JILA Science Publications

Displaying 2801 - 2900 of 10609


A demonstration of LISA laser communication
S. Pollack, R. Stebbins, Classical and Quantum Gravity 23, 4201-4213 (2006).
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Demonstration of the zero-crossing phasemeter with a LISA test-bed interferometer
S. Pollack, R. Stebbins, Classical and Quantum Gravity 23, 4189-4200 (2006).
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The Chandra X-Ray Spectrum of the 10.6 s Pulsar in Westerlund 1: Testing the Magnetar Hypothesis
S. Skinner, Rosalba Perna, Svetozar Zhekov, The Astrophysical Journal 653, 587-592 (2006).
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Flares, Magnetic Fields, and Subsurface Vorticity: A Survey of GONG and MDI Data
D. Mason, R. Komm, F. Hill, R. Howe, D. Haber, Bradley Hindman, The Astrophysical Journal 645, 1543-1553 (2006).
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The Remarkable Far-Ultraviolet Spectrum of FK Comae Berenices: King of Spin
T. Ayres, G. Harper, Alexander Brown, Heidi Korhonen, I. Ilyin, S. Redfield, B. Wood, The Astrophysical Journal 644, 464-474 (2006).
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Meridional Circulation Variability from Large-Aperture Ring-Diagram Analysis of Global Oscillation Network Group and Michelson Doppler Imager Data
I. Hernandez, R. Komm, F. Hill, R. Howe, T. Corbard, D. Haber, The Astrophysical Journal 638, 576-583 (2006).
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Photoevaporation of protoplanetary discs - I. Hydrodynamic models
R. Alexander, C. Clarke, J. Pringle, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 369, 216-228 (2006).
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Photoevaporation of protoplanetary discs - II. Evolutionary models and observable properties
R. Alexander, C. Clarke, J. Pringle, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 369, 229-239 (2006).
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Long-range interactions between optical solitons
Carmel Rotschild, Barak Alfassi, Oren Cohen, Mordechai Segev, Nature Physics 2, 769-774 (2006).
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Theoretical progress and challenges in dissociative recombination
Chris Greene, Viatcheslav Kokoouline, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 364, 2965-2980 (2006).
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Experimental Verification of Minima in Excited Long-Range Rydberg States of Rb2
Chris Greene, E. Hamilton, Heather Crowell, Cedomil Vadla, K. Niemax, Physical Review Letters 97, (2006).
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Properties of X-ray rich gamma ray bursts and X-ray flashes detected with BeppoSAX and Hete-2
V. D'Alessio, L. Piro, E. Rossi, Astronomy and Astrophysics 460, 653-664 (2006).
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Hyperspherical description of the degenerate Fermi gas: s-wave interactions
S. Rittenhouse, M. Cavagnero, J. von Stecher, Chris Greene, Physical Review A 74, (2006).
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Nobel Lecture: Defining and measuring optical frequencies
John Hall, Reviews of Modern Physics 78, 1279-1295 (2006).
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The redshift distribution of Swift gamma-ray bursts: evidence for evolution
F. Daigne, E. Rossi, R. Mochkovitch, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 372, 1034-1042 (2006).
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Active Galactic Nucleus Outflows and the Matter Power Spectrum
R. Levine, Nickolay Gnedin, The Astrophysical Journal 649, L57 - L60 (2006).
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Constraining the environment of GRB 990712 through emission line fluxes
Küpcü Yolda, J. Greiner, Rosalba Perna, Astronomy and Astrophysics 457, 115-119 (2006).
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Interaction of intense vuv radiation with large xenon clusters
Z. Walters, R. Santra, Chris Greene, Physical Review A 74, (2006).
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Observation of Heteronuclear Feshbach Molecules from a Rb85-Rb87 Gas
S. Papp, Carl Wieman, Physical Review Letters 97, (2006).
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A straightforward frequency-estimation technique for GPS carrier-phase time transfer
Christine Hackman, Judah Levine, T. Parker, D. Piester, J. Becker, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 53, 1570-1583 (2006).
