JILA Science Publications

Displaying 1 - 100 of 164


Merging dipolar supersolids in a double-well potential
Hui Li, Eli Halperin, Shai Ronen, John Bohn, Physical Review A 109, (2024).
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Observation of Generalized t-J Spin Dynamics with Tunable Dipolar Interactions
Annette Carroll, Henrik Hirzler, Calder Miller, David Wellnitz, Sean Muleady, Junyu Lin, Krzysztof Zamarski, Reuben Wang, John Bohn, Ana Maria Rey, Jun Ye, Submitted , (2024).
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Simulations of evaporation to deep Fermi degeneracy in microwave-shielded molecules
Reuben Wang, Shrestha Biswas, Sebastian Eppelt, Fulin Deng, Xin-Yu Luo, John Bohn, Submitted , (2024).
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Viscous dynamics of a quenched trapped dipolar Fermi gas
Reuben Wang, John Bohn, Physical Review A 108, (2023).
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Sticking lifetime of ultracold CaF molecules in triplet interactions
Dibyendu Sardar, John Bohn, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 127, 4815–4821 (2023).
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Frustration in a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate introduced by an optical lattice
Eli Halperin, Shai Ronen, J. Bohn, Physical Review A 107, L041301 (2023).
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Anisotropic acoustics in dipolar Fermi gases
Reuben Wang, John Bohn, Physical Review A 107, 033321 (2023).
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Anomalous lifetimes of ultracold complexes decaying into a single channel
James Croft, John Bohn, Goulven Quéméner, Physical Review A 107, 023304 (2023).
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Cold Chemistry
John Bohn, H. Lewandowski, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 127, 7869-7871 (2023).
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Probability distributions of atomic scattering lengths
John Bohn, Reuben Wang, , (2023).
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Prospects for thermalization of microwave-shielded ultracold molecules
Reuben Wang, John Bohn, Submitted , (2023).
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Four-body singlet potential-energy surface for reactions of calcium monofluoride
Dibyendu Sardar, Arthur Christianen, Hui Li, John Bohn, Physical Review A 107, 032822 (2022).
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Thermoviscous Hydrodynamics in Non-Degenerate Dipolar Bose Gases
Reuben Wang, John Bohn, Physical Review A 106, 053307 (2022).
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Thermal Conductivity of an Ultracold Paramagnetic Bose Gas
Reuben Wang, John Bohn, Physical Review A 106, 023319 (2022).
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Channel Selection of Ultracold Atom-Molecule Scattering in Dynamic Magnetic Fields
Hanwei Yang, Zunqi Li, Songbin Zhang, John Bohn, Lushuai Cao, Shutao Zhang, Gaoren Wang, Haitan Xu, Zheng Li, Physical Review Letters 129, (2022).
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Determination of the scattering length of erbium atoms
A. Patscheider, L. Chomaz, G. Natale, D. Petter, M. Mark, S. Baier, B. Yang, R. Wang, John Bohn, F. Ferlaino, Phys. Rev. A 105, 063307 (2022).
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Electric field dependence of complex-dominated ultracold molecular collisions
Goulven Quéméner, James Croft, John Bohn, Physical Review A 105, (2022).
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Hyperspherical approach to dipolar droplets beyond the mean-field limit
E. Halperin, John Bohn, Physical Review A 104, 033324 (2021).
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Resonant shielding of reactions in 3D Tuning of dipolar interactions and evaporative cooling in a three-dimensional molecular quantum gas
Jun-Ru Li, William Tobias, Kyle Matsuda, Calder Miller, Giacomo Valtolina, Luigi De Marco, Reuben Wang, Lucas Lassablière, Goulven Quéméner, John Bohn, Jun Ye, Nature Physics 17, 1144 (2021).
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Anisotropic thermalization of dilute dipolar gases
Reuben Wang, John Bohn, Phys. Rev. A 103, 063320 (2021).
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Magnetic Moments of Lanthanide van der Waals Dimers
Joseph McCann, John Bohn, Lucie Augustovičová, Physical Review A 103, 042812 (2021).
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Quench-produced solitons in a box-trapped Bose-Einstein condensate
E. Halperin, John Bohn, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043256 (2020).
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A unified model of ultracold molecular collisions
James Croft, John Bohn, Goulven Quéméner, Physical Review A 102, 033306 (2020).
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Linear Response of a Periodically Driven Thermal Dipolar Gas
Reuben Wang, Andrew Sykes, John Bohn, Physical Review A 102, 033336 (2020).
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Ultracold collisions of the lithium monoxide radical
Lucie Augustovičová, John Bohn, Physical Review A 102, 033314 (2020).
