Past Events



Butcher Auditorium, A115, JSCBB 3415 Colorado Ave, Boulder, CO 80303

Mental Health Day


Happy Mental Health Day! We encourage folks to take a break from work and join us for a mindfulness exercise open to all JILAns. We will also be sharing some wonderful local mental health resources. 

Cleaning up the dusty universe with JWST and ALMA


Abstract: About half the light ever emitted by stars over the course of the history of the universe was absorbed by interstellar dust and re-radiated at long wavelengths. Dust-rich galaxies, extremely faint in visible light images, are the sites of intense starbursts that can rapidly assemble and then cut short the growth of the earliest generations of massive galaxies.

Semi-Classical Physics at Large Quantum Numbers


Lunch is provided at 12:00 pm before the talk.


Abstract:  In recent years it has been shown that strongly coupled many body systems become analytically tractable in the regime of large quantum numbers, such as large spin or large charge. We will review these developments and present applications to the theory of critical exponents.


Theory of free fermions under random projective measurements


Abstract:  We develop a theory of measurement-induced phase transitions (MIPT) for d-dimensional lattice free fermions subject to random projective measurements of local site occupation numbers. Our analytical approach is based on the Keldysh path-integral formalism and replica trick. In the limit of rare measurements, \gamma << J (where \gamma is measurement rate per site and J is hopping constant), we derive a non-linear sigma model (NLSM) as an effective field theory of the problem.

APS Round Robin Colloquium


Please join us for a very special Round Robin Colloquium. For those of you who are unfamiliar, for the Round Robin Colloquium, all members and affiliates of the APS department who are able are invited to add a slide to the slide deck and will have one minute to introduce themselves to the department.  This is a great way to get to know everyone in the huge and fabulous APS department.

As usual, please join us in the APS office at 11:45 for coffee, snax, and fun. 


Custodian Appreciation Day


Please join us in celebrating JILA's incredible custodial staff for Custodian Appreciation Day! We will have great food and all JILAns are welcome. Please come and thank the wonderful custodians who take such great care of JILA. We would not be able to do research without them!

When Noise is the Signal: Highlights in Qubit-Based Quantum Spectral Estimation


Abstract: Accurate characterization and control of open quantum systems exposed to realistic, spatio-temporally correlated noise are vital for exploiting the full potential of quantum technologies. Thanks to their exquisite sensitivity to the surrounding environment, qubits can be naturally considered as “spectrometers”, or sensors, of their own noise.