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Renner-Teller effects in HCO+ dissociative recombination
I. Mikhailov, Viatcheslav Kokoouline, A. Larson, S. Tonzani, Chris Greene, Physical Review A 74, (2006).
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The multiwavelength afterglow of GRB~050721: a puzzling rebrightening seen in the optical but not in the X-ray
L. Antonelli, V. Testa, P. Romano, D. Guetta, K. Torii, V. Elia, D. Malesani, G. Chincarini, S. Covino, P. D'Avanzo, Della Valle, Fabrizio Fiore, D. Fugazza, A. Moretti, L. Stella, G. Tagliaferri, S. Barthelmy, David Burrows, S. Campana, M. Capalbi, G. Cusumano, N. Gehrels, P. Giommi, D. Lazzati, V. La Parola, V. Mangano, T. Mineo, J. Nousek, P. O'Brien, M. Perri, Astronomy and Astrophysics 456, 509-515 (2006).
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Evolutionary Status of SNR 1987A at the Age of Eighteen
S. Park, Svetozar Zhekov, David Burrows, G. Garmire, J. Racusin, Richard McCray, The Astrophysical Journal 646, 1001-1008 (2006).
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Polarization in the prompt emission of gamma-ray bursts and their afterglows
D. Lazzati, New Journal of Physics 8, 131-131 (2006).
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Astrophysics in 2005
V. Trimble, M. Aschwanden, Carl Hansen, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 118, 947-1047 (2006).
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Chandra LETG Observations of Supernova Remnant 1987A
Svetozar Zhekov, Richard McCray, K. Borkowski, David Burrows, S. Park, The Astrophysical Journal 645, 293-302 (2006).
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Information content in the halo-model dark-matter power spectrum
M. Neyrinck, I. Szapudi, C. Rimes, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 370, L66 - L70 (2006).
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The Origins of Fluorescent H2 Emission From T Tauri Stars
G. Herczeg, Jeffrey Linsky, F. Walter, Gosta Gahm, C. Johns-Krall, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 165, 256-282 (2006).
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The X-ray afterglow of the short gamma ray burst 050724
S. Campana, G. Tagliaferri, D. Lazzati, G. Chincarini, S. Covino, K. Page, P. Romano, A. Moretti, G. Cusumano, V. Mangano, T. Mineo, V. La Parola, P. Giommi, M. Perri, M. Capalbi, B. Zhang, S. Barthelmy, J. Cummings, T. Sakamoto, David Burrows, J. Kennea, J. Nousek, J. Osborne, P. O'Brien, O. Godet, N. Gehrels, Astronomy and Astrophysics 454, 113-117 (2006).
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Thermochemical Studies of Pyrazolide <sup>†</sup>
Adam Gianola, Takatoshi Ichino, S. Kato, Veronica Bierbaum, Carl Lineberger, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 110, 8457-8466 (2006).
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A Hyperspherical Variational Approach to the N-Fermion Problem
S. Rittenhouse, M. Cavagnero, J. von Stecher, Chris Greene, Few-Body Systems 38, 85-90 (2006).
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Clustering of the optical-afterglow luminosities of long gamma-ray bursts
M. Nardini, G. Ghisellini, G. Ghirlanda, F. Tavecchio, C. Firmani, D. Lazzati, Astronomy and Astrophysics 451, 821-833 (2006).
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Cosmological constraints with GRBs: homogeneous medium vs. wind density profile
G. Ghirlanda, G. Ghisellini, C. Firmani, L. Nava, F. Tavecchio, D. Lazzati, Astronomy and Astrophysics 452, 839-844 (2006).
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On the fine structure of magnetic fields in sunspot penumbrae
J. Thomas, N. Weiss, S. Tobias, N. Brummell, Astronomy and Astrophysics 452, 1089-1090 (2006).
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A powerful tool for teaching science
Carl Wieman, K. Perkins, Nature Physics 2, 290-292 (2006).
