Eric Coughlin Wins 2016 IAU Thesis Prize

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Eric Coughln has been named winner of the 2016 Ph.D. Thesis Prize from the High Energy Phenomena and Fundamental Physics Division of the International Astronomical Union. He will receive the prize at the next IAU General Assemply, which will be held in Vienna in August 2018. Coughlin is also winner of the 2017 Dissertation Prize from the High Energy Astrophysics Division of the American Astronomical Society. 

The IAU Thesis Prize consists of a grant (including airfare, one week accommodation, and registration fee) to attend the IAU General Assembly where his prize certificate will be awarded. The next IAU General Assembly will be held in Vienna August 21–30, 2018. There he will have the opportunity to present his thesis work in one of the General Assembly sessions.

Coughlin, who is currently a NASA Einstein Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley, received his Ph.D. in 2016 from the University of Colorado Boulder. His thesis advisor was JILA Fellow Mitch Begelman.

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