JILA Science Publications

Displaying 7501 - 7600 of 10604


Extra dimensions to remove singularities and determine fundamental constants
A. Rau, American Journal of Physics 53, 1183 (1985).
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Flowing afterglow infrared chemiluminescence studies of vibrational energy disposal in the ion\textendashmolecule reactions F-+HBr,DBr\textrightarrowHF,DF+Br-
A. Langford, Veronica Bierbaum, Stephen Leone, The Journal of Chemical Physics 83, 3913 (1985).
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Infrared spectra and band strengths of the fundamental and first overtone of HCl and DCl in liquid xenon solutions
Thomas Knudtson, E. Weitz, The Journal of Chemical Physics 83, 927 (1985).
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Infrared spectrum and autodetachment dynamics of NH-
Daniel Neumark, K. Lykke, T. Andersen, Carl Lineberger, The Journal of Chemical Physics 83, 4364 (1985).
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Interstellar cloud phase transitions - Effects of metal abundances, grains, and X-rays
J. Shull, D. Woods, The Astrophysical Journal 288, 50 (1985).
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Ion chemistry in silane dc discharges
H. Chatham, Alan Gallagher, Journal of Applied Physics 58, 159 (1985).
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Laser studies of near-resonant state-changing collisions of calcium (4s6s1S0) with the rare gases
M. Hale, Stephen Leone, Physical Review A 31, 103-112 (1985).
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Line identifications, line strengths, and continuum flux measurements in the ultraviolet spectrum of Arcturus
K. Carpenter, R. Wing, R. Stencel, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 57, 405 (1985).
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Methylene: A study of the X̃ 3B1 and ã 1A1 states by photoelectron spectroscopy of C2H- and CD2-
D. Leopold, K. Murray, A. Miller, Carl Lineberger, The Journal of Chemical Physics 83, 4849 (1985).
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Multiline transfer and the dynamics of stellar winds
D. Abbott, L. Lucy, The Astrophysical Journal 288, 679 (1985).
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Nascent vibrational and rotational distributions from the charge transfer reaction Ar++CO \textrightarrow CO++Ar at near thermal energy
G.-H. Lin, M. Jürgen, Stephen Leone, The Journal of Chemical Physics 82, 5527 (1985).
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Nonadiabatic molecular collisions. II. A further trajectory-surface-hopping study of the ArH+2 system
Sally Chapman, The Journal of Chemical Physics 82, 4033 (1985).
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Optical and radio study of the Taurus molecular cloud toward HD 29647
R. Crutcher, The Astrophysical Journal 288, 604 (1985).
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Photoelectron angular distributions in resonant multiphonon ionization of atoms
G. Leuchs, S. Smith, Journal of Soviet Laser Research 6, 296-303 (1985).
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Photofragmentation of (CO2+)n Simple energy dependence for the number of neutrals ejected, 13<n<26
M. Alexander, M. Johnson, Carl Lineberger, The Journal of Chemical Physics 82, 5288 (1985).
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Precise wavelength measurements and optical phase shifts. I. General theory
William Lichten, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 2, 1869 (1985).
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Product vibrational state distributions of thermal energy charge transfer reactions determined by laser-induced fluorescence in a flowing afterglow: Ar++CO -> CO+(v=0-6)+Ar
C. Hamilton, Veronica Bierbaum, Stephen Leone, The Journal of Chemical Physics 83, 2284 (1985).
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Product vibrational state distributions of thermal energy charge transfer reactions determined by laser-induced fluorescence: N++CO -> CO+(v=0-2)+N
C. Hamilton, Veronica Bierbaum, Stephen Leone, The Journal of Chemical Physics 83, 601 (1985).
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Multiphoton dynamics and resonance lineshapes in three-level systems: many-mode Floquet treatment
Kwanghsi Wang, Tak- San Ho, S.-I. Chu, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 18, 4539-4556 (1985).
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Li(2s to 2p) and Na(3s to 3p) excitation in Li-Na collisions
M. Kimura, R. Olson, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 18, L617 - L621 (1985).
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Electron capture in O8+ -He collisions
M. Kimura, R. Olson, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 18, 2729-2735 (1985).
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A coherence study of 2pσ-2pπ rotational coupling: Li(22P) and He(21P) orientation and alignment in 1-25 keV Li+-He collisions
N. Andersen, T. Andersen, H.-P. Neitzke, E. Pedersen, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 18, 2247-2269 (1985).