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Formation of Bright Matter-Wave Solitons during the Collapse of Attractive Bose-Einstein Condensates
S. Cornish, S. Thompson, Carl Wieman, Physical Review Letters 96, (2006).
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Hydrogen dissociation on high-temperature tungsten
W. Zheng, Alan Gallagher, Surface Science 600, 2207-2213 (2006).
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Large-Scale Zonal Flows Near the Solar Surface
R. Howe, R. Komm, F. Hill, R. Ulrich, D. Haber, Bradley Hindman, J. Schou, M. Thompson, Solar Physics 235, 1-15 (2006).
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Evidence for intrinsic absorption in the Swift X-ray afterglows
S. Campana, P. Romano, S. Covino, D. Lazzati, A. De Luca, G. Chincarini, A. Moretti, G. Tagliaferri, G. Cusumano, P. Giommi, V. Mangano, M. Perri, V. La Parola, M. Capalbi, T. Mineo, L. Antonelli, David Burrows, J. Hill, J. Racusin, J. Kennea, D. Morris, C. Pagani, J. Nousek, J. Osborne, M. Goad, K. Page, A. Beardmore, O. Godet, P. O'Brien, A. Wells, L. Angelini, N. Gehrels, Astronomy and Astrophysics 449, 61-65 (2006).
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Hot wire radicals and reactions
W. Zheng, Alan Gallagher, Thin Solid Films 501, 21-25 (2006).
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Quantum Accelerator Modes from the Farey Tree
A. Buchleitner, M. d'Arcy, S. Fishman, Simon Gardiner, I. Guarneri, Z.-Y. Ma, L. Rebuzzini, G. Summy, Physical Review Letters 96, (2006).
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Enhancing the observability of the Efimov effect in ultracold atomic gas mixtures
Jose D'Incao, B. Esry, Physical Review A 73, (2006).
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Impact of the laser magnetic field on recombination and Bremsstrahlung radiation from atomic ionization rescattering in ultraintense fields
I. Ghebregziabiher, S. Palaniyappan, J. MacDonald, Barry Walker, Physical Review A 73, (2006).
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Iron Depletion in the Hot Bubbles in Planetary Nebulae
Leonid Georgiev, Michael Richer, Anabel Arrieta, Svetozar Zhekov, The Astrophysical Journal 639, 185-193 (2006).
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Mass dependence of ultracold three-body collision rates
Jose D'Incao, B. Esry, Physical Review A 73, (2006).
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Predictions of laser-cooling temperatures for multilevel atoms in three-dimensional polarization-gradient fields
J. Dunn, Chris Greene, Physical Review A 73, (2006).
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Optical emission from GRB 050709: a short/hard GRB in a star-forming galaxy
S. Covino, D. Malesani, G. Israel, P. D'Avanzo, L. Antonelli, G. Chincarini, D. Fugazza, M. Conciatore, M. Valle, Fabrizio Fiore, D. Guetta, K. Hurley, D. Lazzati, L. Stella, G. Tagliaferri, M. Vietri, S. Campana, David Burrows, V. D'Elia, P. Filliatre, N. Gehrels, P. Goldoni, A. Melandri, S. Mereghetti, I. Mirabel, A. Moretti, J. Nousek, P. O'Brien, L. Pellizza, Rosalba Perna, S. Piranomonte, P. Romano, F. Zerbi, Astronomy and Astrophysics 447, L5 - L8 (2006).
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Jet cooled spectroscopy of H 2DO+: Barrier heights and isotope-dependent tunneling dynamics from H3O+ to D3O+
F. Dong, David Nesbitt, The Journal of Chemical Physics 125, 144311 (2006).
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Enhanced hard x-ray emission from microdroplet preplasma
M. Anand, S. Kahaly, Ravindra Kumar, M. Krishnamurthy, A. Sandhu, P. Gibbon, Applied Physics Letters 88, 181111 (2006).
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Flares in Long and Short Gamma-Ray Bursts: A Common Origin in a Hyperaccreting Accretion Disk
Rosalba Perna, Phillip Armitage, Bing Zhang, The Astrophysical Journal 636, L29 - L32 (2006).
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Low-energy electron scattering from DNA and RNA bases: Shape resonances and radiation damage
S. Tonzani, Chris Greene, The Journal of Chemical Physics 124, 054312 (2006).
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New instrument for measuring student beliefs about physics and learning physics: The Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey
W. Adams, K. Perkins, N. Podolefsky, Michael Dubson, Noah Finkelstein, Carl Wieman, Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research 2, (2006).
