Scientific Publications

Displaying 7401 - 7500 of 9371.
Evidence of super-elastic effects in laser-induced ionisation of Na vapour
Roussel F., P. Breger, G. Spiess, C. Manus, and S. Geltman, Journal Of Physics B: Atomic And Molecular Physics 13, L631 - L636 (1980).
10.1088/0022-3700/13/21/002 | Journal Article | View record
Isotope shifts of individual nS and nD levels of atomic potassium
Niemax K., and L.R. Pendrill, Journal Of Physics B: Atomic And Molecular Physics 13, L461 - L465 (1980).
10.1088/0022-3700/13/15/001 | Journal Article | View record
Electron collisions with polar molecules: exchange and polarisation in elastic scattering by HCl
Collins L.A., R.J.W. Henry, and D.W. Norcross, Journal Of Physics B: Atomic And Molecular Physics 13, 2299-2307 (1980).
10.1088/0022-3700/13/11/021 | Journal Article | View record
Continuum- and bound-state pair absorption in Cs-Cs, Rb-Rb and Cs-Rb systems
Hotop R., and K. Niemax, Journal Of Physics B: Atomic And Molecular Physics 13, L93 - L99 (1980).
10.1088/0022-3700/13/3/002 | Journal Article | View record
Broadening of the sodium D lines by rare gases
Chatham R.H., A.C. Gallagher, and E.L. Lewis, Journal Of Physics B: Atomic And Molecular Physics 13, L7 - L11 (1980).
10.1088/0022-3700/13/1/002 | Journal Article | View record
Efficient ionisation of calcium, strontium and barium by resonant laser pumping
Skinner C.H., Journal Of Physics B: Atomic And Molecular Physics 13, 55-68 (1980).
10.1088/0022-3700/13/1/014 | Journal Article | View record
Resonant multiphoton ionisation with intense monochromatic lasers
Geltman S., Journal Of Physics B: Atomic And Molecular Physics 13, 115-133 (1980).
10.1088/0022-3700/13/1/018 | Journal Article | View record
Resonance fluorescence and resonance Raman lineshapes in strong radiation fields
Rabin Y., and A. Ben-Reuven, Journal Of Physics B: Atomic And Molecular Physics 13, 2011-2025 (1980).
10.1088/0022-3700/13/10/009 | Journal Article | View record
Theory of the double resonance Raman amplifier
Rabin Y., M.R. Berman, and A. Ben-Reuven, Journal Of Physics B: Atomic And Molecular Physics 13, 2127-2136 (1980).
10.1088/0022-3700/13/10/019 | Journal Article | View record
Strong Stellar Winds
Conti P.S., and R.A. McCray, Science 208, 9-17 (1980).
10.1126/science.208.4439.9 | Journal Article | View record
Resonance lineshape and photoelectron spectrum in power broadened two-photon ionisation
Armstrong L., and S.V. Oneil, Journal Of Physics B: Atomic And Molecular Physics 13, 1125-1141 (1980).
10.1088/0022-3700/13/6/018 | Journal Article | View record
Time-dependent spectrum of resonance fluorescence
Eberly J.H., C.V. Kunasz, and K. Wódkiewicz, Journal Of Physics B: Atomic And Molecular Physics 13, 217-239 (1980).
10.1088/0022-3700/13/2/011 | Journal Article | View record
Using the Global Positioning System (GPS) for geodetic positioning
Bossler J.D., C.C. Goad, and P.L. Bender, Bulletin Géodésique 54, 553-563 (1980).
10.1007/BF02530713 | Journal Article | View record
"On the Quantization Condition of Sommerfield and Epstein" by A. Einstein
Jaffé C., 1-12 (1980).
Journal Article | View record
Laser-initiated chemical chain reactions
Nesbitt D.J., and S.R. Leone, The Journal Of Chemical Physics 72, 1722 (1980).
