JILA Science Publications

Displaying 6401 - 6500 of 10604


A study of the structure and dynamics of the hydronium ion by high resolution infrared laser spectroscopy. III. The ν3 band of D3O+
H. Petek, David Nesbitt, J. Owrutsky, C. Gudeman, X. Yang, D. Harris, C. Moore, R. Saykally, The Journal of Chemical Physics 92, 3257 (1990).
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Mode specific internal and direct rotational predissociation in HeHF, HeDF, and HeHCl: van der Waals complexes in the weak binding limit
C. Lovejoy, David Nesbitt, The Journal of Chemical Physics 93, 5387 (1990).
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Multiple intermolecular bend vibrational excitation of a hydrogen bond: An extended infrared study of OCOHF
David Nesbitt, C. Lovejoy, The Journal of Chemical Physics 93, 7716 (1990).
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Extracting Dynamics from Collision Data I: Analysis of Integral Angular Momentum
John Bohn, U. Fano, Physical Review A 41, 5953 (1990).
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H+O3 Fourier-transform infrared emission and laser absorption studies of OH (X 2Π) radical: An experimental dipole moment function and state-to-state Einstein A coefficients
D. Nelson, A. Schiffman, David Nesbitt, John Orlando, J. Burkholder, The Journal of Chemical Physics 93, 7003 (1990).
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Vibrational mode mixing in terminal acetylenes: High-resolution infrared laser study of isolated J states
A. McIlroy, David Nesbitt, The Journal of Chemical Physics 92, 2229 (1990).
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Three-dimensional compressible convection at low prandtl numbers
Juri Toomre, N. Brummell, F. Cattaneo, N. Hurlburt, Computer Physics Communications 59, 105-117 (1990).
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Nonlinear behavior of solar gravity modes driven by He-3 in the core. I - Bifurcation analysis
W. Merryfield, Douglas Gough, Juri Toomre, The Astrophysical Journal 353, 678 (1990).
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Polarization rotation in optical fibers due to geometric path variance
Jun Ye, Qu Li, Shao-Qing Peng, Ying-Li Chen, Applied Optics 29, 1724 (1990).
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Theory of bistability and self pulsing in a ring resonator with saturable photorefractive gain and loss
D. Lininger, David Crouch, Peter Martin, Dana Anderson, Optics Communications 76, 89-96 (1990).
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Competitive and cooperative dynamics in nonlinear optical circuits
Dana Anderson, An introduction to neural and electronic networks , 349-362 (1990).
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Competitive And Cooperative Dynamics In Photorefractive Optical Systems
Dana Anderson, C. Benkert, A. Hermanns, IEEE , (1990).
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Progress on the Determination of Intermolecular Potential Energy Surfaces From High Resolution Spectroscopy
David Nesbitt, 227, 461-470 (1990).
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Stabilization of laser beam alignment to an optical resonator by heterodyne detection of off-axis modes
Nicholas Sampas, Dana Anderson, Applied Optics 29, 394 (1990).
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Supersonic convection
F. Cattaneo, N. Hurlburt, Juri Toomre, The Astrophysical Journal 349, L63 (1990).
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A symmetry-based model for selective rotational energy transfer in collisions of spherical top molecules
Robert Parson, The Journal of Chemical Physics 93, 8731 (1990).
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Coriolis-induced vibrational energy transfer in D2CO-D2CO collisions. II. A semiclassical sudden approximation
Robert Parson, The Journal of Chemical Physics 92, 304 (1990).
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Dynamical effects of annihilation in pair-dominated winds
P. Becker, Mitchell Begelman, The Astrophysical Journal 364, 203 (1990).
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Consequences of relativistic proton injection in active galactic nuclei
Mitchell Begelman, B. Rudak, Marek Sikora, The Astrophysical Journal 362, 38 (1990).
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Global effects of thermal conduction on two-phase media
Mitchell Begelman, C. McKee, The Astrophysical Journal 358, 375 (1990).
