JILA Science Publications

Displaying 1601 - 1700 of 10604


High resolution imaging and optical control of Bose-Einstein condensates in an atom chip magnetic trap
E. Salim, Seth Caliga, Jonathan Pfeiffer, Dana Anderson, Applied Physics Letters 102, 084104 (2013).
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Imaging by integrating stitched spectrograms
C. Teale, D. Adams, Margaret Murnane, Henry Kapteyn, D. Kane, Optics Express 21, 6783 (2013).
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Impacting university physics students through participation in informal science
Kathleen Hinko, Noah Finkelstein, unknown , (2013).
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Influence of confinement on biexciton binding in semiconductor quantum dot ensembles measured with two-dimensional spectroscopy
G. Moody, R. Singh, H. Li, I. Akimov, M. Bayer, D. Reuter, A. Wieck, A. Bracker, Daniel Gammon, Steven Cundiff, Physical Review B 87, 041304 (2013).
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Late Spectral Evolution of the Ejecta and the Reverse Shock in SN 1987A
Claes Fransson, Josefin Larsson, Jason Spyromilio, R. Chevalier, P. Gröningsson, A. Jerkstrand, B. Leibundgut, Richard McCray, P. Challis, R. Kirshner, Karina Kjaer, P. Lundqvist, Jesper Sollerman, The Astrophysical Journal 768, 88 (2013).
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Magnetic Wreaths and Cycles in Convective Dynamos
N. Nelson, B. Brown, Allan Brun, Mark Miesch, Juri Toomre, The Astrophysical Journal 762, 73 (2013).
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Microfluidic cell sorter for use in developing red fluorescent proteins with improved photostability
Lloyd Davis, Jennifer Lubbeck, Kevin Dean, Amy Palmer, Ralph Jimenez, Lab on a Chip 13, 2320 (2013).
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Microfluidic cytometer for high-throughput measurement of photosynthetic characteristics and lipid accumulation in individual algal cells
R. Erickson, Ralph Jimenez, Lab on a Chip 13, 2893 (2013).
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Multichannel homodyne detection for quantum optical tomography
G. Roumpos, Steven Cundiff, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 30, 1303 (2013).
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Multidimensional coherent photocurrent spectroscopy of a semiconductor nanostructure
G. Nardin, Travis Autry, K. Silverman, Steven Cundiff, Optics Express 21, 28617 (2013).
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Multiphoton photoelectron emission microscopy of single Au nanorods: combined experimental and theoretical study of rod morphology and dielectric environment on localized surface plasmon resonances
Andrej Grubisic, V. Schweikhard, T. Baker, David Nesbitt, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15, 10616 (2013).
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Once upon Anion: A Tale of Photodetachment
Carl Lineberger, Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 64, 21-36 (2013).
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Optical multidimensional coherent spectroscopy
Steven Cundiff, Shaul Mukamel, Physics Today 66, 44 (2013).
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Optimizing bead size reduces errors in force measurements in optical traps
Rebecca Montange, Matthew Bull, Elisabeth Shanblatt, Thomas Perkins, Optics Express 21, 39 (2013).
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Photon number distributions from a diode laser
G. Roumpos, Steven Cundiff, Optics Letters 38, 139 (2013).
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Promoting children's agency and communication skills in an informal science program
R. Wulf, Kathleen Hinko, Noah Finkelstein, unknown , (2013).
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Quantum-Optical Spectroscopy of Semiconductors
Steven Cundiff, A. Hunter, R. Smith, M. Mootz, M. Kira, S. Koch, XVIIIth International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 41, 04001 (2013).
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Reflection optical two-dimensional Fourier-transform spectroscopy
H. Li, G. Moody, Steven Cundiff, Optics Express 21, 1687 (2013).
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Scattering of ultracold molecules in the highly resonant regime
M. Mayle, Goulven Quéméner, Brandon Ruzic, John Bohn, Physical Review A 87, 012709 (2013).
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Self-Trapping in an Array of Coupled 1D Bose Gases
A. Reinhard, J.-F. Riou, L. Zundel, D. Weiss, Shuming Li, Ana Maria Rey, R. Hipolito, Physical Review Letters 110, 033001 (2013).
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SPIE Proceedings Probing limits of acoustic nanometrology using coherent extreme ultraviolet light
Damiano Nardi, Kathleen Hoogeboom-Pot, Jorge Charpak, Marie Tripp, S. King, E. Anderson, Margaret Murnane, Henry Kapteyn, unknown , (2013).
