Scientific Publications

Displaying 4501 - 4600 of 9371.
Theory of an atom laser
Holland M.J., K. Burnett, C.W. Gardiner, J.I. Cirac, and P. Zoller, Physical Review A 54, R1757 - R1760 (1996).
10.1103/PhysRevA.54.R1757 | Journal Article | View record
Radiation-Driven Warping: The Origin of Warps and Precession in Accretion Disks
Maloney P.R., M.C. Begelman, and J.E. Pringle, The Astrophysical Journal 472, 582-587 (1996).
10.1086/178089 | Journal Article | View record
Lorentz-Lorenz shift in an inhomogeneously broadened medium
Guo J., A.C. Gallagher, and J. Cooper, Optics Communications 131, 219-222 (1996).
10.1016/0030-4018(96)00292-1 | Journal Article | View record
Non-linear cosmological power spectra in real and redshift space
Taylor A.N., and A.J.S. Hamilton, Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 282, 767-778 (1996).
Journal Article | View record
Understanding the Kiloparsec-Scale Structure of M87
Bicknell G.V., and M.C. Begelman, The Astrophysical Journal 467, 597 (1996).
10.1086/177636 | Journal Article | View record
Optical frequency standards - some improvements, some measurements, and some dreams
Hall J.L., J. Ye, L.-S. Ma, S.D. Swartz, P.A. Jungner, and S.B. Waltman, in (World Scientific, Woods Hole, Ma, 1996).
Book Chapter | View record
Accurate Measurements of the Local Deuterium Abundance from HST Spectra
Linsky J.L., in (Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, 1996), pp. 529-532.
10.1007/978-94-009-0145-2_71 | Book Chapter | View record
Coherent population trapping in laser spectroscopy
Arimondo E., in (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1996), p. 257\textendash354.
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Fast Beam Spectroscopy
Young L., in (Academic Press, 1996), p. 301\textendash323.
10.1016/S0076-695X(08)60797-8 | Book Chapter | View record
Femtosecond and Picosecond Dynamics of Ions in Clusters
Lineberger C., M.E. Nadal, S. Nandi, P.G. Wenthold, J.B. Kim, L.H. Andersen, Y. Ozaki, and D.W. Boo, in (Imperial College Press, London, 1996), p. 423\textendash435.
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Laser Cooling
Gilbert S.L., and C.E. Wieman, in (Simon \& Schuster Macmillan, New York, Ny, 1996), pp. 836-838.
Book Chapter | View record
Methods of distributing time and frequency: A review
Levine J., in (Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1996).
Book Chapter | View record
Multiphoton and strong-field processes
Kulander K., and M. Lewenstein, in (American Institute of Physics, 1996).
Book Chapter | View record
Understanding the nebular spectrum of SN 1987A
McCray R.A., in (Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 223.
Book Chapter | View record
ASCA observations of γ2 Velorum (WC8+O9I): the variable X-ray spectrum of colliding winds
Stevens I.R., M.F. Corcoran, A.J. Willis, S.L. Skinner, A.M.T. Pollock, F. Nagase, and K. Koyama, Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 283, 589-605 (1996).
Journal Article | View record
The Compton Mirror in NGC 4151
Poutanen J., M. Sikora, M.C. Begelman, and P. Magdziarz, The Astrophysical Journal 465, L107 - L110 (1996).
10.1086/310149 | Journal Article | View record
Dissociative recombination of H2D+ and the cosmic abundance of deuterium
Larsson M., S. Lepp, A. Dalgarno, C. Strömholm, G. Sundström, V. Zengin, H. Danared, A. Källberg, M. af Ugglas, and S. Datz, Astronomy And Astrophysics 309, L1\textendashL3 (1996).
Journal Article | View record
Flare energetics: analysis of a large flare on YZ Canis Minoris observed simultaneously in the ultraviolet, optical and radio
van den Oord G.H.J., and J.L. Linsky, Astronomy And Astrophysics 310, 908-922 (1996).
Journal Article | View record
Multiwavelength monitoring of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155-304 in 1994 May. III. Probing the inner jet through multiwavelength correlations
Urry C.M., A. Treves, L. Maraschi, and J.M. Shull, Astrophys. J. 486, (1996).