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Steady evaporation and condensation of isolated clouds in hot plasma
C. McKee, Mitchell Begelman, The Astrophysical Journal 358, 392 (1990).
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Shock-drift particle acceleration in superluminal shocks - A model for hot spots in extragalactic radio sources
Mitchell Begelman, J. Kirk, The Astrophysical Journal 353, 66 (1990).
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Light Pollution and Volcanic Dust
Roy Garstang, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 22, 885 (1990).
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Comparison of Stellar Parameters from Line Profile Analysis with those from Stellar Evolution Calculations
S. Voels, B. Bohannan, D. Abbott, David Hummer, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 22, 743 (1990).
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A lunar gravitational wave antenna using a laser interferometer
R. Stebbins, Peter Bender, , (1990).
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A new twist to the solar cycle
F. Cattaneo, T. Chiueh, D. Hughes, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 247, 6P-9P (1990).
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A rubidium frequency standard and a GPS receiver. A remotely steered clock system with good short-term and long-term stability
D. Allan, Judah Levine, , (1990).
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Absolute and relative gravity measurements at Hannover and Potsdam in the period 1988-1990
W. Torge, R. Roder, I. Timmen, H. Kautzleben, C. Elstner, James Faller, Bureau Gravimetrique International, Bull. d\textquoterightInformation No. 68, 62\textendash69 (1990).
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Active vibration isolation for precision mechanical measurements
P. Saulson, , (1990).
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An iterative method for the solution of the statistical and radiative equilibrium equations in expanding atmospheres
D. Hillier, Astronomy and Astrophysics 231, 116-124 (1990).
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Analyses of Wolf-Rayet Stars
W.-R. Hamann, U. Wessolowski, Werner Schmutz, E. Schwarz, G. Dunnebeil, L. Koesterke, E. Baum, U. Leuenhagen, 3, 174-186 (1990).
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Astrophysical aspects of neutral atom line broadening
E. Lewis, , (1990).
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Atoms and molecules in supernova 1987A
Richard McCray, , 439\textendash460 (1990).
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Bolometric corrections for Wolf-Rayet stars: The influence of wind-line blanketing
Werner Schmutz, , (1990).
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Coherent Raman Spectroscopy: Techniques and Recent Applications
J. Nibler, 241, 313-328 (1990).
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Collision-induced laser light scattering as a source of information on properties and interactions of spherical top molecules
S. El-Sheikh, N. Meinander, G. Tabisz, , (1990).
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Collisional loss mechanisms in light‐force atom traps
T. Walker, D. Seskdo, C. Monroe, Carl Wieman, AIP Conference Proceedings 205, 593-598 (1990).
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Earth-based gravitational experiments
James Faller, General Relativity and Gravitation, 1989: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation , 345-348+ (1990).
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Effects of Mg II and Ca II ionization on ab-initio solar chromosphere models
W. Rammacher, M. Cuntz, Astronomy and Astrophysics 250, 212-219 (1990).
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Einstein and stellar sources
Jeffrey Linsky, , (1990).
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Electron and heavy particle collision processes in gas discharges at high E/n
B. Jelenković, Lj. Petrovic, Arthur Phelps, , (1990).
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Evolution from visible to infrared carbon stars
S. Kwok, S. Chan, , (1990).
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Evolution of infrared carbon stars
S. Chan, S. Kwok, Astronomy and Astrophysics 237, 354-368 (1990).
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Extension of the class of magnetic B star nonthermal radio sources
Jeffrey Linsky, S. Drake, T. Bastian, , (1990).
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Goals for the application of high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy to the diagnosis of stellar coronal plasmas
Jeffrey Linsky, , (1990).
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Gravitational radiation observations on the moon
R. Stebbins, J. Armstrong, Peter Bender, R. Drever, R. Hellings, P. Saulson, , (1990).
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Ground-truth observations of stellar surface structure from the lunar surface
Jeffrey Linsky, , (1990).