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Nonadiabatic effects in the photoelectron spectrum of the pyrazolide-d3 anion: Three-state interactions in the pyrazolyl-d3 radical
Takatoshi Ichino, Adam Gianola, Carl Lineberger, Christopher Stanton, The Journal of Chemical Physics 125, 084312 (2006).
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Particle growth in silane-hydrogen discharges
Damir Kujundzic, Alan Gallagher, Journal of Applied Physics 99, 033301 (2006).
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PhET: Interactive Simulations for Teaching and Learning Physics
K. Perkins, W. Adams, Michael Dubson, Noah Finkelstein, S. Reid, Carl Wieman, R. LeMaster, The Physics Teacher 44, 18 (2006).
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Planetfinder: An Online Interactive Module for Learning How Astronomers Detect Extrasolar Planets
Richard McCray, Astronomy Education Review 5, 217 (2006).
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Radiation damage to DNA: Electron scattering from the backbone subunits
S. Tonzani, Chris Greene, The Journal of Chemical Physics 125, 094504 (2006).
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Time-resolved study of solvent-induced recombination in photodissociated IBr-(CO2)n clusters
Vladimir Dribinski, J. Barbera, J. Martin, Annette Svendsen, M. Thompson, Robert Parson, Carl Lineberger, The Journal of Chemical Physics 125, 133405 (2006).
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Two-dimensional multipole solitons in nonlocal nonlinear media
Carmel Rotschild, Mordechai Segev, Zhiyong Xu, Yaroslav Kartashov, Lluis Torner, Oren Cohen, Optics Letters 31, 3312 (2006).
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What is a flux tube? On the magnetic field topology of buoyant flux structures
F. Cattaneo, N. Brummell, K. Cline, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 365, 727-734 (2006).
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Mira B Rejuvenated
B. Wood, Margarita Karovska, The Astrophysical Journal 649, 410-414 (2006).
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Fundamental Problems in Astrophysics
G. Castro, W. Wamsteker, M. Barstow, N. Brosch, N. Kappelmann, W. Kollatchny, Domitilla Martino, I. Pagano, Alain Etangs, David Ehenreich, D. Reimers, R. Delgado, F. Najarro, Jeffrey Linsky, Astrophysics and Space Science 303, 133-145 (2006).
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UV Capabilities to Probe the Formation of Planetary Systems: From the ISM to Planets
A. de Castro, A. Lecavelier, Miguel D'Avillez, Jeffrey Linsky, J. Cernicharo, Astrophysics and Space Science 303, 33-52 (2006).
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What Is the Total Deuterium Abundance in the Local Galactic Disk?
Jeffrey Linsky, B. Draine, H. Moos, E. Jenkins, B. Wood, C. Oliveira, W. Blair, Scott Friedman, C. Gry, D. Knauth, J. Kruk, S. Lacour, N. Lehner, S. Redfield, A. Szalay, G. Sonneborn, G. Williger, The Astrophysical Journal 647, 1106-1124 (2006).
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Evolution of the Reverse Shock Emission from SNR 1987A
Kevin Heng, Richard McCray, Svetozar Zhekov, P. Challis, R. Chevalier, Arlin Crotts, Claes Fransson, Peter Garnavich, R. Kirshner, Stephen Lawrence, P. Lundqvist, N. Panagia, C. Pun, Nathan Smith, Jesper Sollerman, Lifan Wang, The Astrophysical Journal 644, 959-970 (2006).
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Coronal Emission Measures and Abundances for Moderately Active K Dwarfs Observed by Chandra
B. Wood, Jeffrey Linsky, The Astrophysical Journal 643, 444-459 (2006).
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Optical Structure and Proper-Motion Age of the Oxygen-rich Supernova Remnant 1E 0102-7219 in the Small Magellanic Cloud
S. Finkelstein, J. Morse, J. Green, Jeffrey Linsky, A. Szalay, T. Snow, John Stocke, K. Brownsberger, D. Ebbets, E. Wilkinson, S. Heap, C. Leitherer, B. Savage, O. Siegmund, A. Stern, The Astrophysical Journal 641, 919-929 (2006).