Journal Article | View record
An Optical analogue of Complex-Valued Coherence Terms in Atomic Scattering
Driessen J.P.J., S.S.O. de Beek, H.C.W. Beijerinck, E.M. Spain, H.V. Parks, R. de Vivie-Riedle, and S.R. Leone, Comments On Atomic And Molecular Physics 32, 327-346 (1996).
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Phase lags and coherence of x-ray variability in black hole candidates
Nowak M.A., and B.A. Vaughan, Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 280, 227\textendash234 (1996).
Journal Article | View record
Propagation of relativistic jets through dense radiation fields in AGN
Sikora M., H. Sol, M.C. Begelman, and G.M. Madejski, Astronomy And Astrophysics Supplement 120, 579-582 (1996).
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Radiation drag in relativistic active galactic nucleus jets
Sikora M., H. Sol, M.C. Begelman, and G.M. Madejski, Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 280, 781\textendash796 (1996).
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Radiation drag in relativistic active galactic nucleus jets
Sikora M., H. Sol, M.C. Begelman, and G.M. Madejski, Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 280, 781-796 (1996).
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Rotational modulation and flares on RS Canum Venaticorum and BY Draconis stars. XIX. Simultaneous IUE, ROSAT, VLA, and visual observations of TY Pyxidis
Neff J.E., I. Pagano, M. Rodono, A. Brown, R.C. Dempsey, D.C. Fox, and J.L. Linsky, Astronomy And Astrophysics 310, 173-180 (1996).
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A spectral atlas of hot, luminous stars at 2 microns
Hanson M.M., P.S. Conti, and M.J. Rieke, Astrophysical Journal Supplement 107, (1996).
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Spectroscopy made easy: A new tool for fitting observations with synthetic spectra
Valenti J.A., and N.E. Piskunov, Astronomy And Astrophysics Supplement 118, 595-603 (1996).
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Spherical Redshift Distortions
Hamilton A.J.S., and M.P.P. Culhane, Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 278, 73-86 (1996).
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Steps toward determination of the size and structure of the broad-line region in active galactic nuclei, IX. Ultraviolet observations of Fairall 9
Rodriquez-Pascual P.M., and J.M. Shull, Astrophys. J. Suppl. 110, (1996).
Journal Article | View record
Transition to chaos in doubly diffusive systems
Knobloch E., In Double Diffusion Phenomena, 1996 Summer Study Program In Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (Whoi Technical Report Whoi-97-10, 1997), Pp. 113-122 (1996).
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Intracomparison tests of the FG5 absolute gravity meters
Sasagawa G.S., F.J. Klopping, T.M. Niebauer, J.E. Faller, and R.L. Hilt, Geophysical Research Letters 22, 461-464 (1995).
10.1029/94GL03045 | Journal Article | View record
Kinetic-Energy-Enhanced Neutral Etching
Leone S.R., Japanese Journal Of Applied Physics 34, 2073-2082 (1995).
10.1143/JJAP.34.2073 | Journal Article | View record
Absolute cross sections for dissociative recombination of HD+: Comparison of experiment and theory
Strömholm C., I. Schneider, G. Sundström, L. Carata, H. Danared, S. Datz, O. Dulieu, A. Källberg, M. af Ugglas, X. Urbain, and V. Zengin, Physical Review A 52, R4320 - R4323 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.52.R4320 | Journal Article | View record
Hydrogen Molecules in SN 1987A
Culhane M.P.P., and R.A. McCray, The Astrophysical Journal 455, 335 (1995).
10.1086/176580 | Journal Article | View record
Laser cooling to a single quantum state in a trap: One-dimensional results
Pellizzari T., P. Marte, and P. Zoller, Physical Review A 52, 4709-4718 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.52.4709 | Journal Article | View record
A Non-LTE Analysis of the zeta Aurigae B-Type Secondary. I. Determination of the Fundamental Stellar Parameters
Bennett P.D., A. Brown, and J.L. Linsky, The Astrophysical Journal 455, 317 (1995).