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Ultracold collisions of polyatomic molecules: CaOH
Lucie Augustovičová, John Bohn, New Journal of Physics 21, 103022 (2019).
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Stable production of a strongly interacting Bose-Einstein condensate via mode matching
E. Halperin, M. Sze, John Corson, John Bohn, Phys. Rev. A 100, 013608 (2019).
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Two-step production of resonant Bose-Einstein condensates
M. Sze, John Bohn, Physical Review A 99, 1-11 (2019).
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Work smarter, not harder: scientists use machine-learning algorithms to streamline quantum chemistry calculations
John Bohn, New Journal of Physics 21, 021001 (2019).
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Manifestation of quantum chaos in Fano-Feshbach resonances
Lucie Augustovičová, John Bohn, Physical Review A 98, 023419 (2018).
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NO evaporative cooling in the <sup>2</sup>π</sub>3/2</sub> state
Lucie Augustovičová, John Bohn, Physical Review A 97, 062703 (2018).
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Harmonically trapped four-boson system
D. Blume, M. Sze, John Bohn, Physical Review A 97, 033621 (2018).
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Hyperspherical lowest-order constrained-variational approximation to resonant Bose-Einstein condensates
M. Sze, Andrew Sykes, D. Blume, John Bohn, Physical Review A 978, 033608 (2018).
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No evaporative cooling of nitric oxide in its ground state
Lucie Augustovičová, John Bohn, Physical Review A 96, 042712 (2017).
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A dimensional theory of shielding in ultracold collisions of dipolar rotors
Maykel González-Martínez, John Bohn, Goulven Quéméner, Physical Review A 96, 032718 (2017).
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Publication image. Cold molecules: Progress in quantum engineering of chemistry and quantum matter
John Bohn, Ana Maria Rey, Jun Ye, Science 357, 1002-1010 (2017).
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Deborah Jin
John Bohn, Physics Today 70, 69-70 (2017).
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Deborah S. Jin 1968-2016
B. DeMarco, John Bohn, Eric Cornell, Nature 538, 318 (2016).
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Ballistic quench-induced correlation waves in ultracold gases
John Corson, John Bohn, Physical Review A 94, 023604 (2016).
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Erratum: s -wave scattering lengths of the strongly dipolar bosons 162Dy and 164Dy
Yijun Tang, Andrew Sykes, Nathaniel Burdick, John Bohn, B. Lev, Physical Review A 93, 059905 (2016).
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Shielding Σ2 ultracold dipolar molecular collisions with electric fields
Goulven Quéméner, John Bohn, Physical Review A 93, 012704 (2016).
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s-wave scattering lengths of the strongly dipolar bosons Dy162 and Dy164
Yijun Tang, Andrew Sykes, Nathaniel Burdick, John Bohn, B. Lev, Physical Review A 92, 022703 (2015).
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Non-sticking of helium buffer gas to hydrocarbons
James Croft, John Bohn, Physical Review A 91, 032706 (2015).
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Radio-frequency spectrum of the Feshbach molecular state to deeply bound molecular states in ultracold 40K Fermi gases
Lianghui Huang, Pengjun Wang, Brandon Ruzic, Zhengkun Fu, Zengming Meng, Peng Peng, John Bohn, Jing Zhang, New Journal of Physics 17, 033013 (2015).
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Bound-state signatures in quenched Bose-Einstein condensates
John Corson, John Bohn, Physical Review A 91, 013616 (2015).
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Nonequilibrium dynamics of an ultracold dipolar gas
Andrew Sykes, John Bohn, Physical Review A 91, 013625 (2015).
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Anisotropic Relaxation Dynamics in a Dipolar Fermi Gas Driven Out of Equilibrium
K. Aikawa, Albert Frisch, M. Mark, S. Baier, R. Grimm, John Bohn, Deborah Jin, G. Bruun, Francesca Ferlaino, Physical Review Letters 113, 263201 (2014).
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Quantum defect theory for cold chemistry with product-quantum-state resolution
Jisha Hazra, Brandon Ruzic, John Bohn, N. Balakrishnan, Physical Review A 90, 062703 (2014).
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Multichannel quantum defect theory for rovibrational transitions in ultracold molecule-molecule collisions
Jisha Hazra, Brandon Ruzic, N. Balakrishnan, John Bohn, Physical Review A 90, 032711 (2014).
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Analyzing Feshbach resonances: A 6Li - 133 Cs case study
R. Pires, M. Repp, J. Ulmanis, E. Kuhnle, M. Weidemüller, T. Tiecke, Chris Greene, Brandon Ruzic, John Bohn, E. Tiemann, Physical Review A 90, 012710 (2014).
