Scientific Publications

Displaying 101 - 165 of 165


Radial and Angular Rotons in Trapped Dipolar Gases
Ronen S., D.C.E. Bortolotti, and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review Letters 98, 030406 (2007).
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OH hyperfine ground state: From precision measurement to molecular qubits
Lev B.L., E.R. Meyer, E.R. Hudson, B.C. Sawyer, J.L. Bohn, and J. Ye, Physical Review A 74, 061402(R) (2006).
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Ultracold Rb-OH Collisions and Prospects for Sympathetic Cooling
Lara M., J.L. Bohn, D.E. Potter, P. Soldán, and J.M. Hutson, Physical Review Letters 97, 183201 (2006).
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Scattering Length Instability in Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates
Bortolotti D.C.E., S. Ronen, J.L. Bohn, and D. Blume, Physical Review Letters 97, 160402 (2006).
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Dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates with dipole-dependent scattering length
Ronen S., D.C.E. Bortolotti, D. Blume, and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 74, (2006).
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Bogoliubov modes of a dipolar condensate in a cylindrical trap
Ronen S., D.C.E. Bortolotti, and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 74, 013623 (2006).
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Stability of fermionic Feshbach molecules in a Bose-Fermi mixture
Avdeenkov A.V., D.C.E. Bortolotti, and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 74, 012709 (2006).
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Candidate molecular ions for an electron electric dipole moment experiment
Meyer E.R., J.L. Bohn, and M.P. Deskevich, Physical Review A 73, 062108 (2006).
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Production of cold formaldehyde molecules for study and control of chemical reaction dynamics with hydroxyl radicals
Hudson E.R., C.C. Ticknor, B.C. Sawyer, C.A. Taatjes, H.J. Lewandowski, J.R. Bochinski, J.L. Bohn, and J. Ye, Physical Review A 73, 063404 (2006).
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Suppression of inelastic collisions of polar 1Σ state molecules in an electrostatic field
Avdeenkov A.V., M. Kajita, and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 73, 022707 (2006).
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Bose-Fermi mixtures near an interspecies Feshbach resonance: testing a non-equilibrium approach
Bortolotti D.C.E., A.V. Avdeenkov, C.C. Ticknor, and J.L. Bohn, Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 39, 189-203 (2006).
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Long-range scattering resonances in strong-field-seeking states of polar molecules
Ticknor C.C., and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 72, 032717 (2005).
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Pair wave functions in atomic Fermi condensates
Avdeenkov A.V., and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 71, 023609 (2005).
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Influence of magnetic fields on cold collisions of polar molecules
Ticknor C.C., and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 71, 022709 (2005).
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Ultracold collisions of fermionic OD radicals
Avdeenkov A.V., and J.L. Bohn, Phys. Rev. A 71, 022706 (2005).
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Electric Field Spectroscopy of Ultracold Polar Molecular Dimers
Bohn J.L., in Unknown (World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Aviemore, Scotland Uksingapore, 2005), pp. 207-212.
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Field-Linked States in Ultracold Molecular Collisions
Bohn J.L., and A.V. Avdeenkov, Physica Scripta 110, 292 (2004).
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Observation of Heteronuclear Feshbach Resonances in a Mixture of Bosons and Fermions
Inouye S., J.M. Goldwin, M.L. Olsen, C.C. Ticknor, J.L. Bohn, and D.S. Jin, Physical Review Letters 93, (2004).
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Detection of Spatial Correlations in an Ultracold Gas of Fermions
Greiner M., C.A. Regal, C.C. Ticknor, J.L. Bohn, and D.S. Jin, Physical Review Letters 92, 150405 (2004).
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Multiplet structure of Feshbach resonances in nonzero partial waves
Ticknor C.C., C.A. Regal, D.S. Jin, and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 69, 042712 (2004).
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Wave mechanics of a two-wire atomic beam splitter
Bortolotti D.C.E., and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 69, (2004).
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Field-linked states of ultracold polar molecules
Avdeenkov A.V., D.C.E. Bortolotti, and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 69, 012710 (2004).
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Intensity dependence of photoassociation in a quantum degenerate atomic gas
Prodan I.D., M. Pichler, M. Junker, R.G. Hulet, and J.L. Bohn, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, (2003).
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Creation of ultracold molecules from a Fermi gas of atoms
Regal C.A., C.C. Ticknor, J.L. Bohn, and D.S. Jin, Nature 424, 47-50 (2003).
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Fine-structure effects in vibrational relaxation at ultralow temperatures
Volpi A., and J.L. Bohn, The Journal Of Chemical Physics 119, 866 (2003).
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Tuning p-Wave Interactions in an Ultracold Fermi Gas of Atoms
Regal C.A., C.C. Ticknor, J.L. Bohn, and D.S. Jin, Physical Review Letters 90, 053201 (2003).
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Linking Ultracold Polar Molecules
Avdeenkov A.V., and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review Letters 90, (2003).
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Prospects for Bose-Einstein condensation in ground state molecules
Bohn J.L., A.V. Avdeenkov, and A. Volpi, in Unknown (2003).
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Collisional dynamics of ultracold OH molecules in an electrostatic field
Avdeenkov A.V., and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 66, 052718 (2002).
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Rotational Feshbach Resonances in Ultracold Molecular Collisions
Bohn J.L., A.V. Avdeenkov, and M.P. Deskevich, Physical Review Letters 89, 203202 (2002).
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Molecular vibration in cold-collision theory
Volpi A., and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 65, 064702 (2002).
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Magnetic-field effects in ultracold molecular collisions
Volpi A., and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 65, 052712 (2002).
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Resonant Control of Elastic Collisions in an Optically Trapped Fermi Gas of Atoms
Loftus T.H., C.A. Regal, C.C. Ticknor, J.L. Bohn, and D.S. Jin, Physical Review Letters 88, 173201 (2002).