10.1086/176579 | Journal Article | View record
Spectral Signatures of Fast Shocks. II. Optical Diagnostic Diagrams
Dopita M.A., and R.S. Sutherland, The Astrophysical Journal 455, 468 (1995).
10.1086/176596 | Journal Article | View record
Stellar Activity at the End of the Main Sequence: GHRS Observations of the M8 Ve Star VB 10
Linsky J.L., B.E. Wood, A. Brown, M.S. Giampapa, and C.W. Ambruster, The Astrophysical Journal 455, 670 (1995).
10.1086/176614 | Journal Article | View record
Analysis of total-internal-reflection phase-conjugate mirror
Zwickl B.M., G. Montemezzani, and D.Z. Anderson, Physical Review A 52, 4167-4175 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.52.4167 | Journal Article | View record
Comment on \textquoteleft\textquoteleftPion-nucleon partial-wave analysis to 2 GeV\textquoteright\textquoteright
Dowell M.L., and G. Rebka, Physical Review D 52, 5378-5380 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevD.52.5378 | Journal Article | View record
Dissociative recombination in ion storage rings
Larsson M., International Journal Of Mass Spectrometry And Ion Processes 149-150, 403-414 (1995).
10.1016/0168-1176(95)04271-L | Journal Article | View record
Generation of transient Rabi sidebands in pulse propagation: A possible source for cone emission
Guo J., J. Cooper, and A.C. Gallagher, Physical Review A 52, R3440 - R3443 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.52.R3440 | Journal Article | View record
Laser fluorescence and mass spectrometric measurements of vibrational relaxation of N2+(v) with He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe
Kato S., V.M. Bierbaum, and S.R. Leone, International Journal Of Mass Spectrometry And Ion Processes 149-150, 469-486 (1995).
10.1016/0168-1176(95)04283-Q | Journal Article | View record
Simultaneous Extreme-Ultraviolet Explorer and Optical Observations of AD Leonis: Evidence for Large Coronal Loops and the Neupert Effect in Stellar Flares
Hawley S.L., G.H. Fisher, T. Simon, S.L. Cully, S.E. Deustua, M. Jablonski, C.M. Johns-Krall, B.R. Pettersen, V. Smith, W.J. Spiesman, and J.A. Valenti, The Astrophysical Journal 453, 464 (1995).
10.1086/176408 | Journal Article | View record
Atomic and molecular physics with ion storage rings
Larsson M., Reports On Progress In Physics 58, 1267-1319 (1995).
10.1088/0034-4885/58/10/003 | Journal Article | View record
Deuterium and the Local Interstellar Medium Properties for the Procyon and Capella Lines of Sight
Linsky J.L., A. Diplas, B.E. Wood, A. Brown, T.R. Ayres, and B.D. Savage, The Astrophysical Journal 451, 335 (1995).
10.1086/176223 | Journal Article | View record
Diffusion of Clusters of Atoms and Vacancies on Surfaces and the Dynamics of Diffusion-Driven Coarsening
Sholl D., and R.T. Skodje, Physical Review Letters 75, 3158-3161 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevLett.75.3158 | Journal Article | View record
Intergalactic Helium Absorption toward High-Redshift Quasars
Giroux M.L., M.A. Fardal, and J.M. Shull, The Astrophysical Journal 451, 477 (1995).
10.1086/176236 | Journal Article | View record
The Local LY alpha Forest: Association of Clouds with Superclusters and Voids
Stocke J.T., J.M. Shull, S.V. Penton, M. Donahue, and C.L. Carilli, The Astrophysical Journal 451, 24 (1995).
10.1086/176197 | Journal Article | View record
Photodissociation and Rare Gas Reactions of CCl32+: Energetic Thresholds for the CCl+ Product
Lee Y.-Y., and S.R. Leone, The Journal Of Physical Chemistry 99, 15438-15443 (1995).
10.1021/j100042a016 | Journal Article | View record
Self-focused light propagation in a fully saturable medium: Theory
Dowell M.L., B.D. Paul, A.C. Gallagher, and J. Cooper, Physical Review A 52, 3244-3253 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.52.3244 | Journal Article | View record
A Semiempirical Determination of the Wind Velocity Structure for the Hybrid-Chromosphere Star alpha Trianguli Australis
Harper D.M., B.E. Wood, J.L. Linsky, P.D. Bennett, T.R. Ayres, and A. Brown, The Astrophysical Journal 452, 407 (1995).