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The Giant X-Ray Flare of GRB 050502B: Evidence for Late-Time Internal Engine Activity
A. Falcone, David Burrows, D. Lazzati, S. Campana, S. Kobayashi, B. Zhang, P. Meszaros, K. Page, J. Kennea, P. Romano, C. Pagani, L. Angelini, A. Beardmore, M. Capalbi, G. Chincarini, G. Cusumano, P. Giommi, M. Goad, O. Godet, D. Grupe, J. Hill, V. La Parola, V. Mangano, A. Moretti, J. Nousek, P. O'Brien, J. Osborne, M. Perri, G. Tagliaferri, A. Wells, N. Gehrels, The Astrophysical Journal 641, 1010-1017 (2006).
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Near-threshold rotational excitation of molecular ions by electron impact
Alexandre Faure, Viatcheslav Kokoouline, Chris Greene, J. Tennyson, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 39, 4261-4273 (2006).
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Imaging the Mott Insulator Shells by Using Atomic Clock Shifts
G. Campbell, Jongchul Mun, Micah Boyd, Patrick Medley, A. Leanhardt, Luis Marcassa, D. Pritchard, Wolfgang Ketterle, Science 313, 649-652 (2006).
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PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Enhanced: Who Is Responsible for Preparing Science Teachers?
V. Otero, S. Pollack, Richard McCray, Noah Finkelstein, Science 313, 445-446 (2006).
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Stability of dynamic force microscopy with the self-oscillator method
M. Labardi, Nanotechnology 17, 3071-3080 (2006).
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Quantum physics: A m\ enage \ a trois laid bare
B. Esry, Chris Greene, Nature 440, 289-290 (2006).
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Optical Measurement and Control of Spin Diffusion in n-Doped GaAs Quantum Wells
S. Carter, Z. Chen, Steven Cundiff, Physical Review Letters 97, (2006).
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Phase matching of high harmonic generation in the soft and hard X-ray regions of the spectrum
Tenio Popmintchev, Ming-Chang Chen, Alon Bahabad, Michael Gerrity, Pavel Sidorenko, Oren Cohen, Ivan Christov, Margaret Murnane, Henry Kapteyn, unknown 106, 10516 (2006).
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A Long-term Comparison of GPS Carrier-Phase Frequency Transfer and Two-way Satellite Time/Frequency Transfer
Christine Hackman, Judah Levine, Thomas Parker, , (2006).
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Generation of sub-optical-cycle, carrier-envelope-phase--insensitive, extreme-uv pulses via nonlinear stabilization in a waveguide
A. Sandhu, E. Gagnon, A. Paul, I. Thomann, A. Lytle, T. Keep, Margaret Murnane, Henry Kapteyn, Ivan Christov, Physical Review A 74, (2006).
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Helioseismically Determined Near-Surface Flows Underlying a Quiescent Filament
Bradley Hindman, D. Haber, Juri Toomre, The Astrophysical Journal 653, 725-732 (2006).
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High harmonic generation from ions in a capillary discharge plasma waveguide
D. Gaudiosi, B. Reagan, Tenio Popmintchev, M. Grisham, M. Berrill, O. Cohen, Barry Walker, Margaret Murnane, Henry Kapteyn, J. Rocca, OPN 17, 44-44 (2006).
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High-order X-ray Raman scattering using coherent electrons from high harmonic generation
N. Wagner, A. Wüest, Ivan Christov, Tenio Popmintchev, X. Zhou, Margaret Murnane, Henry Kapteyn, OPN 17, 43-43 (2006).
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Observation of Vortex Pinning in Bose-Einstein Condensates
S. Tung, V. Schweikhard, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 97, (2006).
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OH hyperfine ground state: From precision measurement to molecular qubits