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Stochastic and equilibrium pictures of the ultracold Fano-Feshbach-resonance molecular conversion rate
Tomotake Yamakoshi, Shinichi Watanabe, Chen Zhang, Chris Greene, Physical Review A 87, 053604 (2013).
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Tabletop coherent diffractive imaging of extended objects in transmission and reflection geometry
Matthew Seaberg, Bosheng Zhang, D. Adams, Dennis Gardner, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, unknown , (2013).
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The Morphology of the Ejecta in Supernova 1987A: A Study over Time and Wavelength
Josefin Larsson, Claes Fransson, Karina Kjaer, A. Jerkstrand, R. Kirshner, B. Leibundgut, P. Lundqvist, Seppo Mattila, Richard McCray, Jesper Sollerman, Jason Spyromilio, J. Wheeler, The Astrophysical Journal 768, 89 (2013).
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The process of transforming an advanced lab course: Goals, curriculum, and assessments
Benjamin Zwickl, Noah Finkelstein, Heather Lewandowski, American Journal of Physics 81, 63 (2013).
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The Universality of the Efimov Three-body Parameter
Jose D'Incao, J. Wang, B. Esry, Chris Greene, Few-Body Systems , (2013).
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Time transfer using a satellite navigation system
Judah Levine, , 363-368 (2013).
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Time-domain evidence for an excitonic insulator
S. Hellmann, T. Rohwer, M. Kalläne, K. Hanff, A. Carr, Margaret Murnane, Henry Kapteyn, L. Kipp, M. Bauer, K. Rossnagel, EPJ Web of Conferences 41, 03022 (2013).
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Ultracold Few-Body Systems
Yujun Wang, Jose D'Incao, B. Esry, Advances In Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 62, 1-115 (2013).
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Universality class of quantum criticality in the two-dimensional Hubbard model at intermediate temperatures (t2/U<<T<<t)
Kaden Hazzard, Ana Maria Rey, Richard Scalettar, Physical Review B 87, 035110 (2013).
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Unraveling quantum pathways using optical 3D Fourier-transform spectroscopy
H. Li, Alan Bristow, M. Siemens, G. Moody, Steven Cundiff, Nature Communications 4, 1390 (2013).
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Vibrationally induced charge transfer in a bimolecular model complex in vacuo
B. Knurr, Anne McCoy, J. Mathias Weber, The Journal of Chemical Physics 138, 224301 (2013).
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X-ray and radio observations of the magnetar Swift J1834.9-0846 and its dust-scattering halo
P. Esposito, A. Tiengo, N. Rea, R. Turolla, A. Fenzi, A. Giuliani, G. Israel, S. Zane, S. Mereghetti, A. Possenti, M. Burgay, L. Stella, D. Gotz, Rosalba Perna, R. Mignani, P. Romano, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 429, 3123-3132 (2013).
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Infrared scattering scanning near-field optical microscopy using an external cavity quantum cascade laser for nanoscale chemical imaging and spectroscopy of explosive residues
Ian Craig, Mark Phillips, M. Taubman, Erik Josberger, Markus Raschke, , (2013).
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Numerical modeling of scattering type scanning near-field optical microscopy
Arvindvivek Ravichandran, Edward Kinzel, James Ginn, J. D'Archangel, E. Tucker, B. Lail, Markus Raschke, G. Boreman, , (2013).
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Antenna-load interactions at optical frequencies: impedance matching to quantum systems
R. Olmon, Markus Raschke, Nanotechnology 23, 444001 (2012).
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Convergence of smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of self-gravitating accretion discs: sensitivity to the implementation of radiative cooling
W. Rice, D. Forgan, Phillip Armitage, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 420, 1640-1647 (2012).
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Axisymmetric Scattering of p Modes by Thin Magnetic Tubes
Bradley Hindman, R. Jain, The Astrophysical Journal 746, 66 (2012).
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The Butterfly Effect in the Extreme-Mass Ratio Inspiral Problem
Pau Amaro-Seoane, P. Brem, J. Cuadra, Phillip Armitage, The Astrophysical Journal 744, L20 (2012).
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Pushing the Sample-Size Limit of Infrared Vibrational Nanospectroscopy: From Monolayer toward Single Molecule Sensitivity
Xiaoji Xu, M. Rang, Ian Craig, Markus Raschke, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3, 1836-1841 (2012).
