1 E.. Turgut, D.. Zusin, D.. Legut, K.. Carva, R.. Knut, J.M. Shaw, C.. Chen, Z.. Tao, H.T. Nembach, T.J. Silva, S.. Mathias, M.. Aeschlimann, P.M. Oppeneer, H.. Kapteyn, M.. Murnane, and P.. Grychtol, Physical Review B 94, (2016).
Cong Chen
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1 W.. You, P.M. Tengdin, C.. Chen, X.. Shi, D.. Zusin, Y.. Zhang, C.. Gentry, A.. Blonsky, M.. Keller, P.M. Oppeneer, H.. Kapteyn, Z.. Tao, and M.. Murnane, Physical Review Letters 121, (2018).
1 P.M. Tengdin, W.. You, C.. Chen, X.. Shi, D.. Zusin, Y.. Zhang, C.. Gentry, A.. Blonsky, M.. Keller, P.M. Oppeneer, H.. Kapteyn, Z.. Tao, and M.. Murnane, SCIENCE ADVANCES 4, (2018).
1 C.. Chen, Attosecond Light Pulses and Attosecond Electron Dynamics Probed Using Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy, University of Colorado Boulder, 2017.
1 S.. Eich, M.. Plötzing, M.. Rollinger, S.. Emmerich, R.. Adam, C.. Chen, H.. Kapteyn, M.. Murnane, L.. Plucinski, D.. Steil, B.. Stadtmüller, M.. Cinchetti, M.. Aeschlimann, C.M. Schneider, and S.. Mathias, Science Advances 3, (2017).
1 C.. Chen, Z.. Tao, A.. Carr, P.. Matyba, T.. Szilvasi, S.. Emmerich, M.. Piecuch, M.. Keller, D.. Zusin, S.. Eich, M.. Rollinger, W.. You, S.. Mathias, U.. Thumm, M.. Mavrikakis, M.. Aeschlimann, P.M. Oppeneer, H.. Kapteyn, and M.. Murnane, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. (2017).
1 T.. Fan, P.. Grychtol, R.. Knut, C.. Hernández-García, D.D. Hickstein, D.. Zusin, C.. Gentry, F.. Dollar, C.. Mancuso, C.. Hogle, O.. Kfir, D.. Legut, K.. Carva, J.L. Ellis, K.M. Dorney, C.. Chen, O.. Shpyrko, E.E. Fullerton, O.. Cohen, P.M. Oppeneer, D.B. Milošević, A.. Becker, A.. Jaron-Becker, T.. Popmintchev, M.. Murnane, and H.. Kapteyn, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112, (2015).
1 P.. Matyba, A.V. Carr, C.. Chen, D.L. Miller, G.. Peng, S.. Mathias, M.. Mavrikakis, D.. Dessau, M.. Keller, H.. Kapteyn, and M.. Murnane, Physical Review B 92, (2015).