Anna McAuliffe wins APS CUWiP Poster Award

Submitted by cakl1977 on

Undergraduate researcher Anna McAuliffe working in the JILA machine shop.

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CU Boulder student and JILA undergraduate researcher Anna McAuliffe won the poster competition at the 2019 Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics held at Utah State University.

McAuliffe’s poster detailed the build and installation of a cryogenic hexapole designed to mitigate clog issues in an OH decelerator. This work was the latest effort of researchers working under JILA Fellow Jun Ye to increase the density of the molecular beam.

“I am so thankful to be able to participate in the research coming out of JILA. Everyday I work in the lab is both intellectually stimulating and down-right fun!” said McAuliffe.

McAuliffe began working in Ye’s group over a year ago as a freshman. Said Ye of her early career, “This is quite unusual for an undergraduate student to start their research work at such an early stage, but Anna is very mature, and she works well with graduate students and postdocs.”

“We are very proud of Anna's achievement as a young undergraduate student,” said Ye.

The Conference for Undergradaute Women in Physics, or CUWiP, is a three-day regional conference run by the American Physical Society (APS). This year there were 12 conferences across the US and Canada, all held between 18­–20 January.

According to the APS website, “The goal of APS CUWiP is to help undergraduate women continue in physics by providing them with the opportunity to experience a professional conference, information about graduate school and professions in physics, and access to other women in physics of all ages with whom they can share experiences, advice, and ideas.”

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