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Light on the Tip of a Needle: Plasmonic Nanofocusing for Spectroscopy on the Nanoscale
Samuel Berweger, Joanna Atkin, R. Olmon, Markus Raschke, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3, 945-952 (2012).
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Estimates of rates for dissociative recombination of NO2+ + e- via various mechanisms
D. Haxton, Chris Greene, Physical Review A 86, 062712 (2012).
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Nano-optical imaging and spectroscopy of order, phases, and domains in complex solids
Joanna Atkin, Samuel Berweger, Andrew Jones, Markus Raschke, Advances in Physics 61, 745-842 (2012).
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On the Origin of the γ-ray/Optical Lags in Luminous Blazars
Mateusz Janiak, Marek Sikora, Krzysztof Nalewajko, R. Moderski, G. Madejski, The Astrophysical Journal 760, 129 (2012).
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Optical dielectric function of gold
R. Olmon, Brian Slovick, Timothy Johnson, D. Shelton, Sang-Hyun Oh, G. Boreman, Markus Raschke, Physical Review B 86, (2012).
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Laser-assisted electron-argon scattering at small angles
Nathan Morrison, Chris Greene, Physical Review A 86, 053422 (2012).
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Phase resolved near-field imaging of propagating waves in infrared tapered slot antennas
Louis Florence, Edward Kinzel, R. Olmon, James Ginn, Markus Raschke, G. Boreman, Infrared Physics \& Technology 55, 449-453 (2012).
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On the Amplitude of Convective Velocities in the Deep Solar Interior
Mark Miesch, Nicholas Featherstone, M. Rempel, R. Trampedach, The Astrophysical Journal 757, 128 (2012).
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Waveguide Array Fiber Laser
Q. Chao, D. Hudson, Nathan Kutz, Steven Cundiff, IEEE Photonics Journal 4, 1438-1442 (2012).
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What can be learned from the seismology of a coronal loop using only a handful of frequencies?
R. Jain, Bradley Hindman, Astronomy \& Astrophysics 545, A138 (2012).
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Reconstructing the Stellar UV and EUV Emission that Controls the Chemistry of Exoplanet Atmospheres
Jeffrey Linsky, Kevin France, T. Ayres, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 8, 309-314 (2012).
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Strong-field ionization and high-order-harmonic generation during polyatomic molecular dynamics of N2O4
Michael Spanner, Jochen Mikosch, Andrey Boguslavskiy, Margaret Murnane, A. Stolow, S. Patchkovsk, Physical Review A 85, 033426 (2012).
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Dissipation efficiency of reconfinement shocks in relativistic jets
Krzysztof Nalewajko, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 420, L48 - L52 (2012).
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Invited Review Article: The statistical modeling of atomic clocks and the design of time scales
Judah Levine, Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 021101-021128 (2012).
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Design of a surface acoustic wave mass sensor in the 100 GHz range
Damiano Nardi, Elisa Zagato, Gabriele Ferrini, Claudio Giannetti, Francesco Banfi, Applied Physics Letters 100, 253106 (2012).
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Hydrodynamic outcomes of planet scattering in transitional discs
Nickolas Moeckel, Phillip Armitage, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 419, 366-376 (2012).
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Molecular Dynamics in Strong Laser Fields
Agnieszka Jaron-Becker, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 18, 105-112 (2012).
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Phase resolved near-field mode imaging for the design of frequency-selective surfaces
Edward Kinzel, James Ginn, R. Olmon, D. Shelton, B. Lail, Igal Brener, Michael Sinclair, Markus Raschke, G. Boreman, Optics Express 20, 11986 (2012).
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Strain and temperature dependence of the insulating phases of VO2 near the metal-insulator transition
Joanna Atkin, Samuel Berweger, Emily Chavez, Markus Raschke, Jinbo Cao, Wen Fan, Junqiao Wu, Physical Review B 85, (2012).
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Thermal Infrared Near-Field Spectroscopy
Andrew Jones, Markus Raschke, Nano Letters 12, 1475-1481 (2012).
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Herschel Pacs and Spire Observations of Blazar PKS 1510\textendash089: A Case for Two Blazar Zones
Krzysztof Nalewajko, Marek Sikora, G. Madejski, Katrina Exter, A. Szostek, Ryszard Szczerba, M. Kidger, Rosario Lorente, The Astrophysical Journal 760, 69 (2012).