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Dielectronic recombination as a direct free-bound radiative process
Sydney Geltman, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 18, 1425-1442 (1985).
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Dielectric recombination. II. Effects on cross sections for inelastic collisions between electrons and atomic ions
A. Pradhan, M. Seaton, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 18, 1631-1635 (1985).
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Charge transfer of hydrogen ions and atoms in metal vapors
T. Morgan, R. Olson, A. Schlachter, J. Gallagher, 29, 1-152 (1985).
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J. Leibacher, R. Noyes, Juri Toomre, R. Ulrich, Scientific American 253, 48-57 (1985).
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Seismology of the Sun
J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, Douglas Gough, Juri Toomre, Science 229, 923-931 (1985).
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Photofragmentation dynamics of ketene at 308 nm: Initial vibrational and rotational state distributions of CO product by vacuum UV laser-induced fluorescence
David Nesbitt, H. Petek, Frances Foltz, Stephen Filseth, Douglas Bamford, C. Moore, The Journal of Chemical Physics 83, 223 (1985).
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Anisotropic Scattering of Electons by N2 and Its Effects on Electron Transport: Tabulations of Cross Section and Results
Arthur Phelps, L. Pitchford, , 1-24 (1985).
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Canceling beam deflection in an acousto-optic frequency shifter using a self-pumped phase conjugating mirror
Mark Cronin-Golomb, Dana Anderson, Applied Physics Letters 47, 346 (1985).
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Experimental investigations of the role of laser field fluctuations in non-linear optical absorption processes
S. Smith, , (1985).
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An Evaluated Compilation of Data for Electron-Impact Excitation of Atomic Ions
J. Gallagher, A. Pradhan, , (1985).
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On the "plasma polarization shift"
John Cooper, D. Kelleher, R. Lee, , (1985).
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The effects of X-rays from an active galactic nucleus on the interstellar medium of the host galaxy
Mitchell Begelman, The Astrophysical Journal 297, 492 (1985).
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The bright pre-main sequence variable HR 5999
P. The, T. Djie, A. Brown, C. Catala, V. Doazan, Jeffrey Linsky, R. Mewe, F. Praderie, A. Talevera, C. Zwaan, Irish Astronomical Journal 17, 79-97 (1985).
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A radiation driven stellar wind model atmosphere for the Wolf-Rayet binary V 444 Cygni
A. Pauldrach, J. Puls, David Hummer, R.-P. Kudritzki, Astronomy and Astrophysics 148, L1\textendashL4 (1985).
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Anistropic Scattering of Electrons by N2 and Its Effects on Electron Transport: Tabulations of Cross Section and Results
Arthur Phelps, L. Pitchford, , (1985).
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Classical Chaos, the Geometry of Phase Space, and Semiclassical Quantization
William Reinhardt, , 169 (1985).
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Infrared double-resonance spectroscopy of V-T, R relaxation of HF (v = 1) using an F-center laser
H. Haugen, Stephen Leone, , (1985).
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A model study of overtone-induced isomerization: The role of non-linear resonances
T. Uzer, J. Hynes, Chemical Physics Letters 113, 483\textendash488 (1985).
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Ab initio calculations of low-energy electron scattering by HCN molecules
A. Jain, David Norcross, Physical Review A 32, 134\textendash143 (1985).
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Accretion Disks in Active Galactic Nuclei
Mitchell Begelman, unknown , (1985).
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Alignment and orientation of atomic outer shells induced by electron and ion impact: Some recent developments and remaining problems
N. Andersen, J. Gallagher, I. Hertel, , (1985).
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Atomic and Molecular Polarizabilities
T. Miller, , (1985).
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Beyond Lyman Alpha, The New Frontier in Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
Jeffrey Linsky, Comments on Modern Physics, Part C - Comments on Astrophysics 10, 247\textendash255 (1985).