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Collisional robustness of ultracold molecular gases
Bohn J.L., A.V. Avdeenkov, and A. Volpi, in Unknown (Daresbury Laboratory , Warrington, 2002).
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Nature of spinor Bose-Einstein condensates in rubidium
Klausen N.N., J.L. Bohn, and C.H. Greene, Physical Review A 64, 053602 (2001).
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Ultracold collisions of oxygen molecules
Avdeenkov A.V., and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 64, 052703 (2001).
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Inelastic collisions of ultracold polar molecules
Bohn J.L., Physical Review A 63, 052714 (2001).
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Field enhancement in apertureless near-field scanning optical microscopy
Bohn J.L., D.J. Nesbitt, and A.C. Gallagher, Journal Of The Optical Society Of America A 18, 2998-3006 (2001).
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Ground-state scattering lengths for potassium isotopes determined by double-resonance photoassociative spectroscopy of ultracold 39K
Wang H., A.N. Nikolov, J.R. Ensher, P.L. Gould, E.E. Eyler, W.C. Stwalley, J.P. Burke Jr., J.L. Bohn, C.H. Greene, E. Tiesinga, and C. Williams, Physical Review A 62, 052704 (2000).
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Many-Body Coulomb Problem in the Phase-Energy Representation
Bohn J.L., Physics Essays 13, 350-357 (2000).
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Cold collisions of O2 with helium
Bohn J.L., Physical Review A 62, 032701 (2000).
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Cooper pairing in ultracold 40K using Feshbach resonances
Bohn J.L., Physical Review A 61, 053409 (2000).
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Collisions near threshold in atomic and molecular physics
Sadeghpour H.R., J.L. Bohn, M.J. Cavagnero, B.D. Esry, M.I. Fabrikant, J.H. Macek, and A.R.P. Rau, Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 33, R93 - R140 (2000).
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Molecular spin relaxation in cold atom-molecule scattering
Bohn J.L., Physical Review A 61, 040702(R) (2000).
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Determination of 39K scattering lengths using photoassociation spectroscopy of the 0_g- state
Burke J.P., C.H. Greene, J.L. Bohn, H. Wang, P.L. Gould, and W.C. Stwalley, Physical Review A 60, 4417-4426 (1999).
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Semianalytic theory of laser-assisted resonant cold collisions
Bohn J.L., and P.S. Julienne, Physical Review A 60, 414-425 (1999).
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Collisional properties of ultracold potassium: Consequences for degenerate Bose and Fermi gases
Bohn J.L., J.P. Burke Jr., C.H. Greene, H. Wang, P.L. Gould, and W.C. Stwalley, Physical Review A 59, 3660-3664 (1999).
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Measurement of p-Wave Threshold Law Using Evaporatively Cooled Fermionic Atoms
DeMarco B., J.L. Bohn, J.P. Burke Jr., M.J. Holland, and D.S. Jin, Physical Review Letters 82, 4208-4211 (1999).
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Geometry and symmetries of multi-particle systems
Fano U., D. Green, J.L. Bohn, and T.A. Heim, Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 32, R1 - R37 (1999).
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Ultracold scattering properties of the short-lived Rb isotopes
Burke J.P., and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 59, 1303-1308 (1999).
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Multichannel Cold Collisions: Simple Dependences on Energy and Magnetic Field
Burke J.P., C.H. Greene, and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review Letters 81, 3355-3358 (1998).
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Effective potentials for dilute Bose-Einstein condensates
Bohn J.L., B.D. Esry, and C.H. Greene, Physical Review A 58, 584-597 (1998).
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Prospects for Mixed-Isotope Bose-Einstein Condensates in Rubidium
Burke J.P., J.L. Bohn, B.D. Esry, and C.H. Greene, Physical Review Letters 80, 2097-2100 (1998).
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Prospects for influencing scattering lengths with far-off-resonant light
Bohn J.L., and P.S. Julienne, Physical Review A 56, 1486-1491 (1997).
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Hartree-Fock Theory for Double Condensates
Esry B.D., C.H. Greene, J.P. Burke Jr., and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review Letters 78, 3594-3597 (1997).
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Theory of electron transport through a periodic array of devices with transverse exit leads
Bohn J.L., Physical Review B 56, 4132-4140 (1997).
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Dominance of short-range correlations in photoejection-induced excitation processes
Meyer K.W., J.L. Bohn, C.H. Greene, and B.D. Esry, Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 30, L641 - L647 (1997).
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Impact of the 87Rb singlet scattering length on suppressing inelastic collisions
Burke J.P., J.L. Bohn, B.D. Esry, and C.H. Greene, Physical Review A 55, R2511-R2514 (1997).
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Semianalytic treatment of two-color photoassociation spectroscopy and control of cold atoms
Bohn J.L., and P.S. Julienne, Physical Review A 54, R4637 - R4640 (1996).
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Fragmentation of atomic systems
Bohn J.L., and U. Fano, Physical Review A 53, 4014-4020 (1996).
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Total Eigenphase Description of Multiparticle Quantum Systems
Bohn J.L., Physical Review A 51, 1110 (1995).
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Multichannel quantum mechanics as a Hamiltonian phase flow
Bohn J.L., and U. Fano, Physical Review A 50, 2893 (1994).
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Phase-amplitude method applied to doubly excited states of He (1Se)
Bohn J.L., Physical Review A 49, 3761 (1994).
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Observable Characteristics of Pure Quantum States
Bohn J.L., Physical Review Letters 66, 1547 (1991).
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Extracting Dynamics from Collision Data I: Analysis of Integral Angular Momentum
Bohn J.L., and U. Fano, Physical Review A 41, 5953 (1990).
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