10.1086/176312 | Journal Article | View record
Excitation transfer in barium by collisions with noble gases
Brust J., and A.C. Gallagher, Physical Review A 52, 2120-2131 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.52.2120 | Journal Article | View record
Exponential Tails in the Centroid Velocity Distributions of Star-forming Regions
Miesch M.S., and J.M. Scalo, The Astrophysical Journal 450, (1995).
10.1086/309661 | Journal Article | View record
Organization of Sequences of Bifurcations of Periodic Orbits
Sadovskií D.A., J.M. Shaw, and J.B. Delos, Physical Review Letters 75, 2120-2123 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevLett.75.2120 | Journal Article | View record
Photon wave functions
Sipe J.E., Physical Review A 52, 1875-1883 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.52.1875 | Journal Article | View record
Probe-transmission spectrum of a blue-detuned optical lattice
Guo J., and J. Cooper, Physical Review A 52, R1819 - R1822 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.52.R1819 | Journal Article | View record
Role of the induced dipole moment in the collisional interference in the pure rotational spectrum of HD-He and HD-Ar
McQuarrie B., G.C. Tabisz, B. Gao, and J. Cooper, Physical Review A 52, 1976-1981 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.52.1976 | Journal Article | View record
Spectral and Temporal Characteristics of X-Ray—bright Stars in the Pleiades
Gagne M., J.-P. Caillault, and J.R. Stauffer, The Astrophysical Journal 450, 217 (1995).
10.1086/176133 | Journal Article | View record
Spectroscopy of potential barriers: An analytic line-shape formula for broad resonances
Sadeghi R., and R.T. Skodje, Physical Review A 52, 1996-2010 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.52.1996 | Journal Article | View record
Strong-field ionization of helium in the independent-electron model
Geltman S., Physical Review A 52, 2468-2471 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.52.2468 | Journal Article | View record
Transition state spectroscopy of the OH + H2 goes to H2O + H reaction via photodetachment of H3O- and D3O-
de Beer E., E.H. Kim, D.M. Neumark, R.F. Gunion, and C. Lineberger, The Journal Of Physical Chemistry 99, 13627-13636 (1995).
10.1021/j100037a009 | Journal Article | View record
Whole Earth Telescope Observations and Seismological Analysis of the Pre—White Dwarf PG 2131+066
Kawaler S.D., M.S. O'Brien, J.C. Clemens, R.E. Nather, D.E. Winget, T.K. Watson, K. Yanagida, J.S. Dixson, P.A. Bradley, M.A. Wood, and D.J. Sullivan, The Astrophysical Journal 450, 350 (1995).
10.1086/176145 | Journal Article | View record
Effects of Pressure and Resistivity on the Ambipolar Diffusion Singularity: Too Little, Too Late
Brandenburg A., and E.G. Zweibel, The Astrophysical Journal 448, 734 (1995).
10.1086/176001 | Journal Article | View record
Low-energy electron collisions with sodium: Scattering of spin-polarized electrons
Zhou H.-L., B.L. Whitten, W.K. Trail, M. Morrison, K.B. MacAdam, K. Bartschat, and D.W. Norcross, Physical Review A 52, 1152-1177 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.52.1152 | Journal Article | View record
Origin of the lobe structure in photorefractive beam fanning
Montemezzani G., B.M. Zwickl, L. Czaia, D.Z. Anderson, M. Zgonik, and P. Günter, Physical Review A 52, 1791-1794 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.52.1791 | Journal Article | View record
Probe transmission in a two-dimensional optical lattice
Guo J., Physical Review A 52, 1458-1467 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.52.1458 | Journal Article | View record
Simplified model of electron scattering using R-matrix methods
Meyer K.W., C.H. Greene, and I. Bray, Physical Review A 52, 1334-1343 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.52.1334 | Journal Article | View record
X-Ray Emission from the Sun in Its Youth and Old Age
Dorren J.D., M. Guedel, and E.F. Guinan, The Astrophysical Journal 448, 431 (1995).