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Wavelength Dependence of the Suppressed Ionization of Molecules in Strong Laser Fields
J. Durá, A. Grün, P. Bates, S. Teichmann, T. Ergler, A. Senftleben, T. Pflüger, C. Schröter, R. Moshammer, J. Ullrich, Agnieszka Jaron-Becker, Andreas Becker, J. Biegert, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116, 2662-2668 (2012).
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Dynamics and multiple stable binding modes of DNA intercalators revealed by single molecule force spectroscopy
Hern Paik, Thomas Perkins, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 51, 1731-1731 (2012).
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Entropic origin of Mg2+-facilitated RNA folding
Julie Fiore, Erik Holmstrom, David Nesbitt, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109, 2902-2907 (2012).
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Anisotropic Polarizability of Ultracold Polar 40K87Rb Molecules
B. Neyenhuis, B. Yan, Steven Moses, Jacob Covey, A. Chotia, A. Petrov, S. Kotochigova, Jun Ye, Deborah Jin, Physical Review Letters 109, 230403 (2012).
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Compact Binary Progenitors of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts
Bruno Giacomazzo, Rosalba Perna, Luciano Rezzolla, Eleonora Troja, D. Lazzati, The Astrophysical Journal 762, L18 (2012).
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Comparison of Two Independent Sr Optical Clocks with 1x10-17 Stability at 10^3 s
Travis Nicholson, M. Martin, J. Williams, B. Bloom, M. Bishof, M. Swallows, S. Campbell, Jun Ye, Physical Review Letters 109, 230801 (2012).
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Controlling the XUV transparency using two pathway quantum interference
Predrag Ranitovic, Xiao-Min Tong, C.W. Hogle, Xibin Zhou, N. Toshima, Margaret Murnane, Henry Kapteyn, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 388, 032072 (2012).
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Evaporative cooling of the dipolar hydroxyl radical
B. Stuhl, M. Hummon, M. Yeo, Goulven Quéméner, John Bohn, Jun Ye, Nature 492, 396-400 (2012).
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Feedback Control of a Solid-State Qubit Using High-Fidelity Projective Measurement
D. Ristè, C. Bultink, Konrad Lehnert, L. DiCarlo, Physical Review Letters 109, 240502 (2012).
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High-Throughput Examination of Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer-Detected Metal-Ion Response in Mammalian Cells
Hairong Ma, Emily Gibson, Philip Dittmer, Ralph Jimenez, Amy Palmer, Journal of the American Chemical Society 134, 2488-2491 (2012).
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Relaxation Oscillations, Stability, and Cavity Feedback in a Superradiant Raman Laser
Justin Bohnet, Zilong Chen, J. Weiner, Kevin Cox, James Thompson, Physical Review Letters 109, 253602 (2012).
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State-resolved velocity map imaging of surface-scattered molecular flux
J. Roscioli, D. Bell, D. Nelson, David Nesbitt, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14, 4070 (2012).
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Steady-State Many-Body Entanglement of Hot Reactive Fermions
Michael Foss-Feig, Andrew Daley, James Thompson, Ana Maria Rey, Physical Review Letters 109, 230501 (2012).
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Superradiant Raman laser magnetometer
J. Weiner, Kevin Cox, Justin Bohnet, Zilong Chen, James Thompson, Applied Physics Letters 101, 261107 (2012).
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The effect of poloidal velocity shear on the local development of current-driven instabilities
Krzysztof Nalewajko, Mitchell Begelman, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 427, 2480-2486 (2012).
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Universal Three-Body Parameter in Heteronuclear Atomic Systems
Yujun Wang, Jia Wang, Jose D'Incao, Chris Greene, Physical Review Letters 109, 243201 (2012).
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Universal three-body recombination via resonant d-wave interactions
Jia Wang, Jose D'Incao, Yujun Wang, Chris Greene, Physical Review A 86, 062511 (2012).
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A generalization for optimized phase retrieval algorithms
D. Adams, Leigh Martin, Matthew Seaberg, Dennis Gardner, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Optics Express 20, 24778 (2012).
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Adiabatic Loading of One-Dimensional SU(N) Alkaline-Earth-Atom Fermions in Optical Lattices
Lars Bonnes, Kaden Hazzard, S. Manmana, Ana Maria Rey, Stefan Wessel, Physical Review Letters 109, 205305 (2012).