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HD193077-A Fast Rotating Wolf-Rayet Star
Werner Schmutz, 316, 227-230 (1990).
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High resolution coherent Raman spectroscopy
J. Nibler, R. Beck, K. Brown, M. Hineman, N. Triggs, , (1990).
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High-density winds: Wolf-Rayet stars \textendash A progress report about quantitative spectral analyses
W.-R. Hamann, U. Wessolowski, E. Schwartz, G. Dunnebeil, Werner Schmutz, , (1990).
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How consistent are ab initio models of giant star chromospheres with observations?
M. Cuntz, P. Judge, , (1990).
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Improved Kennedy-Thorndike experiment - a preliminary report
D. Hils, John Hall, 9, 376\textendash381 (1990).
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Is there an absolute magnitude calibration for O-type stars?
Catharine Garmany, , (1990).
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Laser probing of III-V semiconductor growth on Si(100)
Stephen Leone, , (1990).
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Mass loss upper limits for A and F dwarfs
A. Brown, A. Veale, P. Judge, J. Bookbinder, Ivan Hubeny, , (1990).
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Measurements of very low-energy ion/atom-molecule collisions
Gordon Dunn, M. Schauer, S. Jefferts, , (1990).
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Microwave and optical lunar transponders
Peter Bender, James Faller, John Hall, J. Degnan, John Dickey, X. Newhall, J. Williams, R. King, L. Macknik, D. O'Gara, R. Ricklefs, P. Shellus, A. Whipple, J. Wiant, C. Veillet, , (1990).
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Modelling the Coronae and Chromospheres of RS CVn Systems by the Analysis of Ultraviolet, X-Ray and Radio Observations
Jeffrey Linsky, 319, 747-759 (1990).
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Multiphoton bibliography 1987-1988
S. Smith, J. Eberly, J. Gallagher, , (1990).
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Nebular properties of proto-planetary nebulae
S. Kwok, Bruce Hrivnak, K. Volk, , (1990).
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New inexpensive frequency calibration service from NIST
D. Allan, D. Davis, Judah Levine, M. Weiss, N. Hironaka, D. Okayama, , (1990).
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Novel laser gain and time-resolved FTIR studies of photochemistry
Stephen Leone, , (1990).
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Observational abundances of Wolf-Rayet stars
D. Hillier, , (1990).
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Of/WN: More than a morphological distinction?
B. Bohannan, , (1990).
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Open Questions
Douglas Gough, 159, 451-475 (1990).
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Parity nonconservation in atomic physics
Carl Wieman, , (1990).
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Radiative cooling functions below 2 x 10(4) K
P. Judge, D. Neff, , (1990).
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Radiative transfer in the dynamic atmospheres of long period variable stars
D. Luttermoser, G. Bowen, , (1990).
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Results of 3rd international comparison of absolute gravimeters in Severes 1989
Y. Boulanger, James Faller, Bureau Gravimetrique International, Bull. d\textquoterightInformation No. 68, (1990).
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Search for a composition dependent force using a liquid-supported torsion balance
M. McHugh, P. Keyser, James Faller, , (1990).
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Short-term activity in the Gamma(2) Velorum system - The O-type supergiant is a nonradially pulsating star
D. Baade, Werner Schmutz, M. van Kerkwijk, Astronomy and Astrophysics 240, 105-115 (1990).
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Solar and stellar observations from the South Pole
Jeffrey Linsky, , (1990).
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Some concluding thoughts for Cool Stars VI
Jeffrey Linsky, , (1990).
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Squeezed quantum states in theory of cosmological perturbations
Leonid Grishchuk, Y. Sidorov, , (1990).
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Stellar Mass Loss Rates in Magellanic Cloud Stars
Catharine Garmany, , (1990).
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Synchronizing computer clocks using a local area network
Judah Levine, , (1990).
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Test of Newton s inverse square law of gravity using the 300-m tower at Erie, Colorado: Newton vindicated on the plains of Colorado
C. Speake, T. Niebauer, M. McHugh, P. Keyser, James Faller, J Cruz, J. Harrison, J. Maekinen, R. Beruff, , 255-262 (1990).
