Ye Elected to Chinese Academy of Sciences

Submitted by cakl1977 on

Jun Ye was elected to Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences announced on November 29, 2017 the election of JILA Fellow Jun Ye as a Foreign Member, China’s highest honor for foreign scientists:

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) promotes scientific and technological advances across the world. CAS includes a network of more than 100 research and development organizations across the world; three universities; and a traditional merit-based academy analogous to the US National Academy of Sciences to recognize and convene scientific leaders from across the world.

Membership in the CAS is comparable to election to the US National Academy of Sciences, representing a significant honor for international achievement and impact in science. Members are selected to one or more Divisions, including Physics and Mathematics (the Division to which Ye was elected), Chemistry, Life Sciences and Medical Sciences, Earth Sciences, Information Technology Sciences, and Technological Sciences.

The CAS currently has 800 Chinese members and 92 foreign members, including the newest members. Foreign Members are elected from across the world based on their scientific achievements. A few examples of current foreign members of the CAS in addition to Ye include:

·       Richard Zare, Stanford, father of ultrafast laser chemistry and former JILA Fellow.

·       Klaus von Klitzing, Germany, Nobel Physics Laureate for integer quantum Hall effect.

·       Steve Chu, Stanford and Bell Labs, Nobel Physics Laureate for laser cooling and former US Energy Secretary and former JILA Visiting Fellow.

·       Charles Kao, multiple universities and industries in US, UK and Hong Kong, Nobel Physics Laureate for pioneering optical fibers.

Ye is also one of JILA’s several members of the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Similar to the CAS, the US NAS has about 2,000 US Members and about 400 Foreign Members.

Ye’s election to the CAS recognizes his world leadership in ultracold atoms and molecules, in optical lattice atomic clocks, in ultrastable lasers and femtosecond laser frequency combs, and in precision measurements.

Congratulations to Jun Ye on this great honor!

Principal Investigators