JILA Fellow Jason Dexter Wins 2020 Sloan Fellowship

Submitted by rebeccajj on

Jason Dexter, JILA Fellow.

Image Credit
Steven Burrows/JILA

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation announced on February 12 that JILA Fellow Jason Dexter has won a 2020 Sloan Fellowship.

Dexter joined JILA in 2019. Dexter’s work revolves around black holes, specifically how gas falls into black holes and their use as probes of strong gravity. He is a core member of the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, which captured the first image of a black hole last year.

“I’m honored to receive this prestigious award," Dexter said. "Images and movies of gas falling into black holes hold tremendous promise for learning how they grow and for understanding their nature. The Sloan Fellowship will support our group’s work in maximizing the science return on these breakthrough observations using state of the art computational models."

The Sloan Fellowships recognize 126 early career researchers who have the potential to revolutionize their fields. These two-year fellowships are granted across the sciences, including chemistry, computer science, economics, mathematics, molecular biology, neuroscience, ocean sciences, and physics. Each 2020 fellow receives $75,000 for his or her fellowship.

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