10.1063/1.439284 | Journal Article | View record
Na 32P-32D line broadening by Ne, Ar, and Xe
Wildman D.W., L.W. Schumann, and A.C. Gallagher, Journal Of Quantitative Spectroscopy And Radiative Transfer 24, 19-23 (1980).
10.1016/0022-4073(80)90036-9 | Journal Article | View record
Br*(2P1/2)+H2(v=0,1): Laser studies of the competition between reactive pathways and inelastic energy transfer channels
Nesbitt D.J., and S.R. Leone, The Journal Of Chemical Physics 73, 6182 (1980).
10.1063/1.440113 | Journal Article | View record
Convective instability when the temperature gradient and rotation vector are oblique to gravity. II. Real fluids with effects of diffusion
Hathaway D.H., J. Toomre, and P.A. Gilman, Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 15, 7-37 (1980).
10.1080/03091928008241168 | Journal Article | View record
Frequency stabilization of a 0633-μ He-Ne longitudinal Zeeman laser
Baer T., F.V. Kowalski, and J.L. Hall, Applied Optics 19, 3173 (1980).
10.1364/AO.19.003173 | Journal Article | View record
Moment Techniques in Atomic and Molecular Scattering Theory
Reinhardt W.P., in Theory And Applications Of Moment Methods In Many-Fermion Systems (Springer US, Boston, Ma, 1980), pp. 129-150.
10.1007/978-1-4613-3120-9_8 | Book Chapter | View record
Nonlinear Evolution and Structure of Salt Fingers
Piacsek S.A., and J. Toomre, in Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier, 1980), pp. 193-219.
10.1016/S0422-9894(08)71222-4 | Book Chapter | View record
Overshooting Motions from the Convection Zone and Their Role in Atmospheric Heating
Toomre J., Highlights Of Astronomy 5, 571-580 (1980).
Journal Article | View record
On the differences at chromospheric levels between RS CVn-type binaries, active and quiet chromosphere single stars, and active and quiet regions in the sun
Linsky J.L., Highlights Of Astronomy 5, 861-862 (1980).
Journal Article | View record
Energy Transfer Collisions of Atoms and Molecules 12-14
Gallagher J.W., 1-152 (1980).
Journal Article | View record
Design Aspects Of A Laser Gravitational Wave Detector In Space
Decher R., J.L. Randall, P.L. Bender, and J.E. Faller, 0228, 149-153 (1980).
10.1117/12.958779 | Conference Proceedings | View record
Surface composition changes in massive star evolution with mass loss
Noels A., P.S. Conti, M. Gabriel, and J.M. Vreux, Astronomy And Astrophysics 92, 242-245 (1980).
Journal Article | View record
On the binary frequency distribution and evolution of Wolf-Rayet stars
Vanbeveren D., and P.S. Conti, Astronomy And Astrophysics 88, 230-239 (1980).
Journal Article | View record
Stability of the sun against nonradial thermal modes
Saio H., J.P. Cox, and C.J. Hansen, Astronomy And Astrophysics 85, 263 (1980).
Journal Article | View record
Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics of the National Bureau of Standards and the University of Colorado
Garstang R.H., Bulletin Of The American Astronomical Society (Observatory Report) 12, 151 (1980).
Journal Article | View record
The calculation of the optical spectra of the Cygnus Loop
Contini M., B.Z. Kozlovsky, and G. Shav IV, Astronomy And Astrophysics 92, 273-280 (1980).
Journal Article | View record
The Chromospheres of M Dwarf Stars
Giampapa M.S., S.P. Worden, and J.L. Linsky, Bulletin Of The American Astronomical Society 12, (1980).
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Chromospheric Densities and Geometrical Extensions of Red Giants and Supergiants using C II Lines as Diagnostics
Stencel R.E., C. Jordan, R.F. Wing, J.L. Linsky, K.G. Carpenter, A. Brown, and S.J. Czyzak, Bulletin Of The American Astronomical Society 12, (1980).
