
November 18, 2021: Jun Ye Wins the 2022 Herbert-Walther Award
Photo of Jun Ye

JILA and NIST Fellow Jun Ye has been awarded the 2022 Herbert-Walther-Award from the German Physical Society and OPTICA (formerly OSA). This award recognizes distinguished contributions in quantum optics and atomic physics as well as leadership in the international scientific community.

November 16, 2021: JILA Featured in a new Quantum Documentary
Logo of  CO Office of Economic Development & Int'l Trade

CU Boulder innovators, JILA physicists, and university startup ColdQuanta are featured in a new film from the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (COEDIT) promoting Colorado's extensive quantum ecosystem.

The film interviews CUbit Director Jun Ye (Physics, JILA Fellow, NIST Fellow), Associate Research Professor Ana Maria Rey (Physics, JILA Fellow), and other members of CU Boulder's quantum community about the importance of quantum research and Colorado's prominence in the field. Dan Caruso, interim CEO of cold-atom quantum tech startup ColdQuanta—co-founded by Professor Dana Anderson (Physics, JILA)—is also extensively featured. 

Article is taken from the CUbit Quantum Initiative website. 

November 16, 2021: Jun Ye Named 2021 Highly Cited Researcher
Photo of Jun Ye

JILA and NIST Fellow Jun Ye has been named a 2021 Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher. This means that Ye is one of the 0.1%, of the world's researchers who receive this title. Clarivate™ is a data analytics company that identifies the world’s most influential researchers ─ the select few who have been most frequently cited by their peers over the last decade. Ye’s many published papers over the last year have been ranked in the top 1% by citations for field and year in the Web of Science™, according to Clarivate. Well done Dr. Ye! 

November 05, 2021: JILA Fellow Jun Ye is awarded the 2021 Niels Bohr Institute Medal of Honor
photo of the Niels Bohr Institute Medal of Honor

JILA and NIST Fellow Jun Ye has been awarded the Niels Bohr Institute Medal of Honor for 2021. This award was established in 2010 to mark the 125th anniversary of Niels Bohr’s birth. The medal is awarded annually to a particularly outstanding researcher who is working in international cooperation and exchange of knowledge, two qualities exemplified by Bohr himself.

September 09, 2021: Jun Ye wins Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics
Photo of Jun Ye

Jun Ye, fellow at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and professor adjoint of physics at CU Boulder, has been awarded the 2022 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics for his pioneering research on atomic clocks. Ye has been a physicist at JILA, a joint institute of NIST and CU Boulder, for more than 20 years. 

July 29, 2021: Life After JILA with Alumna Sara Campbell
Photo of Sara Campbell in her lab

One goal that JILA alumni have in common is to end up in successful jobs, whether in industry or academia. Such is the case for Sara Campbell, an employee at Honeywell Quantum Solutions who works on quantum computing. “We've released two commercial systems, system model, H0, and H1, and I'm building and getting ready for the next model, H2,” Campbell said excitedly. As the quantum computing sector swells with activity and capital, Campbell’s job becomes more important than ever.

July 20, 2021: Chaunkun Zhang recently quoted in Science News for Students on his work with frequency combs
Chaunkun Zhang


June 04, 2021: William Milner wins this year's GPMFC Student Poster Prize at DAMOP
Photo of William Milner

This year's winner of the Group for Precision Measurement and Fundamental Constants (GPMFC) Student Poster Prize is JILA student William Milner.  Milner's poster prize was won at DAMOP, which is a part of the American Physics Society (APS) and stands for Division of Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics.  The title of his poster was "Exploring interactions in the band insulating regime with Fermi-degenerate 87 Sr".  Congratulations Will!

May 27, 2021: Jun Ye Highlighted as one of the Department of Commerce's AANHPI Pioneers
Photo of Jun Ye

The Department of Commerce is proud to join the Nation in recognizing the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month, also known as Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. Observed annually in May, AANHPI Heritage Month is a time to reflect upon and celebrate the remarkable role of the AANHPI community in our Nation’s history. It also is a time to recognize all the many contributions and achievements within the AAHNPI community that have had a positive impact on our Nation. 

May 10, 2021: Jun Ye wins the 2021 Julius Springer Prize
photo of Jun Ye

The 2021 Julius Springer Award for Applied Physics is awarded to Professor Jun Ye for pioneering research in fundamental quantum interactions of elemental matter and light, exploiting precision optical spectroscopy and laser-lattice atomic traps.

April 16, 2021: Can the Denver, Boulder area be an epicenter for the next great tech boom?
Photo of CU Campus

A recent article in the Denver Post highlights a possible technology boom happening right here in the Denver and Boulder area. 

March 26, 2021: Jun Ye Interviewed by Buff Innovator Insights Podcast
Logo of Buff Innovator Insights Podcast

JILA Fellow Jun Ye is interviewed for the Buff Innovator Insights Podcast hosted by the CU Boulder Research & Innovation Office. 

December 10, 2020: Jun Ye wins 2020 Micius Quantum Prize

The Micius Quantum Prize recognizes significant scientific advances ranging from the early conceptual contributions to the recent experimental breakthroughs. The Micius Quantum Prize 2020 focuses on the broadly defined field of quantum metrology, recognizing scientific advances ranging from early conceptual contributions to experimental breakthroughs. The laureates this year are Carlton Caves, Hidetoshi Katori, and Jun Ye.

December 03, 2020: OSTP Quantum Division Highlights Q-SEnSE Leadership in Quantum Sensing
Q-SEnSE logo

Led by CU Boulder and designed to push the frontiers of quantum sensing, Quantum Systems through Entangled Science and Engineering (Q-SEnSE) involves 37 researchers from 11 institutes located in 6 different states (and one collaborating from Europe). 

November 20, 2020: Jun Ye named 2020 Highly Cited Researcher
Jun Ye

JILA fellow Jun Ye has been named Highly Cited Researcher for 2020 by Clarivate Analytics. Ye has been awarded the Highly Cited Researcher in the field of physics every year since 2014.

September 03, 2020: JILA’s Jun Ye named to National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee
Dr. Jun Ye meets with the Office of Science and Technology in DC

Quantum science has the potential to further revolution technology in several fields, from computing to communication. As a world-renowned leader in the field, JILA Fellow Jun Ye will advise U.S. leaders on ways to bring these advances out of the lab and into real-world applications.

August 26, 2020: New $115 Million Quantum Systems Accelerator to Pioneer Quantum Technologies for Discovery Science
JILA building

A new national quantum research center draws on JILA Fellows' and their expertise to make the United States an international leader in quantum technology.

July 21, 2020: Jun Ye to Lead New $25 Million Quantum Science and Engineering Institute

JILA Fellow Jun Ye will head new science and engineering institute to bring quantum discoveries out of the lab and into real-world applications.

July 09, 2020: JILA Helps Design Alarms for Ventilators in the COVID-19 Pandemic
CZ Biohub ventilator alarm

In the midst of a global pandemic, researchers and engineers find partnerships in unexpected places.

November 19, 2019: Fellows Jun Ye and Deborah Jin named Most Highly Cited Researchers for 2019

JILA Fellows Deborah Jin and Jun Ye were named Most Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate Analytics for 2019.