10.1086/175973 | Journal Article | View record
Absolute cross sections for the electron-impact single ionization of Mo4+ and Mo5+ ions
Bannister M.E., F.W. Meyer, Y. Chung, N. Djurić, G.H. Dunn, M.S. Pindzola, and D. Griffin, Physical Review A 52, 413-419 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.52.413 | Journal Article | View record
Aperture Synthesis Observations of Molecular and Atomic Gas in the Wolf- Rayet Starburst Galaxy
Kobulnicky H.A., J.M. Dickey, A.I. Sargent, D.W. Hogg, and P.S. Conti, The Astronomical Journal 110, 116 (1995).
10.1086/117500 | Journal Article | View record
Excitation of Ar lines in the cathode region of a dc discharge
Rozsa K., A.C. Gallagher, and Z. Donkó, Physical Review E 52, 913-918 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevE.52.913 | Journal Article | View record
The Mass Accretion Rate through the Masing Molecular Disk in the Active Galaxy NGC 4258
Neufeld D.A., and P.R. Maloney, The Astrophysical Journal 447, (1995).
10.1086/309553 | Journal Article | View record
New Insights into Nonradiative Heating in Late A Star Chromospheres
Walter F.M., L.D. Matthews, and J.L. Linsky, The Astrophysical Journal 447, 353 (1995).
10.1086/175879 | Journal Article | View record
Radiative Hyperfine Transitions
Garstang R.H., The Astrophysical Journal 447, 962 (1995).
10.1086/175933 | Journal Article | View record
Spatial structure of light and a nonlinear refractive index generated by fanning in photorefractive media
Zwickl B.M., and D.Z. Anderson, Physical Review A 52, 878-881 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.52.878 | Journal Article | View record
An Atlas of Alpha Orionis Obtained with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope
Brandt J.C., S.R. Heap, E.A. Beaver, A. Boggess, K.G. Carpenter, D.C. Ebbets, J.B. Hutchings, M.A. Jura, D.S. Leckrone, J.L. Linsky, and S.P. Maran, The Astronomical Journal 109, 2706 (1995).
10.1086/117484 | Journal Article | View record
Determining Spectrometer Instrumental Profiles Using FTS Reference Spectra
Valenti J.A., P. Butler, and G.W. Marcy, Publications Of The Astronomical Society Of The Pacific 107, 966 (1995).
10.1086/133645 | Journal Article | View record
Experimental Studies of Allene, Methylacetylene, and the Propargyl Radical: Bond Dissociation Energies, Gas-Phase Acidities, and Ion-Molecule Chemistry
Robinson M.S., M.L. Polak, V.M. Bierbaum, C.H. DePuy, and C. Lineberger, Journal Of The American Chemical Society 117, 6766-6778 (1995).
10.1021/ja00130a017 | Journal Article | View record
The Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph: In-Orbit Performance
Heap S.R., J.C. Brandt, C.E. Randall, K.G. Carpenter, D.S. Leckrone, S.P. Maran, A.M. Smith, E.A. Beaver, A. Boggess, D.C. Ebbets, and H. Garner, Publications Of The Astronomical Society Of The Pacific 107, 871 (1995).
10.1086/133635 | Journal Article | View record
High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Quasars and Quasar Absorption-Line Systems
Shull J.M., Publications Of The Astronomical Society Of The Pacific 107, 1007 (1995).
10.1086/133653 | Journal Article | View record
Of-type stars HD 16691 and HD 190429 show WN-like spectra in infrared K band
Conti P.S., M.M. Hanson, P.W. Morris, A.J. Willis, and S.J. Fossey, The Astrophysical Journal 445, L35 (1995).
10.1086/187883 | Journal Article | View record
Quantum field theory of atoms interacting with photons. II. Scattering of short laser pulses from trapped bosonic atoms
You L., M. Lewenstein, and J. Cooper, Physical Review A 51, 4712-4727 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.51.4712 | Journal Article | View record
Toward a Unified View of Black-Hole High-Energy States
Nowak M.A., Publications Of The Astronomical Society Of The Pacific 107, 1207 (1995).
