and multiphoton processes in atoms
J. Bakos, Physics Reports 31, 209-235 (1977).
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Analysis of the chromospheric spectrum of O I in Arcturus
B. Haisch, Jeffrey Linsky, A. Weinstein, R. Shine, The Astrophysical Journal 214, 785 (1977).
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Beryllium in the Hyades
A. Boesgaard, W. Heacox, Peter Conti, The Astrophysical Journal 214, 124 (1977).
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High-resolution photodetachment studies of P- and Te-
J. Slater, Carl Lineberger, Physical Review A 15, 2277-2282 (1977).
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Low-energy electron-molecule scattering: Application of coupled-channel theory to e-CO2 collisions
Michael Morrison, N. Lane, L. Collins, Physical Review A 15, 2186-2201 (1977).
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Mixing-length theory for pulsating stars
Douglas Gough, The Astrophysical Journal 214, 196 (1977).
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Spectroscopic studies of O-type stars. VIII - Radial velocities and the K-term
Peter Conti, E. Leep, J. Lorre, The Astrophysical Journal 214, 759 (1977).
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The cross section for production of the 3s state of atomic hydrogen in dissociative excitation of H2 by electrons
G. Khayrallah, S. Smith, Chemical Physics Letters 48, 289-293 (1977).
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An analysis of the linear, adiabatic oscillations of a star in terms of potential fields
M. Aizenman, Paul Smeyers, Astrophysics and Space Science 48, 123-136 (1977).
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Departures of the electron energy distribution from a Maxwellian in hydrogen. I - Formulation and solution of the electron kinetic equation. II - Consequences
E. Shoub, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 34, 259 (1977).
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Extreme-ultraviolet observations of a flare on Proxima Centauri and implications concerning flare-star scaling theory
B. Haisch, Jeffrey Linsky, M. Lampton, F. Paresce, B. Margon, R. Stern, The Astrophysical Journal 213, L119 (1977).
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Laser Distance-Measuring Techniques
Judah Levine, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 5, 357-369 (1977).
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Low-Energy Electron Collisions with Highly Polar Molecules: LiF
L. Collins, David Norcross, Physical Review Letters 38, 1208-1211 (1977).
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ac Stark effect in multiphoton ionization
S. Moody, M. Lambropoulos, Physical Review A 15, 1497-1501 (1977).
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Collinear configurations of galaxies can be stable
C. Hunter, S. Tremaine, The Astronomical Journal 82, 262 (1977).
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Erratum: Absolute cross sections for emission of 284.7-nm (Hg ii) and 479.7-nm (Hg iii) radiation in electron-mercury-ion collisions
R. Phaneuf, P. Taylor, Gordon Dunn, Physical Review A 15, 1812-1812 (1977).
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Improved model for parallel-plate drift-tube experiments
J. Whealton, D. Burch, Arthur Phelps, Physical Review A 15, 1685-1695 (1977).
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Infrared photometry and mass loss rates for OBA supergiants and Of stars
M. Barlow, M. Cohen, The Astrophysical Journal 213, 737 (1977).
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Ionization of a model atom by a pulse of coherent radiation
Sydney Geltman, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 10, 831-840 (1977).
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Relation between the dynamics and the flattening of elliptical galaxies
C. Hunter, The Astronomical Journal 82, 271 (1977).
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Spectroscopic studies of O-type stars. VII. Rotational velocities V*sin(i) and evidence for macroturbulent motions.
Peter Conti, D. Ebbets, The Astrophysical Journal 213, 438 (1977).
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The angular dependence of partially redistributed resonance radiation
R. Ballagh, John Cooper, The Astrophysical Journal 213, 479\textendash491 (1977).
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The embedded feature model for the interpretation of chromospheric contrast profiles
R. Steinitz, Katharine Gebbie, V. Bar, The Astrophysical Journal 213, 269 (1977).
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Time and spectral resolution in resonance scattering and resonance fluorescence
E. Courtens, A. Szöke, Physical Review A 15, 1588-1603 (1977).
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A shock tube study of line broadening in a temperature range of 6100 to 8300 K
J. Baur, John Cooper, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 17, 311-322 (1977).
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Collisional redistribution and saturation of near-resonance scattered light
J. Carlsten, A. Szöke, M. Raymer, Physical Review A 15, 1029-1045 (1977).
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Copernicus observations of Nova Cygni 1975
E. Jenkins, T. Snow, W. Upson, R. Anderson, S. Starrfield, J. Gallagher, M. Friedjung, Jeffrey Linsky, R. Henry, H. Moos, The Astrophysical Journal 212, 198 (1977).
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Electron excitation of thallium 72S1/2 and 62D3/2,5/2 levels
S. Chen, Alan Gallagher, Physical Review A 15, 888-895 (1977).
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High-resolution measurements of molecular absorption line profiles at 10 micrometers
H. Raterink, H. Van De Stadt, H.J. Frankena, Optics Communications 20, 415-417 (1977).
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R-matrix calculation of third-order optical harmonic coefficients of atomic hydrogen and helium
W. Robb, Michael Meadows, T. Burnett, Gary Doolen, Physical Review A 15, 1063-1067 (1977).
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Spectroscopic studies of O-type stars. VI - The earliest types: O3-O5.5
Peter Conti, S. Frost, The Astrophysical Journal 212, 728 (1977).
