Alexandre Blais

First name
Last name
1 A.. Asfaw, A.. Blais, K.R. Brown, J.. Candelaria, C.. Cantwell, L.D. Carr, J.. Combes, D.M. Debroy, J.M. Donohue, S.E. Economou, E.. Edwards, M.F.J. Fox, S.M. Girvin, A.. Ho, H.M. Hurst, Z.. Jacob, B.R. Johnson, E.. Johnston-Halperin, R.. Joynt, E.. Kapit, J.. Klein-Seetharaman, M.. Laforest, H.J. Lewandowski, T.W. Lynn, C.R.H. McRae, C.. Merzbacher, S.. Michalakis, P.. Narang, W.D. Oliver, J.. Palsberg, D.P. Pappas, M.G. Raymer, D.J. Reilly, M.. Saffman, T.A. Searles, J.H. Shapiro, and C.. Singh, IEEE Transactions on Education 65, (2022).
1 B.J. Chapman, E.I. Rosenthal, J.. Kerckhoff, B.A. Moores, L.R. Vale, A.B. Mates, G.C. Hilton, K.. Lalumière, A.. Blais, and K.W. Lehnert, Physical Review X 7, (2017).
1 J.. Kerckhoff, K.. Lalumière, B.J. Chapman, A.. Blais, and K.W. Lehnert, Physical Review Applied 4, (2015).