Journal Article | View record
Coherent Raman Spectroscopy
Levenson M.D., and J.J. Song, in (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1980), pp. 293-371.
10.1007/978-3-642-81495-2_7 | Book Chapter | View record
Depth-dependence of turbulence in stellar atmospheres
Stencel R.E., in (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1980), pp. 136-143.
10.1007/3-540-09737-6_21 | Book Chapter | View record
First Detection of Steady 6 cm Emission from Coronae of Single Dwarf Stars of Spectral Type G-M
Gary D.E., and J.L. Linsky, Bulletin Of The American Astronomical Society 12, 898 (1980).
Journal Article | View record
High Resolution Spectrograph (HRS) for the Space Telescope (ST)
Brandt J.C., A. Boggess, S.R. Heap, S.P. Maran, A.M. Smith, E.A. Beaver, M. Bottema, J.B. Hutchings, M.A. Jura, J.L. Linsky, and B.D. Savage, Bulletin Of The American Astronomical Society 12, (1980).
Journal Article | View record
Improved methods for measuring present crustal movements
Bender P.L., in Dynamics Of Plate Interiors (American Geophysical Union, Washington, D. C., 1980), pp. 155-162.
10.1029/GD001p0155 | Book Chapter | View record
Io - Energy constraints and plume volcanism
Reynolds R.T., S.J. Peale, and P. Cassen, Icarus 44, 234-239 (1980).
Journal Article | View record
An IUE Survey of the Ultraviolet Emission Line Spectra of dMe and dM Stars
Carpenter K.G., R.F. Wing, P.L. Bornmann, and J.L. Linsky, Bulletin Of The American Astronomical Society 12, (1980).
Journal Article | View record
Multiphoton Bibliography, 1979
Eberly J.H., J.W. Gallagher, and E.C. Beaty, Multiphoton Bibliography, 1979 (University of Rochester, University of Colorado, 1980).
Book | View record
Nucleosynthetic yields and the history of the stellar birthrate
Wheeler J.C., G.E. Miller, and J.M. Scalo, Astronomy And Astrophysics 82, 152-156 (1980).
Journal Article | View record
OH pumping by IR line overlap - Application to circumstellar masers
Bujarrabal V., J. Guibert, N.Q. Rieu, and A. Omont, Astronomy And Astrophysics 84, 311-316 (1980).
Journal Article | View record
The Onset of Mass-Loss Among G Supergiants
Basri G.S., R.E. Stencel, and J.L. Linsky, Bulletin Of The American Astronomical Society 12, (1980).
Journal Article | View record
Photo-ionization cross-sections of NE II, NE III and NE IV
Pradhan A.K., Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 190, 5P-8P (1980).
Journal Article | View record
The relationship between the envelope composition of a 6 solar-mass red-giant model and its future evolution
Prialnik D., and G. Shav IV, Astronomy And Astrophysics 88, 127-134 (1980).
Journal Article | View record
Theory of Recombination Lines
Seaton M.J., in (Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, 1980), pp. 3-22.
10.1007/978-94-009-9024-1_1 | Book Chapter | View record
Theory of Stellar Pulsation No. 2
Cox J.P., Theory Of Stellar Pulsation No. 2 (Princeton University Press, 1980).
Book | View record
Torsional oscillations in neutron star crusts
Hansen C.J., and D.F. Cioffi, Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 238, 740-742 (1980).
Journal Article | View record
Unified View of Spontaneous Emission in Several Theories of Radiation
Eberly J.H., in (Springer US, Boston, Ma, 1980), pp. 23-35.
10.1007/978-1-4757-0671-0_2 | Book Chapter | View record
Theoretical aspects of nonradial oscillations in white dwarfs: A summary
Hansen C.J., 445-457 (1980).