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Quantum chaos in ultracold collisions of gas-phase erbium atoms
Albert Frisch, Michael Mark, K. Aikawa, Francesca Ferlaino, John Bohn, Constantinos Makrides, A. Petrov, S. Kotochigova, Nature 507, 475-479 (2014).
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Differential scattering and rethermalization in ultracold dipolar gases
John Bohn, Deborah Jin, Physical Review A 89, 022702 (2014).
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Quenching to unitarity: Quantum dynamics in a three-dimensional Bose gas
Andrew Sykes, John Corson, Jose D'Incao, A. Koller, Chris Greene, Ana Maria Rey, Kaden Hazzard, John Bohn, Physical Review A 89, 021601 (2014).
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Long-lived complexes and chaos in ultracold molecular collisions
James Croft, John Bohn, Physical Review A 89, 012714 (2014).
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Publication image. Precision Spectroscopy of Polarized Molecules in an Ion Trap
H. Loh, Kevin Cossel, Matt Grau, K.-K. Ni, E. Meyer, John Bohn, Jun Ye, Eric Cornell, Science 342, 1220-1222 (2013).
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Dipolar radicals in crossed electric and magnetic fields
John Bohn, Goulven Quéméner, Molecular Physics 111, 1931-1938 (2013).
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Geometric stability spectra of dipolar Bose gases in tunable optical lattices
John Corson, R. Wilson, John Bohn, Physical Review A 88, 013614 (2013).
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Ultracold molecular collisions in combined electric and magnetic fields
Goulven Quéméner, John Bohn, Physical Review A 88, 012706 (2013).
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Stability spectroscopy of rotons in a dipolar Bose gas
John Corson, R. Wilson, John Bohn, Physical Review A 87, 051605 (2013).
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Quantum defect theory for high-partial-wave cold collisions
Brandon Ruzic, Chris Greene, John Bohn, Physical Review A 87, 032706 (2013).
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Scattering of ultracold molecules in the highly resonant regime
M. Mayle, Goulven Quéméner, Brandon Ruzic, John Bohn, Physical Review A 87, 012709 (2013).
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Publication image. Evaporative cooling of the dipolar hydroxyl radical
B. Stuhl, M. Hummon, M. Yeo, Goulven Quéméner, John Bohn, Jun Ye, Nature 492, 396-400 (2012).
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Roton immiscibility in a two-component dipolar Bose gas
R. Wilson, C. Ticknor, John Bohn, Eddy Timmermans, Phys. Rev. A 86, 033606 (2012).
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Statistical aspects of ultracold resonant scattering
M. Mayle, Brandon Ruzic, John Bohn, Physical Review A 85, 062712 (2012).
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A dielectric superfluid of polar molecules
R. Wilson, S. Rittenhouse, John Bohn, New Journal of Physics 14, 043018 (2012).
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Universalities in ultracold reactions of alkali-metal polar molecules
Goulven Quéméner, John Bohn, A. Petrov, S. Kotochigova, Physical Review A 84, 062703 (2011).
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High-resolution spectroscopy on trapped molecular ions in rotating electric fields: A new approach for measuring the electron electric dipole moment
A. Leanhardt, John Bohn, H. Loh, P. Maletinsky, E. Meyer, L. Sinclair, R. Stutz, Eric Cornell, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 270, 1-25 (2011).
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Chemical pathways in ultracold reactions of SrF molecules
E. Meyer, John Bohn, Physical Review A 83, 032714 (2011).
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Publication image. Controlling the quantum stereodynamics of ultracold bimolecular reactions
M. de Miranda, A. Chotia, B. Neyenhuis, D. Wang, Goulven Quéméner, S. Ospelkaus, John Bohn, Jun Ye, Deborah Jin, Nature Physics 7, 502-507 (2011).
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Anisotropic Superfluidity in a Dipolar Bose Gas
C. Ticknor, R. Wilson, John Bohn, Physical Review Letters 106, 065301 (2011).
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Emergent structure in a dipolar Bose gas in a one-dimensional lattice
R. Wilson, John Bohn, Physical Review A 83, 023623 (2011).
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Dynamics of ultracold molecules in confined geometry and electric field
Goulven Quéméner, John Bohn, Physical Review A 83, 012705 (2011).
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Product-state control of bi-alkali-metal chemical reactions
E. Meyer, John Bohn, Physical Review A 82, 042707 (2010).
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Electric field suppression of ultracold confined chemical reactions
Goulven Quéméner, John Bohn, Physical Review A 81, 060701(R) (2010).
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Dipolar collisions of polar molecules in the quantum regime
K.-K. Ni, S. Ospelkaus, D. Wang, Goulven Quéméner, B. Neyenhuis, M. de Miranda, John Bohn, Jun Ye, Deborah Jin, Nature 464, 1324-1328 (2010).