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Collisional Ionization. Astrophysical and Fusion Applications
J. Shull, Electron impact ionization , 327 (1985).
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Competition Between Photoionization and Two-Photon Raman Coupling
G. Leuchs, G. Alber, Stephen Smith, , 216-217 (1985).
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Condensation of Dust around the WC7 Star HD192641 = WR137
P. Williams, A. Longmore, K. van der Hucht, A. Talevera, W. Wamsteker, D. Abbott, C. Telesco, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 215, (1985).
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Current Problems of Line Formation in Early-Type Stars
D. Abbott, 152, 279-304 (1985).
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Dielectronic Recombination
Gordon Dunn, D. Belić, N. Djurić, D. Mueller, , (1985).
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Eighth North American Workshop on Cataclysmic Variables and Related Systems (Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, February 27-March 1, 1984)
R. Webbink, Comments on Modern Physics, Part C - Comments on Astrophysics 10, 189-198 (1985).
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Electron Affinities
T. Miller, , (1985).
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Electron Impact Ionization
Tilmann Märk, Gordon Dunn, , (1985).
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Electron Impact Ionization of Multicharged Ions at ORNL: 1980-1984
D. Gregory, D. Crandall, R. Phaneuf, A. Howald, Gordon Dunn, R. Falk, D. Mueller, T. Morgan, , (1985).
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Electron-Ion Ionization
Gordon Dunn, , 277-319 (1985).
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Energy transfer processes of aligned excited states of Ca atoms
Dieter Neuschäfer, M. Hale, I. Hertel, Stephen Leone, , (1985).
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Epsilon Aurigae in an evolutionary context
R. Webbink, , (1985).
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Evidence for non-radiative activity in stars with Teff 10000 K
Jeffrey Linsky, 2358, 24 (1985).
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Evolution of Massive Stars: Observational Evidence
Catharine Garmany, , 79-88 (1985).
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Field effects on Rydberg product state distribution from dielectronic recombination
Gordon Dunn, D. Belić, B. DePaola, N. Djurić, D. Mueller, A. Müller, C. Timmer, , 405\textendash438 (1985).
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Floquet-Liouville super-matrix approach for multiphoton nonlinear optical processes in intense laser fields
T.-S. Ho, S.-I. Chu, Chemical Physics Letters 122, 327\textendash332 (1985).
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GPS carrier phase ambiguity resolution over long baselines
Peter Bender, D. Larden, , (1985).
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HD 192163 variability revisited - A very short period WR binary or a pulsating star?
J. Vreux, Y. Andrillat, E. Gosset, Astronomy and Astrophysics 149, 337-342 (1985).
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High Excitation of Two Electrons
A. Rau, , (1985).
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Hydrogenic treatment of Stark effects in Rydberg atoms
D. Harmin, , (1985).
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Ionization in Gas Discharges. Experiment and Modeling
Arthur Phelps, , 335 (1985).
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Mass Loss from Red Giants: Results from Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
Jeffrey Linsky, , 31-54 (1985).
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Methods of Experimental Physics
R. Celotta, Judah Levine, 22, xix - xx (1985).
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Modeling Lines Formed in the Expanding Chromospheres of Red Giants
S. Drake, 152, 351-357 (1985).
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Multiphoton processes in intense laser fields
S.-I. Chu, , (1985).
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Multiply Excited Three-Electron Systems Studied by Optical Emission Spectroscopy
T. Andersen, S. Mannervik, Comments on Atomic and Molecular Physics 16, 185\textendash198 (1985).
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Nascent Product-Vibrational State Distributions of Thermal Ion-Molecule Reactions Determined by Infrared Chemiluminescence.
C. Hamilton, Stephen Leone, , (1985).
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Nonthermal Radio Emission and the HR Diagram
D. Gibson, , (1985).
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Observed and Computed Stellar Line Profiles: The Roles Played by Partial Redistribution, Geometrical Extent and Expansion
Jeffrey Linsky, 152, 1-26 (1985).
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Photodetachment Spectroscopy of&mdash;-CH2CN
K. Lykke, D. Neumark, T. Andersen, V. Trapa, Carl Lineberger, Theo Hansch, Yuen Shen, 49, 130-133 (1985).
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Radio Continuum Emission from Pre-Main Sequence Stars and Associated Structures
A. Brown, R. Mundt, S. Drake, 116, 105-110 (1985).
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The destruction of dust grains in collisions of a supernova with a circumstellar medium
H. Itoh, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 212, 309-323 (1985).
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The Einstein soft X-ray survey of the Pleiades
J.-P. Caillault, D. Helfand, , (1985).
