Past Events

Electron and Photon Detection for Microscopies


Seeing small things takes bright lights and great optics. But you still have to see something. This talk will discuss detectors for electron and X-ray microscopies: how they work, what are they challenges, and where are the opportunities. The competition is intense: the human eye has ~108 ‘pixels’ and a dynamic range of ~104 (and has a direct connection to a built-in neural processor). No camera today can match these specs (although we are getting close).

Tidal disruption events: unresolved problems, challenges, and future Prospects



What happens if a main-sequence star orbits very close to a supermassive black hole in a galactic center? If the star approaches within tens of times the event horizon of the black hole, the black holes's intense tidal forces would tear the star apart in a matter of hours. This dramatic event, also known as a tidal disruption event, may sound like a Sci-Fi movie.

Intentionally Designing Models for Learning Tasks with Quantum


In this seminar talk, the speaker will begin with a brief overview of how quantum computation has led to an exciting new set of features for designing generative models, emphasizing that these features should be utilized with intention to help researchers obtain a better understanding of how quantum is useful and for what specific learning tasks.

The Secret Language of Nature's Tiny Communicators


Abstract: Imagine a world where communication doesn't depend on words, but on flashes of light, scents, and movement. In the extraordinary world of insects, this is a daily reality. This talk will take you on a journey into the secret lives of fireflies and bees, exploring how they convey information through visual and chemical signals. Drawing on concepts from physics, mathematics, and computer science, we will uncover the universal rules that insects obey to make their communication efficient and effective.

Quantum simulation of a lattice gauge theory: thermalization, many-body scars, and collision dynamics


Abstract: Gauge theories form the foundation of modern physics, with applications ranging from early-universe cosmology and heavy-ion collisions to condensed matter systems. However, simulating the real-time dynamics of such quantum many-body systems on classical computers is fraught with difficulties, motivating the pursuit of alternative venues. I will present recent experiments where we employ a large-scale Bose-Hubbard quantum simulator to emulate a U(1) lattice gauge theory, which couples charged matter fields through dynamical gauge fields.

Dynamical Surprises in Saturn’s Rings


Abstract: Our current understanding of planet formation is informed by ongoing observations of circumstellar disks around young stars.   The improving spatial resolution of these observations has revealed a variety of structures in these dusty gas disks, including gaps, spiral waves, warps, and lopsided distributions of dust particles.  These observations are restricted to a single viewing geometry from Earth and by limited spatial resolution.  Analogous structures are observed in Saturn’s rings with a multitude of viewing ge

Turbulent Origins of the Sun's Hot Corona and the Solar Wind


Abstract: The solar corona is the hot and ionized outer atmosphere of the Sun.  It traces out the complex solar magnetic field and expands into interplanetary space as the supersonic solar wind.  In 1958, Eugene Parker theorized that the presence of a million-degree corona necessarily requires the outward acceleration of a wind.  However, despite many years of exploration of both phenomena, we still do not have a complete understanding of the processes that heat the coronal plasma to its bizarrely high temperatures.

Recent progress towards a solid-state nuclear clock with Thorium-229



Among all known isotopes, Thorium-229 has the lowest nuclear excited state, only 8.4 eV above the ground state. This so-called "isomer" is accessible to VUV laser excitation and has been proposed as a robust clock transition for future frequency standards. The talk will present most recent progress on measuring the exact nuclear excitation energy and the isomer lifetime in a solid-state environment.