B. Lev, E. Meyer, E. Hudson, B. Sawyer, John Bohn, Jun Ye, Physical Review A 74, 061402(R) (2006).
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Optical Atomic Coherence at the 1-Second Time Scale
M. Boyd, Tanya Zelevinsky, A. Ludlow, S. Foreman, S. Blatt, T. Ido, Jun Ye, Science 314, 1430-1433 (2006).
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Potential Energy of a 40K Fermi Gas in the BCS-BEC Crossover
J. Stewart, J. Gaebler, Cindy Regal, Deborah Jin, Physical Review Letters 97, 220406 (2006).
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Quantized vortex states of strongly interacting bosons in a rotating optical lattice
R. Bhat, B. Peden, B. Seaman, M. Krämer, L. Carr, Murray Holland, Physical Review A 74, (2006).
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The laser-assisted photoelectric effect from solids
Luis Miaja-Avila, G. Saathoff, C.-F. Lei, Martin Aeschlimann, J. Gland, Margaret Murnane, Henry Kapteyn, OPN 17, (2006).
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Efficient reflection grisms for pulse compression and dispersion compensation of femtosecond pulses
Emily Gibson, D. Gaudiosi, Henry Kapteyn, Ralph Jimenez, S. Kane, R. Huff, Charles Durfee, Jeff Squier, Optics Letters 31, 3363 (2006).
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Tabletop Lasers in the Extreme Ultraviolet
J. Rocca, Henry Kapteyn, D. Attwood, Margaret Murnane, C. Menoni, E. Anderson, Optics and Photonics News 17, 30 (2006).
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Ultracold Rb-OH Collisions and Prospects for Sympathetic Cooling
Manuel Lara, John Bohn, Daniel Potter, Pavel Soldán, Jeremy Hutson, Physical Review Letters 97, 183201 (2006).
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Vibration-induced elastic deformation of Fabry-Perot cavities
L. Chen, John Hall, Jun Ye, T. Yang, E. Zang, T. Li, Physical Review A 74, (2006).
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A Simple Picture for the Rotational Enhancement of the Rate for the F + HCl → HF + Cl Reaction: A Dynamical Study Using a New ab initio Potential Energy Surface
M. Hayes, M. Deskevich, David Nesbitt, Kaito Takahashi, J. Stacey, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 110, 436-444 (2006).
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Multi-kilohertz repetition rate Ti:sapphire amplifier based on down-chirped pulse amplification
D. Gaudiosi, E. Gagnon, A. Lytle, Julie Fiore, Emily Gibson, S. Kane, Jeff Squier, Margaret Murnane, Henry Kapteyn, Ralph Jimenez, Sterling Backus, Optics Express 14, 9277-9283 (2006).
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Positive-dispersion cavity-dumped Ti: sapphire laser oscillator and its application to white light generation
Xibin Zhou, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Optics Express 14, 9750 (2006).
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Scattering Length Instability in Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates
D. Bortolotti, Shai Ronen, John Bohn, D. Blume, Physical Review Letters 97, 160402 (2006).
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Dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates with dipole-dependent scattering length
Shai Ronen, D. Bortolotti, D. Blume, John Bohn, Physical Review A 74, (2006).
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Dynamo Action in the Solar Convection Zone and Tachocline: Pumping and Organization of Toroidal Fields
M. Browning, Mark Miesch, Allan Brun, Juri Toomre, The Astrophysical Journal 648, L157 - L160 (2006).
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Laser-Assisted Photoelectric Effect from Surfaces
Luis Miaja-Avila, C.-F. Lei, Martin Aeschlimann, J. Gland, Margaret Murnane, Henry Kapteyn, G. Saathoff, Physical Review Letters 97, (2006).
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Output coupling methods for cavity-based high-harmonic generation
K. Moll, R. Jones, Jun Ye, Optics Express 14, 8189 (2006).
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Precision measuremment based on ultracold atoms and cold molecules
Jun Ye, Sebastian Blatt, Micah Boyd, S. Foreman, E. Hudson, T. Ido, B. Lev, Andrew Ludlow, B. Sawyer, B. Stuhl, Tanya Zelevinsky, International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP 2006) , (2006).
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Challenges of magnetism in the turbulent Sun
Allan Brun, Mark Miesch, Juri Toomre, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 2, 488 (2006).
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