JILA's Instrument Shop is featured in the Coloradan Magazine

When James Bond needs a new gizmo to carry out acts of spymaster derring-do, he heads straight for Q. CU scientists have a gadget team of their own.To the physicists and chemists of CU-Boulder, Hans Green (Hist’95) and the JILA team say this: If you conceive it, we will build it.

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Jun Ye Selected for 2015 Presidential Rank Award

President Obama has selected JILA Fellow Jun Ye of NIST's Quantum Physics Division to receive a 2015 Presidential Rank Award. The award cited Ye's work advancing "the frontier of light-matter interaction and focusing on precision measurement, quantum physics and ultracold matter, optical frequency metrology, and ultrafast science."

Jun Ye
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A Celebration of 40 Years of Ion Chemistry: by Carl Lineberger and his Co-Conspirators See the celebration website at the link, above!

Dr. Katharine Blodgett Gebbie, long-time JILAn and former director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST's)  Physical Measurement Laboratory was honored by NIST on December 10. The most advanced laboratory building at the NIST campus in Boulder, Colo., was renamed after legendary laboratory director Gebbie.

Katharine Gebbie
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Science Buffs Features JILA’s Innovative Platform for Observing the Ultrafast and Ultrasmall

Graduate student Chris Mancuso and senior research associate Dan Hickstein of the Kapteyn/Murnane group recently spoke with Amanda Grennell, a 5th year PhD candidate in Chemistry at the University of Colorado Boulder. The researchers discussed the K/M group’s paper “Strong-field ionization with two-color circularly polarized laser fields,” which appeared in Physical Review A in March, 2015. The result is a delightful blog post of the K/M group’s groundbreaking research on imaging with circularly polarized laser fields. The story includes terrific animations prepared by Hickstein. The story was posted by the BioFrontiers Science Alliance.

Henry Kapteyn | Margaret Murnane
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Jan Hall Speaks about Light, Atomic Clocks, and Testing Einstein’s Assumptions at the Keck Institute for Space Studies

JILA's Laser Guru Jan Hall spoke about Light, Atomic Clocks, and Testing Einstein’s Assumptions on Nov. 4, 2015, at the Keck Institute for Space Studies. A lively video of the talk can be found at http://kiss.caltech.edu/new_website/lectures/Hall_Lecture_2015.html

John Hall
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Debbie Jin & Jun Ye Highly Cited Researchers for 2015

Deborah Jin and Jun Ye are Highly Cited Researchers for 2015, according to the Thomas Reuters website. The website states, "Highly Cited Researchers 2015 represents some of world’s most influential scientific minds. About three thousand researchers earned this distinction by writing the greatest number of reports officially designated by Essential Science Indicators as Highly Cited Papers—ranking among the top 1% most cited for their subject field and year of publication, earning them the mark of exceptional impact."

Jun Ye | Deborah Jin
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Carl Lineberger Awarded a 2015 Dynamics of Molecular Collisions Medal

JILA Fellow W. Carl Lineberger has been awarded the 2015 Dudley Herschbach Prize for Experiment, which includes a Dynamics of Molecular Collisions Medal. Lineberger is E. U. Condon Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at the University of Colorado, Boulder. The 2015 Dudley Herschbach Prize for Theory and a Dynamics of Molecular Collisions Medal were given to Millard Alexander, University of Maryland Distinguished University Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

W. Carl Lineberger
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Ana Maria Rey Awarded APS Fellowship

Ana Maria Rey has been awarded an APS Fellowship by the American Physical Society. The award cited "her pioneering research on developing fundamental understanding and control of novel quantum systems and finding applications for a wide range of scientific fields including quantum metrology and the emerging interface between Atomic, Molecular, and Optical physics, condensed matter, and quantum information science." 

Ana Maria Rey
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Carl Lineberger Wins NAS Award in Chemical Sciences

Carl Lineberger has won the 2015 National Academy of Sciences Award in Chemical Sciences. The award was given for his "development of molecular negative ion photoelectron spectroscopy, and the fundamental insights into molecular electron affinities and intramolecular dynamics derived therefrom." Lineberger is the E. U. Condon Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a Fellow of JILA. The award is presented with a medal and a $15,000 cash prize.