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The HR Diagram for Normal Radio Stars
D. Gibson, 116, 213-218 (1985).
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The nonradial oscillation spectra of neutron stars
P. McDermott, Carl Hansen, H. Van Horn, R. Buland, Astrophysical Journal, Part 2 - Letters to the Editor 297, L37-L40 (1985).
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The proposed Columbus mission: High and low resolution spectroscopy in the 100-2000 Angstrom spectral region
Jeffrey Linsky, , 72 (1985).
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Evaluation of non-separable two-dimensional Franck-Condon Integrals
V. Lopez, T. Uzer, Molecular Physics 53, 1273-1283 (1984).
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Effects of Orbital Alignment on Inelastic Collisions of Ca(4s5p 1P1) with Helium
M. Hale, I. Hertel, Stephen Leone, Physical Review Letters 53, 2296-2299 (1984).
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Photodestruction cross sections for mass-selected ion clusters: (CO2)n+
M. Johnson, M. Alexander, Carl Lineberger, Chemical Physics Letters 112, 285-290 (1984).
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The temperature of C II emission-line formation regions in cool stars
A. Brown, K. Carpenter, The Astrophysical Journal 287, L43 (1984).
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Vibrational energy transfer pathways in CH3F under weak and strong excitation conditions: A comparison
V. Apkarian, J. Lindquist, E. Weitz, Chemical Physics Letters 112, 328-334 (1984).
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Vibrational stretch-bend coupling and the adiabatic approximation
B. Johnson, R. Skodje, William Reinhardt, Chemical Physics Letters 112, 396-402 (1984).
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Collisional redistribution of light: Far-wing line shapes and polarizations for the Ba-(Ar,Xe) systems
W. Alford, N. Andersen, Keith Burnett, John Cooper, Physical Review A 30, 2366-2380 (1984).
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Multiphoton ionization in chaotic fields with a non-Lorentzian spectrum
G. Agarwal, C. Kunasz, Physical Review A 30, 2814-2816 (1984).
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Raman Heterodyne Detection of Radio-Frequency Resonances in Sm Vapor: Effects of Velocity-Changing Collisions
J. Mlynek, C. Tamm, E. Buhr, N. Wong, Physical Review Letters 53, 1814-1817 (1984).
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Rotational mode splitting about an inclined axis
M. Aizenman, Carl Hansen, W. Pesnell, John Cox, The Astrophysical Journal 286, L43 (1984).
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Unified treatment of radiative and dielectronic recombination
G. Alber, John Cooper, A. Rau, Physical Review A 30, 2845-2848 (1984).
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Characteristics of the Fe II and C II emission in high-resolution IUE spectra (2300-3000 A) of Alpha Orionis
K. Carpenter, The Astrophysical Journal 285, 181 (1984).
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Electron-photon coincidence parameters for the 4s\textquoteright[12]01(1P1) and 4s[32]01(3P1) states of argon
F. da Paixão, N. Padial, G. Csanak, Physical Review A 30, 1697-1713 (1984).
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High-energy forward elastic scattering of electrons: Born amplitudes for a pseudostate model of atomic hydrogen
Sydney Geltman, R. Nesbet, Physical Review A 30, 1636-1642 (1984).
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Observations of interstellar hydrogen and deuterium toward Alpha Centauri A
W. Landsman, R. Henry, H. Moos, Jeffrey Linsky, The Astrophysical Journal 285, 801 (1984).
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State-Resolved Molecular Reaction Dynamics
Stephen Leone, Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 35, 109-135 (1984).
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Stretch-bend interactions in the presence of fermi resonances: A semiclassical view
T. Uzer, Chemical Physics Letters 110, 356-360 (1984).
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Temperature relaxation in supernova remnants, revisited
H. Itoh, The Astrophysical Journal 285, 601 (1984).
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Theoretical calculations for dielectronic recombination cross sections
A. Pradhan, Physical Review A 30, 2141-2144 (1984).
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