10.1086/133679 | Journal Article | View record
Vibrational energy dependence of the reaction N2+(v) +H2 \textrightarrowN2H+ +H at thermal energies
de Gouw J.A., L.N. Ding, M.J. Frost, S. Kato, V.M. Bierbaum, and S.R. Leone, Chemical Physics Letters 240, 362-368 (1995).
10.1016/0009-2614(95)00545-F | Journal Article | View record
Are atoms stabilized by ultraintense lasers?
Geltman S., Chemical Physics Letters 237, 286-290 (1995).
10.1016/0009-2614(95)00315-U | Journal Article | View record
Collisions of electrons with highly-charged ions
Dunn G.H., N. Djurić, Y.-S. Chung, M.E. Bannister, and A.C.H. Smith, Nuclear Instruments And Methods In Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms 98, 107-113 (1995).
10.1016/0168-583X(95)00084-4 | Journal Article | View record
Dark lanes in granulation and the excitation of solar oscillations
Rimmele T.R., P.R. Goode, E. Harold, and R.T. Stebbins, The Astrophysical Journal 444, L119 (1995).
10.1086/187874 | Journal Article | View record
Deep ROSAT HRI observations of the Orion nebula region
Gagne M., J.-P. Caillault, and J.R. Stauffer, The Astrophysical Journal 445, 280 (1995).
10.1086/175694 | Journal Article | View record
Noncoeval star formation, starbursts, and the growth of supershells in OB associations
Shull J.M., and J.M. Saken, The Astrophysical Journal 444, 663 (1995).
10.1086/175638 | Journal Article | View record
Recoil-induced resonances in pump-probe spectroscopy
Berman P., B. Dubetsky, and J. Guo, Physical Review A 51, 3947-3958 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.51.3947 | Journal Article | View record
Scattering of Cl2 beams from Si(100) for kinetic energies up to 2.6 eV: implications for sticking coefficients and reaction product formation
Weaver G.C., and S.R. Leone, Surface Science 328, 197-214 (1995).
10.1016/0039-6028(95)00035-6 | Journal Article | View record
Semiclassical study of spectral evolution under propagation in an active medium
You L., and J. Cooper, Physical Review A 51, 4194-4202 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.51.4194 | Journal Article | View record
The stellar content of 30 doradus derived from spatially integrated ultraviolet spectra: A test of spectral synthesis models
Vacca W.D., C. Robert, C. Leitherer, and P.S. Conti, The Astrophysical Journal 444, 647 (1995).
10.1086/175637 | Journal Article | View record
Thermal Cyclotron Absorption Coefficients. II. Opacities in the Stokes Formalism
Vaeth H.M., and G. Chanmugam, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 98, 295 (1995).
10.1086/192162 | Journal Article | View record
Unexpected product fine-structure distributions in (3+1)-photon ionization of xenon
Bordas C., M. Dyer, T. Fairfield, H. Helm, and K. Kulander, Physical Review A 51, 3726-3734 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.51.3726 | Journal Article | View record
The unusual helium variable AM Canum Venaticorum
Provencal J.L., D.E. Winget, R.E. Nather, E.L. Robinson, J.-E. Solheim, J.C. Clemens, P.A. Bradley, S.J. Kleinman, A. Kanaan, C.F. Claver, and C.J. Hansen, The Astrophysical Journal 445, 927 (1995).
10.1086/175752 | Journal Article | View record
Cooling and resonance fluorescence of two atoms in a one-dimensional optical molasses
Guo J., and J. Cooper, Physical Review A 51, 3128-3135 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.51.3128 | Journal Article | View record
Generalized Bose-Einstein distributions and multistability of a laser-cooled gas
Cirac J.I., M. Lewenstein, and P. Zoller, Physical Review A 51, 2899-2907 (1995).
10.1103/PhysRevA.51.2899 | Journal Article | View record
Laboratory studies of 3.3 micron emission from naphthalene induced by 193 and 248 nanometer excitation
Williams R.M., and S.R. Leone, The Astrophysical Journal 443, 675 (1995).
10.1086/175559 | Journal Article | View record