10.1007/3-540-09994-8_41 | Conference Proceedings | View record
Pulsation of high luminosity helium stars
King D.S., J.C. Wheeler, J.P. Cox, A.N. Cox, and S.W. Hodson, 161-168 (1980).
10.1007/3-540-09994-8_14 | Conference Proceedings | View record
Some comments about $\beta$ Cephei stars
Saio H., and J.P. Cox, 169-172 (1980).
10.1007/3-540-09994-8_15 | Conference Proceedings | View record
The absolute magnitude of the field population. II - Cepheid XX Virginis
Wallerstein G., and E.W. Brugel, The Astronomical Journal 84, 1840 (1979).
10.1086/112615 | Journal Article | View record
Additional upper limits on a Lyman-alpha halo around PHL 957
Davidson K., Publications Of The Astronomical Society Of The Pacific 91, 817 (1979).
10.1086/130593 | Journal Article | View record
The behavior of H-alpha in Delta Cephei
Wallerstein G., Publications Of The Astronomical Society Of The Pacific 91, 772 (1979).
10.1086/130585 | Journal Article | View record
Blue stragglers as long-lived stars
Wheeler J.C., The Astrophysical Journal 234, 569 (1979).
10.1086/157531 | Journal Article | View record
HEAO 1 observations of X-ray emission from flares on dMe stars
Kahn S.M., K.O. Mason, C.S. Bowyer, J.L. Linsky, B.M. Haisch, N.E. White, and S.H. Pravdo, The Astrophysical Journal 234, L107 (1979).
10.1086/183119 | Journal Article | View record
Heating and ionization by X-ray photoelectrons
Shull J.M., The Astrophysical Journal 234, 761 (1979).
10.1086/157553 | Journal Article | View record
Intercombination line oscillator strengths for the MG I isoelectronic sequence
Laughlin C., and G.A. Victor, The Astrophysical Journal 234, 407 (1979).
10.1086/157509 | Journal Article | View record
Model emission spectra from primeval galaxies
Shull J.M., and J. Silk, The Astrophysical Journal 234, 427 (1979).
10.1086/157511 | Journal Article | View record
Modelling of solar quiet magnetic field variations near a conductivity anomaly
Aronson E.B., R.H. Ware, and P.L. Bender, Geophysical Journal International 59, 539-552 (1979).
Journal Article | View record
Observation of the Infrared Spectrum of the Helium-Hydride Molecular Ion 4HeH+
Tolliver D., G. Kyrala, and W. Wing, Physical Review Letters 43, 1719-1722 (1979).
10.1103/PhysRevLett.43.1719 | Journal Article | View record
Outer atmospheres of cool stars. II - MG II flux profiles and chromospheric radiative loss rates
Basri G.S., and J.L. Linsky, The Astrophysical Journal 234, 1023 (1979).
10.1086/157586 | Journal Article | View record
Quantum beats observed in photoionization
Leuchs G., S.J. Smith, E. Khawaja, and H. Walther, Optics Communications 31, 313-316 (1979).
10.1016/0030-4018(79)90204-9 | Journal Article | View record
Radiation pressure and pulsational instability - A possible application to Beta-Cephei stars
Cox J.P., and R.F. Stellingwerf, Publications Of The Astronomical Society Of The Pacific 91, 319 (1979).
10.1086/130491 | Journal Article | View record
Low-energy collisions of electrons with highly polar molecules: Orthogonalization and model exchange potentials
Collins L.A., W.D. Robb, and D.W. Norcross, Physical Review A 20, 1838-1840 (1979).
10.1103/PhysRevA.20.1838 | Journal Article | View record
Resonance fluorescence in a weak radiation field with arbitrary spectral distribution
Raymer M.G., and J. Cooper, Physical Review A 20, 2238-2240 (1979).
10.1103/PhysRevA.20.2238 | Journal Article | View record
Alignment of ions in Penning collisions
Fahey D.W., L.D. Schearer, and W. Parks, Physical Review A 20, 1372-1375 (1979).
