Past Events

Two tales about time in living (and not-so-living) transport networks


Abstract: We utilize transport systems daily to commute, e.g. via road networks, or bring energy to our houses through the power grid. Our body needs transport networks, such as the lymphatic, arterial or venous system, to distribute nutrients and remove waste. If the transported quantity is information, for example carried by an electrical signal, then even the internet and the brain can be thought of as members of this broad class of webs.

New opportunities in metrology and quantum science with multi-electron atoms: superradiant lasers, 2D dipolar supersolids, and optical tweezer arrays.


Abstract: Cold atoms provide an ideal platform for many aspects of quantum science, from metrology to simulation to quantum computing and networking.  These applications stem from their status as simple quantum objects, whose degrees of freedom can be controlled and entangled, and whose properties are identical and constant.

Nanoscale X-ray Imaging Capabilities at NSLS-II and Their Application to Microelectronics Research


National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) has world-leading nanoscale X-ray imaging capabilities. The Full-field X-ray Imaging (FXI) beamline offers nanoscale tomography at ~30 nm resolution with an unprecedented imaging throughput down to ~10 seconds. The Hard X-ray Nanoprobe (HXN) beamline delivers multimodal X-ray imaging based on scanning X-ray microscopy with the smallest beam size of ~10 nm. In addition, additional imaging beamlines are either under construction or being designed to further strengthen the imaging portfolio at NSLS-II.

What's new? Isn't fusion energy always 30 years away?


Abstract: Fusion energy is a promising technology for producing clean, limitless, zero-carbon energy. Recently, there has been a paradigm shift where today, privately funded research dominates over the historic government-funded fusion program. Private research and development paths to fusion have very short timelines, and some future milestones appear speculative. I will discuss plasma and nuclear physics constraints that experiments will face as they progress toward the fusion goal.

Unlocking the Secrets of Alien Atmospheres: UV Radiation and Exoplanetary Habitability



Abstract: When we observe the first terrestrial exoplanet atmospheres, we expect to find planets around a wide range of stellar types, with corresponding differences in their UV environments. Since the first rocky exoplanets available for characterization with JWST will orbit M dwarf host stars, understanding the UV insolation of their planets is a vital step in understanding their atmospheres.

Illuminating exotic chemistry and physics with single-quantum-state spectroscopy


Molecules are amongst the most complex objects that can be controlled and studied at the individual quantum state level. In this talk, I will introduce some of the extraordinary advances made in the last decade by the application of AMO physics tools, including cavity-enhanced optical frequency comb and microwave techniques, to such quantum-state-resolved spectroscopy.

Entanglement optimization in quantum trajectories


Abstract: In this talk I present a method to solve the equations of motion of open quantum many-body systems. It is based on a combination of generalized wave function trajectories and matrix product states. More specifically, we developed an adaptive quantum stochastic propagator, which minimizes the expected entanglement in the many-body quantum state, thus minimizing the computational cost of the matrix product state representation of quantum trajectories.

Gravity Wave Variations and Their Influence on Atmospheric Coupling Processes during Stratospheric Sudden Warmings


Abstract: Understanding atmospheric coupling from the troposphere/stratosphere to the upper atmosphere is important for improving climate simulations and space weather forecasts. Gravity waves are one of the key elements in driving atmospheric coupling from the troposphere/stratosphere to the mesosphere and thermosphere. Owing to uncertainties caused by gravity wave parameterizations in general circulation models, it is important to advance our understanding and representation of gravity waves.