Past Events

An Airline Crash Investigation: Physics vs Lawyers


Abstract: On July 26, 2002, FedEx flight 1478 crashed on landing at the Tallahassee Regional airport. The crew of three survived, but were fired by FedEx. The pilots contested their firing and I was hired to investigate. I was able to show experimentally that the runway lighting very likely failed due to condensation on the projection system. Yet the pilots' lawyers decided that my testimony would not help their clients, and my results were not presented. I will present the physics and sociology of this curious case.

Organic Geochemistry on Titan


Abstract: The Cassini-Huygens mission has revealed Saturn’s largest moon Titan to be a remarkably Earth-like world, with a diverse landscape of rivers, lakes and seas, vast dune fields, plains and mountains. Unlike Earth, however, Titan’s visible surface is dominated by solid organic materials at cryogenic temperatures, and altered by the action of liquid methane and ethane.

Difficultly is Moot – a case for in situ measurements of the atmosphere


Abstract: The title of this presentation was inspired by my response to a reviewer comment on a recent paper: the technique proposed … requires a sophisticated instrumentation that is largely restricted to heavy airborne platforms…hence limiting the application of this technique… That review motivates me to broadly justify the science that w



Lab Website:
Synopsis: The Tian lab combines computational protein design, chemical biology, electrophysiology, optical imaging techniques, and inducible pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology to describe the logic of the neural circuitry. These tools are being created to record neural activity to better understand the brain mechanisms that lead to behaviors related to health and disease.


The role of wave-particle interactions in cold plasma heating Seminar Abstract:


Seminar Abstract: The cold plasma of ionospheric origin is a dramatically influential plasma population that dominates the mass of the magnetosphere. The conventional paradigm of current space weather models is that the cold particle populations are a passive medium where key energy exchange processes, such as those associated with wave-particle interactions operate, but do not actively take part in these processes.

Cavity QED from Manybody Physics to Transduction


Abstract: In this talk, I will describe recent developments in the Simon/Schuster collaboration, where we are harnessing cavity quantum electrodynamics for both manybody physics and quantum information. I will begin with an overview of our photonic quantum materials efforts, highlighting the analogy between photons in a lattice of cavities (or family of cavity modes) and electrons in solids.

From Rocks to Rockets


Abstract: Watkins will share highlights from her recent 170 days of living and
working aboard the International Space Station, her path to space, and
her perspective on the role of geology in space exploration.


Gravity waves and traveling ionospheric disturbances in the stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere from mountain waves, the polar vortex, the Tonga eruption and deep convection via multi-step vertical coupling


Abstract: Atmospheric gravity waves (GWs) are created in the troposphere from wind flow over mountains, and in the stratosphere below the maximum of the polar vortex from imbalance of the polar vortex. Because these GWs are slow, they cannot propagate directly to the thermosphere due to dissipation from breaking/critical level filtering and molecular viscosity.

Across the Tachocline Divide: Convection and Dynamo Action in M-Dwarf Stars

Abstract: The onset of the vigorous magnetic activity which characterizes the M-dwarfs coincides with a transition to fully spherical convection and consequently the loss of the tachocline—a shear layer with considerable importance for the solar dynamo. We report on a series of more than 80 massively parallel, fully 3D global MHD convection simulations used to study the dynamo action of M-dwarfs on either side of this transition. We observe a great diversity of potential magnetic behaviors, highlights from which we present here.