JILA researchers garnered two Outstanding Presentation awards at the Boulder Laboratories 10th annual Postdoctoral Poster Symposium held on July 17, 2013. Bryce Gadway, a research associate in the Ye group, was recognized for his presentation “Realizing a Lattice Spin System with Ultracold Polar Molecules.” Gadway’s co-authors included poster co-presenter Jacob Covey as well as Bo Yan, Steve Moses, Kaden Hazzard, Ana Maria Rey, Deborah Jin, and Jun Ye. Covey was cited for doing a commendable job as a presenter.
Graduate student Justin Bohnet of the Thompson group received an Outstanding Presentation Award for a poster entitled “A Steady-State Superradiant Raman Laser.” Bohnet’s co-authors were Josh Weiner, Kevin Cox, Zilong Chen, Matt Norcia, and James Thompson.
Five Outstanding Presentation Awards were given to postdoctoral and graduate student researchers at the symposium. Senior scientists selected the awardees by observing outstanding quality in both poster preparation and the accompanying oral presentations.