10.1103/PhysRevA.20.1372 | Journal Article | View record
The binary Cepheid AU Peg
Harris H., E.W. Olszewski, and G. Wallerstein, The Astronomical Journal 84, 1598 (1979).
10.1086/112582 | Journal Article | View record
Copernicus observations of interstellar matter toward the Orion OB1 association. I - Epsilon and Pi-5 Orionis
Shull J.M., The Astrophysical Journal 233, 182 (1979).
10.1086/157379 | Journal Article | View record
The dependence of the separation of extragalactic double radio sources on redshift
Eder D.C., and L. Oster, The Astrophysical Journal 233, 780 (1979).
10.1086/157440 | Journal Article | View record
Electron excitation of Li S and D states
Zajonc A.G., and A.C. Gallagher, Physical Review A 20, 1393-1397 (1979).
10.1103/PhysRevA.20.1393 | Journal Article | View record
Negative Ion Spectroscopy
Corderman R.R., and C. Lineberger, Annual Review Of Physical Chemistry 30, 347-378 (1979).
10.1146/annurev.pc.30.100179.002023 | Journal Article | View record
Sum rule and classical limit for scattering in a low-frequency laser field
Rosenberg L., Physical Review A 20, 1352-1358 (1979).
10.1103/PhysRevA.20.1352 | Journal Article | View record
White dwarf seismology
Hansen C.J., and H.M. Van Horn, The Astrophysical Journal 233, 253 (1979).
10.1086/157386 | Journal Article | View record
Addendum to "Photoabsorption by cesium"
Norcross D.W., Physical Review A 20, 1285-1286 (1979).
10.1103/PhysRevA.20.1285 | Journal Article | View record
Laser photoelectron spectrometry of the negative ions of iron and iron carbonyls. Electron affinity determination for the series Fe(CO)n, n = 0,1,2,3,4
Engelking P.C., and C. Lineberger, Journal Of The American Chemical Society 101, 5569-5573 (1979).
10.1021/ja00513a019 | Journal Article | View record
Population trapping during laser induced molecular excitation and dissociation
Stettler J.D., C.M. Bowden, N.M. Witriol, and J.H. Eberly, Physics Letters A 73, 171-174 (1979).
10.1016/0375-9601(79)90698-4 | Journal Article | View record
A search for coronal soft X-ray emission from cool stars with HEAO 1
Ayres T.R., G.P. Garmire, F. Cordova, and J.L. Linsky, The Astrophysical Journal 232, L117 (1979).
10.1086/183047 | Journal Article | View record
Stellar model chromospheres. X - High-resolution, absolute flux profiles of the CA II H and K lines in stars of spectral types F0-M2
Linsky J.L., W.E. McClintock, R.M. Robertson, and S.P. Worden, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 41, 47 (1979).
10.1086/190607 | Journal Article | View record
Stellar model chromospheres. XI - A survey of CA II lambda 8542 line profiles in late-type stars of differing chromospheric activity
Linsky J.L., D.M. Hunten, R. Sowell, D.L. Glackin, and W.L. Kelch, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 41, 481 (1979).
10.1086/190627 | Journal Article | View record
The Violent Interstellar Medium
McCray R.A., and T.P. Snow, Annual Review Of Astronomy And Astrophysics 17, 213-240 (1979).
10.1146/annurev.aa.17.090179.001241 | Journal Article | View record
Absolute cross sections for 2s-2p excitation of N4+ by electron impact
Gregory D., G.H. Dunn, R.A. Phaneuf, and D.H. Crandall, Physical Review A 20, 410-420 (1979).
10.1103/PhysRevA.20.410 | Journal Article | View record
Coulomb scattering in a laser field
Rosenberg L., Physical Review A 20, 457-464 (1979).