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Critical Superfluid Velocity in a Trapped Dipolar Gas
R. Wilson, Shai Ronen, John Bohn, Physical Review Letters 104, 094501 (2010).
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Zero sound in dipolar Fermi gases
Shai Ronen, John Bohn, Physical Review A 81, 033601 (2010).
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Publication image. Quantum-State Controlled Chemical Reactions of Ultracold Potassium-Rubidium Molecules
S. Ospelkaus, K.-K. Ni, D. Wang, M. de Miranda, B. Neyenhuis, Goulven Quéméner, Paul Julienne, John Bohn, Deborah Jin, Jun Ye, Science 327, 853-857 (2010).
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Strong dependence of ultracold chemical rates on electric dipole moments
Goulven Quéméner, John Bohn, Physical Review A 81, 022702 (2010).
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Controlling the Hyperfine State of Rovibronic Ground-State Polar Molecules
S. Ospelkaus, K.-K. Ni, Goulven Quéméner, B. Neyenhuis, D. Wang, M. de Miranda, John Bohn, Jun Ye, Deborah Jin, Physical Review Letters 104, 030402 (2010).
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Simple quantum model of ultracold polar molecule collisions
Z. Idziaszek, Goulven Quéméner, John Bohn, Paul Julienne, Physical Review A 82, 020703(R) (2010).
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Berry-like phases in structured atoms and molecules
E. Meyer, A. Leanhardt, Eric Cornell, John Bohn, Physical Review A 80, 062110 (2009).
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An electron electric dipole moment search in the X3 Δ1 ground state of tungsten carbide molecules
J. Lee, E. Meyer, Rabin Paudel, John Bohn, A. Leanhardt, Journal of Modern Optics 56, 2005-2012 (2009).
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Electron electric-dipole-moment searches based on alkali-metal- or alkaline-earth-metal-bearing molecules
E. Meyer, John Bohn, Physical Review A 80, 042508 (2009).
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Angular collapse of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates
R. Wilson, Shai Ronen, John Bohn, Physical Review A 80, 023614 (2009).
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Quasi-universal dipolar scattering in cold and ultracold gases
John Bohn, M. Cavagnero, C. Ticknor, New Journal of Physics 11, 055039 (2009).
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How does a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate collapse?
John Bohn, R. Wilson, Shai Ronen, Laser Physics 19, 547-549 (2009).
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Stability and excitations of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate with a vortex
R. Wilson, Shai Ronen, John Bohn, Physical Review A 79, 013621 (2009).
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Generalized mean-field approach to a resonant Bose-Fermi mixture
D. Bortolotti, A. Avdeenkov, John Bohn, Physical Review A 78, 063612 (2008).
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Dynamical pattern formation during growth of a dual-species Bose-Einstein condensate
Shai Ronen, John Bohn, Laura Halmo, M. Edwards, Physical Review A 78, 053613 (2008).
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Influence of a humidor on the aerodynamics of baseballs
E. Meyer, John Bohn, American Journal of Physics 76, 1015 (2008).
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Loss of molecules in magneto-electrostatic traps due to nonadiabatic transitions
Manuel Lara, B. Lev, John Bohn, Physical Review A 78, 033433 (2008).
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Prospects for an electron electric-dipole moment search in metastable ThO and ThF+
E. Meyer, John Bohn, Physical Review A 78, 010502(R) (2008).
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Manifestations of the Roton Mode in Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates
R. Wilson, Shai Ronen, John Bohn, H. Pu, Physical Review Letters 100, 245302 (2008).
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Dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates at finite temperature
Shai Ronen, John Bohn, Physical Review A 76, 043607 (2007).
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Publication image. Magnetoelectrostatic Trapping of Ground State OH Molecules
B. Sawyer, B. Lev, E. Hudson, B. Stuhl, Manuel Lara, John Bohn, Jun Ye, Physical Review Letters 98, 253002 (2007).
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p-Wave Feshbach Molecules
J. Gaebler, J. Stewart, John Bohn, Deborah Jin, Physical Review Letters 98, 200403 (2007).
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Pseudopotential treatment of two aligned dipoles under external harmonic confinement
K. Kanjilal, John Bohn, D. Blume, Physical Review A 75, 052705 (2007).
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Cold collisions between OH and Rb: The field-free case
Manuel Lara, John Bohn, Daniel Potter, Pavel Soldán, Jeremy Hutson, Physical Review A 75, 012704 (2007).
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Radial and Angular Rotons in Trapped Dipolar Gases
Shai Ronen, D. Bortolotti, John Bohn, Physical Review Letters 98, 030406 (2007).
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