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Cavity optomechanics with Si3N4 membranes at cryogenic temperatures
T. Purdy, R. Peterson, P.-L. Yu, Cindy Regal, New Journal of Physics 14, 115021 (2012).
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Cooling a Single Atom in an Optical Tweezer to Its Quantum Ground State
Adam Kaufman, B. Lester, Cindy Regal, Physical Review X 2, 041014 (2012).
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GPS Carrier-Phase Time Transfer Boundary Discontinuity Investigation
Jian Yao, Judah Levine, , (2012).
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Measurement of the Homogeneous Contact of a Unitary Fermi Gas
Y. Sagi, T. Drake, Rabin Paudel, Deborah Jin, Physical Review Letters 109, 220402 (2012).
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Near-threshold H2 electron and nuclear dynamics induced by attosecond pulse trains and probed by IR pulses
P. Rivière, Predrag Ranitovic, A. Palacios, J. Pérez-Torres, C.W. Hogle, Margaret Murnane, Henry Kapteyn, F. Martin, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 388, 032064 (2012).
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Solvent-Driven Reductive Activation of Carbon Dioxide by Gold Anions
B. Knurr, J. Mathias Weber, Journal of the American Chemical Society 134, 18804-18808 (2012).
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Theoretical study of the vibration-dependent electron anisotropy in O-2 photodetachment
Michal Tarana, Chris Greene, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 388, 022105 (2012).
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Turbulent linewidths as a diagnostic of self-gravity in protostellar discs
D. Forgan, Phillip Armitage, J. Simon, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 426, 2419-2426 (2012).
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Delocalization of ultracold atoms in a disordered potential due to light scattering
B. Nowak, J. Kinnunen, Murray Holland, Peter Schlagheck, Physical Review A 86, 043610 (2012).
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Energetic constraints on a rapid gamma-ray flare in PKS 1222+216
Krzysztof Nalewajko, Mitchell Begelman, B. Cerutti, Dmitri Uzdensky, Marek Sikora, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 425, 2519-2529 (2012).
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Enhancement of Vibrational Excitation and Dissociation of H2+ in Infrared Laser Pulses
Antonio Picón, Agnieszka Jaron-Becker, Andreas Becker, Physical Review Letters 109, 163002 (2012).
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General Relativistic Simulations of Accretion Induced Collapse of Neutron Stars to Black Holes
Bruno Giacomazzo, Rosalba Perna, The Astrophysical Journal 758, L8 (2012).
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Magnetic domination of recollimation boundary layers in relativistic jets
S. Kohler, Mitchell Begelman, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 426, 595-600 (2012).
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Single-Molecule Studies of the Lysine Riboswitch Reveal Effector-Dependent Conformational Dynamics of the Aptamer Domain
Larry Fiegland, A. Garst, Robert Batey, David Nesbitt, Biochemistry 51, 9223-9233 (2012).
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Superconducting Microwave Multivibrator Produced by Coherent Feedback
Joseph Kerckhoff, Konrad Lehnert, Physical Review Letters 109, 153602 (2012).
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The Role of Counterion Valence and Size in GAAA Tetraloop-Receptor Docking/Undocking Kinetics
Julie Fiore, Erik Holmstrom, Larry Fiegland, Jose Hodak, David Nesbitt, Journal of Molecular Biology 423, 198-216 (2012).
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X-ray emission from high-redshift miniquasars: self-regulating the population of massive black holes through global warming
Takamitsu Tanaka, Rosalba Perna, Z. Haiman, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 425, 2974-2987 (2012).
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A "hot-spot" model for impulsive scattering at the gas-liquid interface
L. Phillips, David Nesbitt, Chemical Physics Letters 546, 53-57 (2012).
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A Hubble Space Telescope Survey of H2 Emission in the Circumstellar Environments of Young Stars
Kevin France, E. Schindhelm, G. Herczeg, A. Brown, H. Abgrall, R. Alexander, E. Bergin, J. Brown, Jeffrey Linsky, E. Roueff, Hao Yang, The Astrophysical Journal 756, 171 (2012).
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A sub-40-mHz-linewidth laser based on a silicon single-crystal optical cavity
T. Kessler, Christian Hagemann, Christian Grebing, Thomas Legero, Uwe Sterr, Fritz Riehle, M. Martin, L. Chen, Jun Ye, Nature Photonics 6, 687-692 (2012).
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