1 W.. Milner, S.. Lannig, M.. Mamaev, L.. Yan, A.. Chu, B.. Lewis, M.. Frankel, R.B. Hutson, A.M.. Rey, and J.. Ye, Science in press, (2024).
Ross Hutson
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1 R.B. Hutson, W.. Milner, L.. Yan, J.. Ye, and C.. Sanner, Science 383, (2024).
1 W.. Milner, L.. Yan, R.B. Hutson, C.. Sanner, and J.. Ye, Physical Review A 107, (2023).
1 A.. Cidrim, A.. Piñeiro Orioli, C.. Sanner, R.B. Hutson, J.. Ye, R.. Bachelard, and A.M.. Rey, Physical Review Letters 127, (2021).
1 L.. Sonderhouse, C.. Sanner, R.B. Hutson, A.. Goban, T.. Bilitewski, L.. Yan, W.. Milner, A.M.. Rey, and J.. Ye, Nature Physics 16, (2020).
1 E.. Marti, R.B. Hutson, A.. Goban, S.L. Campbell, N.. Poli, and J.. Ye, Physical Review Letters 120, (2018).
1 P.. He, M.. Perlin, S.R. Muleady, R.J. Lewis-Swan, R.B. Hutson, J.. Ye, and A.M.. Rey, Physical Review Research 1, (2019).
1 R.B. Hutson, A.. Goban, E.. Marti, L.. Sonderhouse, C.. Sanner, and J.. Ye, Physical Review Letters 123, (2019).
1 E.. Oelker, R.B. Hutson, C.. Kennedy, L.. Sonderhouse, T.. Bothwell, A.. Goban, D.. Kedar, C.. Sanner, J.M. Robinson, E.. Marti, D.-G.. Matei, T.. Legero, M.. Giunta, R.. Holzwarth, F.. Riehle, U.. Sterr, and J.. Ye, Nature Photonics 13, (2019).
1 A.. Goban, R.B. Hutson, E.. Marti, S.L. Campbell, M.. Perlin, P.S. Julienne, J.P. D’Incao, A.M.. Rey, and J.. Ye, Nature 563, (2018).