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The importance of isotope-dependent transmission coefficients in calculating low-temperature isotope effects
D. Truhlar, Aron Kuppermann, John Dwyer, Molecular Physics 33, 683-688 (1977).
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A new dwarf irregular galaxy in the constellation Phoenix.
R. Canterna, P. Flower, The Astrophysical Journal 212, L57 (1977).
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Atoms in high magnetic fields (white dwarfs)
Roy Garstang, Reports on Progress in Physics 40, 105-154 (1977).
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Dilatation analyticity and the radius of convergence of the 1/Z perturbation expansion: Comment on a conjecture of Stillinger
William Reinhardt, Physical Review A 15, 802-805 (1977).
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Ion transport theory for a slightly ionized rarefied gas in a strong electric field. II.
J. Whealton, E. Jaeger, D. Burch, Physical Review A 15, 773-777 (1977).
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Noble-gas broadening of the 62P1/2-72S1/2 (377.6 nm) 62P3/2-72S1/2 (535 nm) thallium lines
B. Cheron, R. Scheps, Alan Gallagher, Physical Review A 15, 651-660 (1977).
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A theoretical analysis of mercury molecules
E. Smith, R. Drullinger, M. Hessel, John Cooper, The Journal of Chemical Physics 66, 5667 (1977).
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A tunable visible and ultraviolet laser on S2 (B3Σu- - X3Σg-)
Stephen Leone, Kenneth Kosnik, Applied Physics Letters 30, 346 (1977).
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Adiabatic perturbation approximation for time dependent collision processes
J. Light, The Journal of Chemical Physics 66, 5241 (1977).
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Design of a three-stage alkali beam source
M. Lambropoulos, S. Moody, Review of Scientific Instruments 48, 131 (1977).
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Energy transfer in the singlet Au state of glyoxal. III. Deuterium effects
P. Zittel, Carl Lineberger, The Journal of Chemical Physics 66, 2972 (1977).
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Gas in globular clusters. I - Time-independent flow models
D. Faulkner, K. Freeman, The Astrophysical Journal 211, 77 (1977).
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High speed frequency modulation of far infrared lasers using the Stark effect
S. Stein, Allan Risley, H. Van De Stadt, F. Strumia, Applied Optics 16, 1893 (1977).
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High-resolution stellar vidicon spectrophotometry. I - Variable mass loss from Arcturus and the hypothesis of giant convective elements
H.-Y. Chiu, P. Adams, Jeffrey Linsky, G. Basri, P. Maran, R. Hobbs, The Astrophysical Journal 211, 453 (1977).
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Interstellar ultraviolet absorption lines and galactic X-ray sources
Richard McCray, C. Wright, S. Hatchett, The Astrophysical Journal 211, L29 (1977).
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Laser photoelectron spectrometry of C5H5-: A determination of the electron affinity and Jahn-Teller coupling in cyclopentadienyl
P. Engelking, Carl Lineberger, The Journal of Chemical Physics 67, 1412 (1977).
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Laser photoelectron spectrometry of FeO-: Electron affinity, electronic state separations, and ground state vibrations of iron oxide, and a new ground state assignment
P. Engelking, Carl Lineberger, The Journal of Chemical Physics 66, 5054 (1977).
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Moment-theory approximations for nonnegative spectral densities
C. Corcoran, P. Langhoff, Journal of Mathematical Physics 18, 651 (1977).
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Monte Carlo calculation of electron back diffusion in a Townsend discharge
D. Burch, J. Whealton, Journal of Applied Physics 48, 2213 (1977).
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Monte Carlo simulation of ion motion in drift tubes
S. Lin, J. Bardsley, The Journal of Chemical Physics 66, 435 (1977).
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Monte Carlo trajectory study of Ar+H2 collisions. II. Vibrational and rotational enhancement of cross sections for dissociation
Normand Blais, D. Truhlar, The Journal of Chemical Physics 66, 772 (1977).
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Multiphoton absorption in the presence of two finite-bandwidth lasers
N. Wong, J. Eberly, Optics Letters 1, 211 (1977).
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On the angular momentum loss of late-type stars
B. Durney, J. Latour, Geophysical \& Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 9, 241-255 (1977).
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Orbital level splitting in octahedral symmetry and SF6 rotational spectra. I. Qualitative features of high J levels
W. Harter, C. Patterson, The Journal of Chemical Physics 66, 4872 (1977).
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Orbital level splitting in octahedral symmetry and SF6 rotational spectra. II. Quantitative treatment of high J levels
C. Patterson, W. Harter, The Journal of Chemical Physics 66, 4886 (1977).
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Photoluminescence of liquid oxygen
S. Novick, H. Broida, The Journal of Chemical Physics 67, 5975 (1977).
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Quantum mechanical and crossed beam study of vibrational excitation of N2 by electron impact at 30-75 eV
D. Truhlar, M. Brandt, S. Srivastava, S. Trajmar, A. Chutjian, The Journal of Chemical Physics 66, 655 (1977).
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Quenching of optically pumped O2(b 1Σ+g) by ground state O2 molecules
S. Lawton, S. Novick, H. Broida, Arthur Phelps, The Journal of Chemical Physics 66, 1381 (1977).
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Saturated Absorption with Spatially Separated Laser Fields: Observation of Optical "Ramsey" Fringes
J. Bergquist, S. Lee, John Hall, Physical Review Letters 38, 159-162 (1977).
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