10.1103/PhysRevA.20.457 | Journal Article | View record
The behavior of H-alpha in the X-ray binary HD 152667
Massey P., G.J. Peters, J. Dobias, and P.S. Conti, The Astrophysical Journal 231, 171 (1979).
10.1086/157177 | Journal Article | View record
Chromospheric emission lines in the red spectrum of AD Leonis. II - Physical conditions in flares
Schneeberger T.J., J.L. Linsky, W.E. McClintock, and S.P. Worden, The Astrophysical Journal 231, 148 (1979).
10.1086/157173 | Journal Article | View record
Discovery of X-rays from the 40 Eridani system
Cash W.C., P. Charles, S. Bowyer, F.M. Walter, T.R. Ayres, and J.L. Linsky, The Astrophysical Journal 231, L137 (1979).
10.1086/183020 | Journal Article | View record
Dynamical effects on binary X-ray sources in dense stellar clusters
Shull J.M., The Astrophysical Journal 231, 534 (1979).
10.1086/157215 | Journal Article | View record
Generalized low-frequency approximation for scattering in a laser field. II
Rosenberg L., Physical Review A 20, 275-280 (1979).
10.1103/PhysRevA.20.275 | Journal Article | View record
A determination of the reddening of the H2 emission from the Orion molecular cloud
Simon M., R.R. Joyce, G. Righini-Cohen, and T. Simon, The Astrophysical Journal 230, L175 (1979).
10.1086/182987 | Journal Article | View record
On the divergence of perturbation theory for anharmonic oscillators
Katriel J., Physics Letters A 72, 94-96 (1979).
10.1016/0375-9601(79)90658-3 | Journal Article | View record
Double photoionization and doubly charged ions in the thermosphere
Victor G.A., and E.R. Constantinides, Geophysical Research Letters 6, 519-522 (1979).
10.1029/GL006i006p00519 | Journal Article | View record
Explicit Expressions for the Coefficients in Boson Series Expansions of Arbitrary Spin Operators
Katriel J., Physica Status Solidi (B) 93, K177 - K179 (1979).
10.1002/(ISSN)1521-395110.1002/pssb.v93:210.1002/pssb.2220930261 | Journal Article | View record
Lyman-alpha rocket spectra and models of the quiet and active solar chromosphere based on partial redistribution diagnostics
Basri G.S., J.L. Linsky, J.-D.F. Bartoe, G. Brueckner, and M.E. van Hoosier, The Astrophysical Journal 230, 924 (1979).
10.1086/157151 | Journal Article | View record
Theory of hyperfine and superfine levels in symmetric polyatomic molecules. Trigonal and tetrahedral molecules: Elementary spin-1/2 cases in vibronic ground states
Harter W.G., and C.W. Patterson, Physical Review A 19, 2277-2303 (1979).
10.1103/PhysRevA.19.2277 | Journal Article | View record
Theory of stimulated Raman scattering with broad-band lasers
Raymer M.G., J. Mostowski, and J.L. Carlsten, Physical Review A 19, 2304-2316 (1979).
10.1103/PhysRevA.19.2304 | Journal Article | View record
A transitory R-type ionization front in a Cepheid model
Adams T.F., and J.I. Castor, The Astrophysical Journal 230, 826 (1979).
10.1086/157142 | Journal Article | View record
.pi. Electron theories viewed as parametrizations of the one-body Green\textquoterights function
Doll J.D., and W.P. Reinhardt, The Journal Of Physical Chemistry 83, 1508-1517 (1979).
10.1021/j100474a029 | Journal Article | View record
Polarization selective optical heterodyne detection for dramatically improved sensitivity in laser spectroscopy
Levenson M.D., and G.L. Eesley, Applied Physics 19, 1-17 (1979).
10.1007/BF00900531 | Journal Article | View record
Self-consistent spherical accretion onto compact X-ray sources
Shull J.M., The Astrophysical Journal 229, 1092 (1979).
10.1086/157044 | Journal Article | View record