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The Apollo retroreflector arrays revisited: A lunar beaconed array
James Faller, , (1990).
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The diffusion of charged particles in collisional plasmas: Free and ambipolar diffusion at low and moderate pressures
Arthur Phelps, Journal of Research National Institute of Standards and Technology 95, 407 (1990).
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The Evidence That Wolf-Rayet Stars are in a Late Stage of Evolution
H. Lamers, A. Maeder, Werner Schmutz, J. Cassinelli, 316, 349-352 (1990).
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The gyroscope-weighing experiment revisted \textendash with a null result
James Faller, W. Hollander, P. Nelson, M. McHugh, 64, (1990).
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The infrared knots around SS 433
Z.-R. Wang, Richard McCray, Y. Chen, Q.-Y. Qu, Astronomy and Astrophysics 240, 98-104 (1990).
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The intrinsic H-I Lyman-alpha line profiles of late-type stars
J. Neff, W. Landsman, J. Bookbinder, Jeffrey Linsky, , (1990).
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The Near-Stellar Environment of Cool, Evolved Stars
P. Judge, R. Stencel, Jeffrey Linsky, , 179-180 (1990).
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The Theory of Fast Ion-Atom Collisions
J. Briggs, J. Macek, 28, 1-74 (1990).
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Thermal phases of the interstellar medium in galaxies
Mitchell Begelman, unknown , (1990).
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Transition from red giant to planetary nebula
S. Kwok, , (1990).
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Turbulent mixing layers in the interstellar and intracluster medium
Mitchell Begelman, A. Fabian, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 244, 26P-29P. (1990).
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Using Helioseismic Data to Probe the Hydrogen Abundance in the Solar Core
Douglas Gough, A. Kosovichev, 159, 327-340 (1990).
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Validation of the Inverse Square Law of Gravitation Using the Tower at Erie, Colorado, U.S.A.
C. Speake, James Faller, J. Cruz, J. Harrison, , 17-19 (1990).
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Wavepacket dynamics as a tool for calculation of averaged photoionization cross sections
William Reinhardt, Daniel Kerner, , (1990).
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Absorption spectra of H2-H2 pairs in the fundamental band
Wilfried Meyer, Aleksandra Borysow, Lothar Frommhold, Physical Review A 40, 6931-6949 (1989).
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An explanation of abrupt infrared cutoffs of extragalactic radio sources by shock accelerated particles including self-generated turbulence
Klaus-Dieter Fritz, The Astrophysical Journal 347, 692 (1989).
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The ultraviolet variability of HD 45166 (qWR + B8 V) - Evidence for stellar wind radiative instabilities
A. Willis, I. Howarth, D. Stickland, S. Heap, The Astrophysical Journal 347, 413 (1989).
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Atmospheric models for luminous blue variables
C. Leitherer, Werner Schmutz, D. Abbott, W.-R. Hamann, U. Wessolowski, The Astrophysical Journal 346, 919 (1989).
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Improved calculation of the quadratic Stark effect in the 6P3/2 state of Cs
H. Zhou, David Norcross, Physical Review A 40, 5048-5051 (1989).
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On the stability of Kuzmin/Toomre disks
Juhan Frank, Isaac Shlosman, The Astrophysical Journal 346, 118 (1989).
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Pulsar reenergization of old supernova remnant shells
J. Shull, Robert Fesen, J. Saken, The Astrophysical Journal 346, 860 (1989).
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Radio-continuum emission from the ionized stellar winds of warm supergiants
S. Drake, Jeffrey Linsky, The Astronomical Journal 98, 1831\textendash1841 (1989).
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Revised theory of resonant degenerate four-wave mixing with broad-bandwidth lasers
John Cooper, A. Charlton, D. Meacher, P. Ewart, G. Alber, Physical Review A 40, 5705-5715 (1989).
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