W. Carl Lineberger
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Dana Anderson Wins CO-LABS 2014 Governor’s Award

Fellow Dana Anderson has won a CO-LABS 2014 Governor’s Award for High-Impact Research in Foundational Technology. Anderson’s work in the commercialization of cold-atom technology also received an Honorable Mention for the development of a strong public/private partnership.

Dana Anderson
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Kevin Cox receives poster prize at ICAP

Graduate student Kevin Cox, of the Thompson Lab, received an "ICAP 2014 Best Poster Presentation" award at this year's International Conference on Atomic Physics in Washington DC. His poster was entitled:  "Synchronization in Superradiant Lasers".

James Thompson
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Three Young JILA Scientists Garner Poster Awards

Two JILA graduate students and one undergraduate student were recognized with awards for their posters and presentations at the recent Boulder Laboratories Postdoctoral Poster Symposium, held at NIST Boulder (325 Broadway) on Wednesday, June 18, 2014. The Outstanding Presentation Award is a special recognition for selected poster presenters at the Boulder Laboratories Postdoctoral Poster Symposium. 

James Thompson | Eric Cornell | Heather Lewandowski | Jun Ye
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Phoebe Tengdin wins NSF graduate research fellowship

Phoebe Tengdin ‘13 likes things cold … very cold. That’s because she conducts experiments in a field known as atomic physics and quantum optics, developing systems to study the properties of atoms when they become extremely cold. If all goes according to plan, experimental apparatus that Tengdin is designing and building will be used miles above the Earth on the International Space Station.

Dana Anderson
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Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, and Dana Anderson Capture CU-Boulder Technology Transfer Awards

The University of Colorado Technology Transfer Office (TTO) presented awards to Henry C. Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, and Dana Anderson on April 24 for representing the spirit of innovation at CU-Boulder and best practices in commercialization of university technologies, according to a press release issued by TTO on April 21.

Henry Kapteyn | Margaret Murnane | Dana Anderson
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Cosmic Concept: Studying Weird Physics on the Space Station

A project launching to the International Space Station in 2016 will take advantage of the microgravity and cold temperatures of orbit to do physics research that wouldn't be possible on Earth.

Read article on the Popular Mechanics website -->

Dana Anderson
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Ana Maria Rey to Receive 2013 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers

President Barack Obama has named Ana Maria Rey as one of 102 recipients of the 2013 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. This award is the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their research careers. Rey will receive her award at a Washington, DC ceremony in 2014.

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Ana Maria Rey Named 2013 MacArthur Foundation Fellow

Theorist Ana Maria Rey has received a 2013 MacArthur Fellowship, or “Genius Grant.” She is the third JILA Fellow to win a genius grant, joining Deborah Jin (2003) and Margaret Murnane (2000). The MacArthur Fellowship includes a $625,000 unrestricted grant. Rey was cited for being an “atomic Physicist advancing our ability to simulate, manipulate, and control novel states of matter through fundamental conceptual research on ultra-cold atoms.”

Ana Maria Rey
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Ana Maria Rey Wins Maria Goeppert Mayer Award

Ana Maria Rey of JILA and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has won the 2014 Maria Goeppert Mayer Award of the American Physical Society. Rey is one of the world’s top young theoretical physicists. Her specialty is atomic, molecular, and optical physics, an area in which she has shown a remarkable talent for suggesting practical applications of her theory to key experiments. Her hallmark collaborations at JILA and NIST include the fields of ultracold molecules, neutral-atom optical lattice atomic clocks, and quantum simulations. In addition to groundbreaking work at NIST and JILA, Rey collaborates with leading scientists around the world.

Ana Maria Rey
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James Thompson Awarded Department of Commerce Bronze Medal

James Thompson has been named the winner of a 2013 Department of Commerce Bronze Medal for his work on pioneering superradiant lasers. The superradiant laser is a quantum device that emits coherent lasing photons.

James Thompson
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Ana Maria Rey Wins “Great Minds in STEM” Most Promising Scientist Award

Theorist Ana Maria Rey has been given the 2013 “Great Minds in STEM” Most Promising Scientist Award. The honor is also known as the HENAAC (Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference) Award.

Ana Maria Rey
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