1 H.. Li, E.. Halperin, S.. Ronen, and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 109, (2024).
Shai Ronen
First name
Last name
1 E.. Halperin, S.. Ronen, and J.. Bohn, Physical Review A 107, (2023).
1 S.. Ronen, and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 81, (2010).
1 R.M. Wilson, S.. Ronen, and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review Letters 104, (2010).
1 J.M. Pino, R.J. Wild, S.B. Papp, S.. Ronen, D.S. Jin, and E.A. Cornell, in Unknown (World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Storrs, Connecticut, USASingapore, 2009).
1 R.M. Wilson, S.. Ronen, and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 79, (2009).
1 J.L. Bohn, R.M. Wilson, and S.. Ronen, Laser Physics 19, (2009).
1 R.M. Wilson, S.. Ronen, and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 80, (2009).
1 S.. Ronen, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 42, (2009).
1 R.M. Wilson, S.. Ronen, J.L. Bohn, and H.. Pu, Physical Review Letters 100, (2008).